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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688772 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8010 on: 10 November 2015, 12:18:17 am »
Just had this

I am in London for 3 days on 9th Dec and would be v interested in an Incall or Outcall booking for 2-3hrs on Friday with you. I am mid 40s, Single and work as an NHS Professional at a NW Teaching Hospital. I have regular check ups at NHS Warrington STD Clinic and made my 84th Blood Tests and donation on the 8th October, previous tests this year have been February and June; all results have been negative and I can bring the latest NHS Mersey NBS Documents as proof with ID. I have one little request, I am not keen on condoms.

I would like Sex bareback, but NOT to completion, pull out and cum on your body or where you want me to. I can bring champagne, wine or Spirits if you prefer to make things more enjoyable. I can also bring exotic massage oils and creams, good quality poppers (no headache) or if u prefer something stronger and Columbian!!. I also have a cock ring and tingly gel. I am fully shaven and looking for a regular, adventurous lady to see when I visit London (4? a yr( which may include overnites. You can check out my v good feedback on AW at *WANKER1*. I hope this gives you a little information and hope to see you soon.
Best wishes
"WANKER" /quote]

Obviously I pointed out to him the window periods for sTI'S 2 weeks for chlamidya and gonorrhoea and 1-3 months for HIV depending on the test you use. So i would have to live with him for 3 months to make sure he doesn't have any sex.

 I then explained my ?1.5 million bill in order to complete this. (which included my counselling bill because I would be mentally scarred having him come anywhere near me)

Wankers everywhere ><
« Last Edit: 10 November 2015, 12:56:22 am by politics999 »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8011 on: 10 November 2015, 12:21:14 am »
It's extra worrying when they claim to be an "NHS professional".
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8012 on: 10 November 2015, 12:52:02 am »
I know right! He probably just said that to try and make his request seem legitimate. like the ones who always claim they're doctors  ;D

What worried me was that he has tons of feedback from some girls I know. I know that it doesn't mean he's bb everyone of them but oh dear.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8013 on: 10 November 2015, 12:52:59 am »
oops realised I left his AW name in there >< lol


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8014 on: 10 November 2015, 12:17:36 pm »
oops realised I left his AW name in there >< lol

This is fine, it's not identifying :)

"NHS Professional" probably means admin assistant in the account department.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8015 on: 10 November 2015, 12:20:32 pm »
I think the nhs guy has been doing the rounds for years it's the same cut and paste job I have seen on other places and heard other girls mention.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8016 on: 10 November 2015, 02:05:35 pm »
Just had this

I am in London for 3 days on 9th Dec and would be v interested in an Incall or Outcall booking for 2-3hrs on Friday with you. I am mid 40s, Single and work as an NHS Professional at a NW Teaching Hospital. I have regular check ups at NHS Warrington STD Clinic and made my 84th Blood Tests and donation on the 8th October, previous tests this year have been February and June; all results have been negative and I can bring the latest NHS Mersey NBS Documents as proof with ID. I have one little request, I am not keen on condoms.

I would like Sex bareback, but NOT to completion, pull out and cum on your body or where you want me to. I can bring champagne, wine or Spirits if you prefer to make things more enjoyable. I can also bring exotic massage oils and creams, good quality poppers (no headache) or if u prefer something stronger and Columbian!!. I also have a cock ring and tingly gel. I am fully shaven and looking for a regular, adventurous lady to see when I visit London (4? a yr( which may include overnites. You can check out my v good feedback on AW at *WANKER1*. I hope this gives you a little information and hope to see you soon.
Best wishes
"WANKER" /quote]

Obviously I pointed out to him the window periods for sTI'S 2 weeks for chlamidya and gonorrhoea and 1-3 months for HIV depending on the test you use. So i would have to live with him for 3 months to make sure he doesn't have any sex.

 I then explained my ?1.5 million bill in order to complete this. (which included my counselling bill because I would be mentally scarred having him come anywhere near me)

Wankers everywhere ><

I had that exact same email ages ago. I politely declined.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8017 on: 10 November 2015, 03:24:37 pm »
Just had this

I am in London for 3 days on 9th Dec and would be v interested in an Incall or Outcall booking for 2-3hrs on Friday with you. I am mid 40s, Single and work as an NHS Professional at a NW Teaching Hospital. I have regular check ups at NHS Warrington STD Clinic and made my 84th Blood Tests and donation on the 8th October, previous tests this year have been February and June; all results have been negative and I can bring the latest NHS Mersey NBS Documents as proof with ID. I have one little request, I am not keen on condoms.

I would like Sex bareback, but NOT to completion, pull out and cum on your body or where you want me to. I can bring champagne, wine or Spirits if you prefer to make things more enjoyable. I can also bring exotic massage oils and creams, good quality poppers (no headache) or if u prefer something stronger and Columbian!!. I also have a cock ring and tingly gel. I am fully shaven and looking for a regular, adventurous lady to see when I visit London (4? a yr( which may include overnites. You can check out my v good feedback on AW at *WANKER1*. I hope this gives you a little information and hope to see you soon.
Best wishes
"WANKER" /quote]

Obviously I pointed out to him the window periods for sTI'S 2 weeks for chlamidya and gonorrhoea and 1-3 months for HIV depending on the test you use. So i would have to live with him for 3 months to make sure he doesn't have any sex.

 I then explained my ?1.5 million bill in order to complete this. (which included my counselling bill because I would be mentally scarred having him come anywhere near me)

Wankers everywhere ><

I had that exact same email ages ago. I politely declined.

I imagine it's been spammed a lot his writing style is a lot like the Nigerian scammers I get calling me and in my inbox often. They love very long winded overly descriptive posts  like they are writing an official letter I'm no sure exactly the reason maybe they think it makes them come off more genuine and high class.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8018 on: 10 November 2015, 03:50:10 pm »
It's extra worrying when they claim to be an "NHS professional".

I had a client a couple of weeks ago not long after I just started who spent the whole booking asking for bareback and insisting he was safe because he was a doctor. He did not seem like a doctor to me as I've seen a few since as clients and they were all very middle class and professional, this guy looked more like a drug dealer. He spent the whole booking trying to manipulate me with the 'if you want me as a regular' lines to try and get me to break my boundaries. Some people are just horrible human beings.
If we're not supposed to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8019 on: 10 November 2015, 05:11:33 pm »
I thought he might be a copy and paste job! I never take bb seriously because they all sound like time wasters.
I had a look at his feedback he has like 57 and there were service providers on there, who have then gone on to see some people who have emailed me looking for service. I was being nosy and noticed names. (possible sharing of feedback?)

He got upset at my sarcastic replies and said he didn't have to stand for the abuse and questions on his integrity. (Not sure where he got that from)  ;D but honestly I can't stand people emailing me about something I very clearly do not do with bogus claims and then get upset with my response.  ???  You emailed me mate. Email at your own peril.

Librarylady what a total tool. I didn't know being a "doctor" or a "Nhs professional" somehow makes you disease resistant/ for some reason "safer."
Wouldn't that make me more weary considering the fact that doctors come into contact with more pathogens, bacteria, viruses etc than usual?  ??? ???


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8020 on: 10 November 2015, 05:41:16 pm »
Had it all today.Do you like big knobs?Why are you a big knob?You sound like one!
And bloke wanting to see me at 8pm that sounded like a creep I said no so he asked if he could have a 15 min asap.Thought hmmm ok then he then asked if I used my tongue so I said yes kissing and oral wouldn't be much fun without it..he then said no on my arse.I replied not on a basic 15 min quickie he seemed shocked..but why not?Cos I don't feel like going near your arse for ?40!Or entertaining anyone who sounds so rude.God do you reckon these guys ever get a good booking when they are so obnoxious and arrogant sounding on the phone?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8021 on: 10 November 2015, 06:42:19 pm »
I received this corker today....
Hi I would really like to meet you today but I don't get paid until next Friday, but I'm horny now. So I can't pay you but I have an expensive watch I can give you. After our meeting you will sell it and get ?140 for it. What time can you be available?


Wow, his watch is worth exactly the price of a booking LOL

whats wrong with him? , there are payday loans or wonga !!!!!
It's actually ?10 cheaper than my hourly rate...I kindly suggested he sell the watch himself and then he would have cash for the booking :)...oddly enough I didn't get a reply hahaha x


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8022 on: 10 November 2015, 07:44:36 pm »
Had a number of messages today.....
"When are you available"
"When are looking at booking and I'll tell you if I'm available"
"Well, I'll tell you when I want to book when I know when you're available - maybe Friday at 5:30pm"
"Well you will need to confirm Friday afternoon"
"Oh but I may need to cancel last minute, would that be ok...I'll give you 10-15 minutes notice"
"Erm, let me think about that one - how about sod off and play text tennis with someone else and stop wasting my time" PRICK  :FF
"Ok, sorry, but can I still book just in case"
"Yeah course, I'll sit here and wait...actually on seconds thoughts, sling it and you are now BLOCKED"
Priceless!!  >:(

Dick number 2!
"Hi, how are you?" (about 16 kisses attached)
"Hi, WHO are you?"
"I'm xxx, fancy meeting me in my car and letting me smell your feet for 5 minutes and I'll buy you a pair of shoes (but I want regular pics of your feet). I see from your profile you are a tall lady so are your legs  really long. How long are they? Will you push the pedals in my car with bare feet and spread your toes before I smell your feet - I'm rock hard now thinking about it. Want a picture of my cock?'
WHAT THE FUCK  :o ;D I'm guessing he half expected me to say, 'yeah I'll do all that but sod the shoes, I'll do it for a cones of chips and a scallop and provide free footsie wank material' - what a tool!

Oh and the email from a guy saying can I book an hour with you to tie me up with 50 pairs of tights! Hmmm, yeah that's going to work - an hour to tie that many pairs of tights up, three times as long to undo them makes that 4 hours. Pass!!!  ::)

« Last Edit: 10 November 2015, 07:55:23 pm by Lois01827 »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8023 on: 10 November 2015, 07:49:36 pm »
I've heard of the 50 pairs of tights guy before.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #8024 on: 10 November 2015, 07:53:05 pm »
I've got plenty of tights and stockings etc, but no way would I sit untangling them buggers - it's bad enough untangling 3 pairs when I take them out the dryer!

Oh and talking of fantasists, also had one dude ask if I can constantly kick him in the balls for half hour, even if he's crying - WTF!! By the end of the messages he kept sending, I'd have done it for free with steel toe cap boots - gladly  >:(