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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688726 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11700 on: 05 September 2017, 11:11:40 am »
Annnnd another email.....


Good Morning as you read this mail saw your Profile on your Website and wanted to Meet up with you.

I am 44 yrs old single and a Virgin and want to end my Virginity and meet a woman who can offer the Real Girl Friend Experience with Lots of Kissing, Cuddling and love making in all Tantric positions if possible.

I run a Small Business in UK and i am basically into online selling of Products .

I have done a Tantric Ritual Course in 2005 and i can do tantric Massage and Tantric Love Making.

I am very nervous as i have not met any women in the last 9 yrs for massage or for Love making would love to meet up with you and explore my hidden Fantasies if that is possible do let me know on this .

MY Numbers are ********* tried calling you but for a long time it was not reachable .

Look forward to hearing from you and i would love you to be the 1st Woman to touch me and give me lots of love and passion during the time we spend together



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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11701 on: 05 September 2017, 11:49:05 am »
I know which site most of these 'enquiries' are coming from...

Hi there, am Z*** am 25. I saw your ad and wondered if you are available?

Ps is it OK am a virgin with a small penis.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11702 on: 05 September 2017, 01:59:55 pm »
And how could I forget this, from a drug dealer  ???

Text: Hey Its A, I've Got Top Quality Coke, Standard Coke, MDMA And Weed In Stock, Quality Is 10/10, 24/7 Delivery's All Over London! Call Me On 07********(

Me: You texted an escort not a junkie.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11703 on: 05 September 2017, 02:12:10 pm »
I have ?30. Can I see you?


These two gems were different people and my text. I don't think I need to say anymore.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11704 on: 05 September 2017, 02:20:20 pm »
Nott sure this is the right thread, but it did make me laugh!

Evening, how are you?? Been up to much?

A bit weird I know, but I'm looking to be in an open relationship (where only she has other guys and I don't see anyone else) I'm not the clingy, controlling, possessive, insecure type. I absolutely love knowing that my partner (when I have one) is having fun and enjoying herself. I find it so hot!

I like someone who is open minded, kinky, naughty, cheeky, flirtatious, loves lots of banter, lots of laughs and good times together. Dating sites are full of stuffy, snotty nosed people and that is just not for me.

I got some face pics on here, have a look. If you want to chat add me on like bla bla my number is bla bla.

Scott xx

I had no idea that adultwork was also a dating site!

Yes some guys use it as one. I'd actually be interested in him. He's just what I'm after at present....although I bet he's absolutely minging to look at. They always are.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11705 on: 05 September 2017, 04:34:39 pm »
Classic AW knobhead email 'My regular girl charges me 20 for 10mins play and 69 to finish,I don't want sex.If you can match this then I'll come to see you regular instead'
Feeling particularly annoyed with the timewaster fest which is the 6 week hols I replied with 'If I was you I would stick with your regular lady,it sounds like a good deal to me.As you can see from my profile I charge 40 for a quickie and I'd rather have a quick protected shag than stick your unprotected cock in my mouth and for half my fee as well!I also make it clear I don't entertain cheeky cheapskate hagglers and I think I'll just about survive without your 'regular' 20'.
He deleted my reply almost straight away..was it something I said? :(


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11706 on: 05 September 2017, 05:11:03 pm »
Classic AW knobhead email 'My regular girl charges me 20 for 10mins play and 69 to finish,I don't want sex.If you can match this then I'll come to see you regular instead'
Feeling particularly annoyed with the timewaster fest which is the 6 week hols I replied with 'If I was you I would stick with your regular lady,it sounds like a good deal to me.As you can see from my profile I charge 40 for a quickie and I'd rather have a quick protected shag than stick your unprotected cock in my mouth and for half my fee as well!I also make it clear I don't entertain cheeky cheapskate hagglers and I think I'll just about survive without your 'regular' 20'.
He deleted my reply almost straight away..was it something I said? :(

That made me chuckle.

Had so many TWs this morning, and I know most of them came from Cracker (aka BP), nearly all of them wanted cheap massages, or RP I didn't offer.

Then there was the guy who seemed to take on board he had to read the website, rang back, made a booking ...and then...

Him: 'Can I see you for X amount' (?60 under my 1 hr fee)

Me: Did you really just ask that, NO, don't say sorry just don't ask that!!

Dynamite Doll

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11707 on: 05 September 2017, 06:48:25 pm »
Idiot: Hello is this J
Me: Yes it is would you like to meet today if so what part of London are you in?
Idiot: How big are you tits ( At this point i knew was a timewaster)
Me: All my details are on my advert
Idiot: I would like to stick something between them what would you like
Me: English sterling fifity notes
Idiot: No I stick   (I hung up before he could say cok) :FF


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11708 on: 05 September 2017, 07:19:02 pm »
Registered on AW 2 days before sending me this;

Hey babe,

I want to see you but I dont have a mobile that I can call you from.

Is there any other way to confirm a booking ?



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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11709 on: 05 September 2017, 07:48:10 pm »
Idiot: Hello is this J
Me: Yes it is would you like to meet today if so what part of London are you in?
Idiot: How big are you tits ( At this point i knew was a timewaster)
Me: All my details are on my advert
Idiot: I would like to stick something between them what would you like
Me: English sterling fifity notes
Idiot: No I stick   (I hung up before he could say cok) :FF

This reminds me of the time a time waster asked me what turned me on.... my reply "crisp ?50 notes"
?Some say that a woman that trades her body for money is a whore, if that is the case, then a woman that trades her body for flattery and kind words is just a whore that is not paid as well.?
― Carl R White


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11710 on: 05 September 2017, 08:41:53 pm »
Him- U seem filthy! What's the catch?
Me- You have to pay for it
Him- How much? And do you have any Face photos? I'm scared you may be some fat old person.
Me- Quite the charmer you are arnt you?
Him- lol well I'm not brad Pitt

No shit Sherlock :P
'I don't know, its like there's a light at the end of the tunnel'
'That's hellfire, Dean'


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11711 on: 05 September 2017, 08:59:02 pm »
Available Today brings out the real fuckin morons I swear.

I ask for a minimum I hr notice; so I miss a call with a couple of guys, one in particular...when I text availability, says 'I was looking for now not later

I remind him it's one hr minimum notice, he texts back some guff he thought I might still be available anyway, and 'sorry if I got your back up', No I say you haven't but I don't bend the rules for anyone, and they are there clear as day.

That's the end of that I think as I block the idiot, but no.....I happen to check my blocked texts just now and...

Ok I respect that, Would you like to meet up. That is if you are the X station and welcome a visit say at 7pm (although I recall 7.30 was the preference.

Preference  ??? That was my absolute minimum notice  :FF and btw this text sent at 6.40 and he was asking for 7 despite my explicit reminders about how much notice I need, what a moron! (Oh yeh he'd also tried to call...)
« Last Edit: 05 September 2017, 09:00:41 pm by SimplySinful »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11712 on: 05 September 2017, 09:02:50 pm »
Idiot: hi hun

can you meet me in a nice 4 star hotel [hotel] near central station for an hour or two ? whats the best price you can do it for, please be reasonable hun

thank you

[number] whatsapp

Me:Considering you clearly haven't read a word of my profile and have made an (unsuccessful) attempt at haggling, we will not be meeting.

Him: then fuck off thank you


The idiot already asked me to move to Greece with him twice  :FF


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11713 on: 06 September 2017, 09:34:07 am »
I offer a Domme service and had this call this morning

"Hello Mistress can I book you?"
"Yes sure, where are you?"
"I don't cover that area, can you book a hotel in Leeds?"
"Book the hotel and ring me back"

2 mins later he called me back
"That was fast, did you book online?"
"No Ive not booked, I'm wondering if we can do it in my car and can you bring a long whip?"

My long whip is nearly a 7 feet long!!.... How does he expect me to swing that about in a car?  :FF
?Some say that a woman that trades her body for money is a whore, if that is the case, then a woman that trades her body for flattery and kind words is just a whore that is not paid as well.?
― Carl R White


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #11714 on: 06 September 2017, 09:52:57 am »
Can u send me your postcode no questions just I.comimg over at 11 .
No your not darling you don't get to choose what time suits without asking if I had other bookings
He's got a long wait for the postcode!!