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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688716 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6255 on: 11 October 2014, 07:27:41 pm »
"Wow! You look HOT for your age!"


Nia Hope

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6256 on: 11 October 2014, 08:32:01 pm »
A text earlier,

I am a driver for escorts so know this business, I am happy to drive you for outcalls and a booking with you wud let me know if u are a busy escort, I am saving sum money frm my driving or I cd see u at no cost and do the driving reducd price, thnks Hun.

The spelling mistakes are his not mine! X
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6257 on: 12 October 2014, 02:43:49 pm »
Another on! God I've had some idiots this weekend  :FF
Hi, I'd like to come and see you but don't want to rush into things, I'm near to you now so could I come and check things out to make sure you're genuine?

I said, so you just wanna come and have a look?

Him, yes.

Me, ok but you have to pay,

Hi, I won't even touch you, just look.

I am on a very short fuse this weekend so I did basically tell him to go fuck himself! I must add he was extremely arrogant, sometimes I bloody hate this job! X
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6258 on: 12 October 2014, 04:54:26 pm »
My one and only serious email from vivastreet was from a guy who obviously had absolutely no clue what he was doing. We arranged a day and then he said 'should I book a hotel now?' 'How about this one?' 'I had a look around but the shower seems a bit small?' 'Do you want to shower together?' 'Well, it's up to you, it's your body'

He was driving me up the wall I was tempted to just cancel the booking. He asked what my prices were twice, then sent an email saying some of my friends told me some escorts don't do what they say they will on their profile. Replied telling him I'm not a liar, my profile is honest, I have lots of positive feedback etc. Then he asked if I wanted to stay overnight -  he'd already said he could only afford to book for 3 or 4 hours so I didn't even bother telling him what my overnight price was and just declined  ::) Then a couple of days before he said could we meet at the wetherspoons nearby for a few drinks - I said sure, but you'll still need to pay me and he said 'I see, business is business with you,, interesting, says a lot about a person' I was so annoyed - yes! This is my business and it's how I make a living, no professional just gives away free time. Needless to say we didn't end up meeting, I didn't even cancel and he never emailed again.

I wouldn't normally have kept on replying to his emails for so long but he was one of the only serious emails I got from vivastreet and I wanted to at least get one booking from there seeing as I paid for the ad  :FF


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6259 on: 13 October 2014, 01:32:35 am »
^yeah, I didn't even renew Vivastreet this month, I always got horrible inquiries from there. People who barely read the advert and didn't even know my prices, thought I offered services I didn't offer-- I always double check with prices, but it's not a habit of mine to say "so you know how it says I don't do anal on my advert? well, that means I really don't do anal so if that's what you're looking for I'm not the girl for you." AW is all I use anymore!

I deleted it or I'd post it, but some guy emailed me around 10pm asking if I was available at 11pm for an incall, and do I offer OWO? And I need to respond to him ASAP, as he would have to get in the shower right away. The nerve! Ugh. Seriously, it says in my profile I need at least 3 hours notice for a booking and clearly states I offer OWO, it drives me up the wall when men don't read my damn profile. And I just found him snapping at me to respond to him quickly when he was being an ass emailing me last minute quite irritating.  ::)
« Last Edit: 13 October 2014, 01:34:51 am by Sexy_Kitty »
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6260 on: 13 October 2014, 02:00:36 am »
Yeh, one line creepy emails like this were pretty much all I got from vivastreet,

'hi.....dear.....I like u ....I want meet u....tell me where u live......and how much is one hr'

I know you can't put anything about offering sexual services on your ad but the two things he's asking (for an incall and my rates) were actually things that were answered in my ad with 'available for outcalls' in the title ::)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6261 on: 13 October 2014, 10:53:43 am »
A guys sms last night at 10 pm:

Hi, any appt please?

I answered telling him I finished my day and Im off to bed but I can see him next day.

Him: Website mentioned until 11 pm.

I explained him as Im Independent, I choose when to finish my day,not him.

He insisted, saying he texted me based on my website working hours.

Me: You clearly dont know the meaning of Independent or take no for an answer. Blocked.

No one make me so pissed off in a long time, this guy is the winner :D
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6262 on: 13 October 2014, 02:07:05 pm »
This guy

As I enjoy giving pleasure at least as much as I enjoy receiving it, I tend to operate on a ?150 for two hours basis. I understand that this is not within your advertised price range, but I could not resist your advertisement. This is not a strict requirement and a happy and fulfilling time is more important to me than price.

Oh I hate the ones who try to barter. Grrrrr.
Some people are good with numbers, they become accountants. I'm useless with numbers but very good at sex.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6263 on: 14 October 2014, 02:09:00 pm »
Just recieved this brilliant call   ;D

Him: Hi I saw you on Adultwork, this might sound strange but I'm a gardener and I was wondering if your flat or house has a garden.

Translated "I want you to see me for free and I will cut your grass"


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6264 on: 14 October 2014, 03:49:56 pm »
This guy

As I enjoy giving pleasure at least as much as I enjoy receiving it, I tend to operate on a ?150 for two hours basis. I understand that this is not within your advertised price range, but I could not resist your advertisement. This is not a strict requirement and a happy and fulfilling time is more important to me than price.

Oh I hate the ones who try to barter. Grrrrr.

Ugh. Wordy bartering is the worst.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6265 on: 14 October 2014, 03:52:56 pm »
Just recieved this brilliant call   ;D

Him: Hi I saw you on Adultwork, this might sound strange but I'm a gardener and I was wondering if your flat or house has a garden.

Translated "I want you to see me for free and I will cut your grass"

LOL. Maybe he just wants to get down and dirty in the garden ;)
Some people are good with numbers, they become accountants. I'm useless with numbers but very good at sex.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6266 on: 14 October 2014, 05:24:35 pm »
Just recieved this brilliant call   ;D

Him: Hi I saw you on Adultwork, this might sound strange but I'm a gardener and I was wondering if your flat or house has a garden.

Translated "I want you to see me for free and I will cut your grass"

LOL. Maybe he just wants to get down and dirty in the garden ;)

Lol maybe :-) That would have been awkward if I did live in a flat as they tend to have shared gardens, thats if they even have one.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6267 on: 14 October 2014, 08:00:59 pm »
I once had a guy request a booking where I was to LEAVE THE DOOR TO MY HOTEL ROOM OPEN whilst we were having sex "just in case anyone wants to walk in and join."

Apparently he needed some excitement in his life.  ::)
Some people are good with numbers, they become accountants. I'm useless with numbers but very good at sex.

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6268 on: 16 October 2014, 06:49:11 pm »
After exchanging a few txts with a client the other day this happened-
-So, Want to come see me?
-Not at those unrealistic prices
-I'm busy at those rates so no discounts
-As if. It should be 'come and see' not 'come see.' Poor English.
(I used to be an English teacher. Admittedly with next to no qualifications teaching ESL in Tokyo and Phuket but still..)
-It's called a stacked motion verb.The way I used it is colloquial but not incorrect. Here's another example of two consecutive verbs in a colloquial phrase- "Go F**k yourself"


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #6269 on: 16 October 2014, 10:09:36 pm »
Just had a guy ask me for a car meet, which I refused.  He then responded with what about outdoor fun, because it's his fantasy to bend 'an older woman' over outside.

An older woman!  I'm 31, profile age 28!  I feel about 164.   :FF