We've mentioned this guy before (the all-you-can eat buffet one), here's a bit more (cut from our recent warnings and wasters post on this douchebag):
He started off fine - although a little off but I can't say why ("I am a mature, respectful Caucasian gentleman. Now in my 50's I enjoy the company of attractive young ladies with a sense of fun as well as a sense of humour."). Mentioned that he wanted to meet Amy alone, which is fine as we now offer that as a service, as well as mentioning that he may like to have a threesome in the future.
So far so good. We let him know that that's all ok. He then replied and mentioned that he'd like to try watersports with Amy standing over him in heels etc, and also that he wanted to use pussy pops.
We let him know that we always do watersports in the bath for cleanliness, which wouldn't be possible with heels but we could accommodate with all his other clothing requests. We also mentioned that we only had a photo of the pops for the sales section, and didn't offer it as a service.
He replied and started quoting parts of our profile, trying to make it sound like we offered these services - which is probably when we should have blocked him. Choice quote:
Watersports in the bath is usually a very cold and clinical affair, totally lacking any eroticism. This is why I prefer to drink whilst being face sat. I never spill a drop unless the lady has no control at all.
Almost accusing Amy of having no control! He did mention that he would respect our wishes but did so in a very sneery, sarky way which is hard to describe but leaves you with the sense that he thinks he's could find much better elsewhere etc. Anyway we replied and said that it's important as we rent etc and can not afford to let the carpets get soaked in piss! And the reasons for the pops stuff.
He came back with this, amongst other stuff:
With the pops, can I pay the extra ?? for Amy to prepare one for me whilst I watch? I would opt for an ass pop that could then be popped into a zipper bag for me to take away. I'll also enjoy rimming Amy as this is on her list of likes on Adultwork.
So now not only trying to get us to do services that we don't offer for more money (always a bad sign) but
TELLING us that he WILL be doing rimming "As it's on her list of likes" - as though whatever we offer on the profile, we HAVE to provide without discretion? He didn't even ask politely for that service, more TOLD us that he would be doing it.
We then had a few more back and forth emails, nothing noteworthy - mostly him confirming, asking what Amy would wear etc. He then sent us a long description of activities that he did with another escort, including her peeing in a glass and him drinking it. When we said that we could do that if he preferred that to being in the bath:
Amy using a glass to pee into may be preferential to me climbing into a cold bath, although I really like to receive it direct. If you prepare a glass (or I could bring one of my own) I will decide on the method when I meet Amy and see your bathroom tomorrow.
Again, nothing especially insidious but it really feels like he wants to have control over everything. There were a couple of other things that he mentioned which made us feel on edge also.
He then mentioned that he loves dirty talk, and when we told him that Amy doesn't really do that, as she's quite quiet/shy:
After reading about the bukkake and gang-bang parties on your AW profile I'm very surprised to hear Amy is shy. I would have thought she must have bags of confidence to entertain several guys at the same time, even with James in attendance. But I understand and will not expect a PSE from her.
Because apparently doing parties means you HAVE to be really outgoing and have a mouth like a sailor? Actually I (James) deal with all the comms, arranging and fees and Amy tends to be quite quiet during even the parties. It says all over our profile that we're quite quiet and shy, and offer much more of a GFE than a PSE. Our messages make this clear too but obviously this guy is a boundary pusher.
Anyway, at 2am this morning he says:
Would it be possible to make the booking for 11am if traffic is heavy? I'll try to be there by 10.30am as agreed but think traffic around Basingstoke could be a problem around the time I will need to leave.
Obviously we didn't see it or reply until this morning but just quickly replied and let him know that we'd prefer if he arrives on time, but will happily wait the extra half an hour.
So, we did.
At 11:10 we decided that he probably wasn't coming, and I came downstairs to let him know that he'll need to re-book, when I saw this charming message sent at 10:43 - 13 minutes after the meet
should have started:
Hi Amy and James
After a lot of thought and reflection through the various emails, I have decided not to meet up with Amy today. I think I would be considerably disappointed by the experience as Amy is shy, nervous and not comfortable with certain activities without James being present. Although I understand and sympathise with her reticence, I would be paying ?160 and have to consider whether my money would be well spent as I am buying a service. I am selective and often pay a large tip above the agreed fee when things go well as I appreciate professionalism and the desire to satisfy.
I wish you both every success with your chosen business venture and hope Amy working alone works out satisfactorily.
T*** xx
So not only has he wasted our time with countless emails, been rude, presumptuous and boundary-pushing with our rules and services (and acted better-than-thou and fake-shock/surprised when we don't offer something, and then quoted our profile to use against us), he made us get ready for a meet and kept us waiting for 13 extra minutes when he was clearly not intending to turn up, and then sent us a shitty and self-congratulatory message to top it all off!
The way he writes just gives me the creeps - he's not
nasty as such, just acts like he's so much better than us and uses fake-surprise and fake-politeness to cover up his thin veneer of judgemental and rude claptrap - I did write a really shitty message that I was going to send back to him, including how he's be blocked and reported to time-waster schemes across the web, but you just know he's the type of guy who will act all surprised, puppy-dog eyes style and go "what, me?" or get on his high horse about how his hard-earned cash should only be given to
the very best of escorts who meet his stringent standards

.. So I didn't bother.