Had a number of messages today.....
"When are you available"
"When are looking at booking and I'll tell you if I'm available"
"Well, I'll tell you when I want to book when I know when you're available - maybe Friday at 5:30pm"
"Well you will need to confirm Friday afternoon"
"Oh but I may need to cancel last minute, would that be ok...I'll give you 10-15 minutes notice"
"Erm, let me think about that one - how about sod off and play text tennis with someone else and stop wasting my time" PRICK

"Ok, sorry, but can I still book just in case"
"Yeah course, I'll sit here and wait...actually on seconds thoughts, sling it and you are now BLOCKED"

Dick number 2!
"Hi, how are you?" (about 16 kisses attached)
"Hi, WHO are you?"
"I'm xxx, fancy meeting me in my car and letting me smell your feet for 5 minutes and I'll buy you a pair of shoes (but I want regular pics of your feet). I see from your profile you are a tall lady so are your legs really long. How long are they? Will you push the pedals in my car with bare feet and spread your toes before I smell your feet - I'm rock hard now thinking about it. Want a picture of my cock?'

I'm guessing he half expected me to say, 'yeah I'll do all that but sod the shoes, I'll do it for a cones of chips and a scallop and provide free footsie wank material' - what a tool!
Oh and the email from a guy saying can I book an hour with you to tie me up with 50 pairs of tights! Hmmm, yeah that's going to work - an hour to tie that many pairs of tights up, three times as long to undo them makes that 4 hours. Pass!!!