My one and only serious email from vivastreet was from a guy who obviously had absolutely no clue what he was doing. We arranged a day and then he said 'should I book a hotel now?' 'How about this one?' 'I had a look around but the shower seems a bit small?' 'Do you want to shower together?' 'Well, it's up to you, it's your body'
He was driving me up the wall I was tempted to just cancel the booking. He asked what my prices were twice, then sent an email saying some of my friends told me some escorts don't do what they say they will on their profile. Replied telling him I'm not a liar, my profile is honest, I have lots of positive feedback etc. Then he asked if I wanted to stay overnight - he'd already said he could only afford to book for 3 or 4 hours so I didn't even bother telling him what my overnight price was and just declined

Then a couple of days before he said could we meet at the wetherspoons nearby for a few drinks - I said sure, but you'll still need to pay me and he said 'I see, business is business with you,, interesting, says a lot about a person' I was so annoyed - yes! This is my business and it's how I make a living, no professional just gives away free time. Needless to say we didn't end up meeting, I didn't even cancel and he never emailed again.
I wouldn't normally have kept on replying to his emails for so long but he was one of the only serious emails I got from vivastreet and I wanted to at least get one booking from there seeing as I paid for the ad