Hello. I?m new to this forum but have been an escort for many years, but this year has been the worst for timewasters and idiots, mainly via email, so I?m glad I found this thread! Here are a few of my recent gems...
After a client asked if he could watch me masturbate during a booking he said, ?Did you masturbate this evening by any chance??
Ignore. (But what I would like to say in return ?None of your damn business?).
After a man asked how often I orgasm with clients (which I managed to deflect somewhat) he replied with, ?I expect you're off to fuck your boyfriend now and you get plenty of orgasms with him anyway so you don't need them at work?.
Ignore. (But what I would like to say in return ?None of your damn business?). Plus I never mentioned my BF.
And this email:
Him: Hi PT. Would you be happy having sex in my car on your discreet driveway? [Wanker]
Me: Hello [wanker]. Thanks for your email, but I?m afraid I don?t offer that, sorry. PT.
Him: Prefer on the bonnet then do ya? Lol
Him (20 minutes later): You wouldn't do it on the bonnet then?
And another:
Him: Hi PT. Do you ever get on skype, webcam or anything like that?
Me: [blah] no [blah]
Him: Hi. Ok. I thought seeing you're on webcam in the evenings you'd let me talk to you on it.
As I?m not on webcam I don?t know how he could possibly have seen me. Ignore.
"I've seen you posting on punternet a few times, do you mind if I ask which guys from punternet you've fucked? Or mind if I have a guess?"
(eh?! Why?)
"I'd like to book an appointment with you but I do have one concern that I'm unsure about. If your boyfriend is so good in bed your not going to enjoy it with me or other guys are you?"
(I have never mentioned my sex god BF!)
Him: Hi PT. Your very loud when you orgasm When did you last orgasm like that at work? [wanker]
Me: ignore
Him: PT, I'd love to run a finger inbetween your pussy lips feeling how wet you are. Just teasing your pussy and feeling your wetness

Me: (feeling rather dry in the pussy department) ignore