him: are you available at xx time
(ive seen him once before and he was one that I won't see again. not my cup of tea. He walked in dressed and smeling like a homeless guy and was carrying millions of bags and rucksacks and bags. He was too much work wanting role play and then changing his mind, wanting to suck my tits, (YUCK) and it took me ages to air out room after he left!!!!!

I hadn't started using UM app at that point and soon as I got the app I looked him up and surprise surprise

Not a bloody chance mate. Ill sooner go back home with no money than see him again )
me: not available
him:how about at 7pm? 7.15?
me: not available all evening.
him: maybe 8pm? 9pm? 9.15? (10 texts of similar nature)
I ignore texts.
Him:But I took the day off so I could see you!! if you dont see me then I will have to book another escort.[/b]
ME: I block him.
Now, 1.why would you take a day off to see an escort for 30 minutes?? and 2. Why would you be so bold as to assume that I would definitely see you even without speaking to me first?
poor me. some poor unsuspecting WG is going to have to deal with your smelly, bag wielding and strange self.