Stopped doing OWO and man some men kill me.
I just got a call from a guy who said "can you tell me about your service". I already dislike this and alarm bells usually go because it's all on my website/ads
anyway I said "I don't do Oral without"
he: "what do you mean you don't do oral without?"
me: "umm...i mean I don't do it"
he: "why not?"
me: "because-"
he: "because I mean you're charging a very high rate and your clients are very upmarket aren't they"
me: "that makes no difference"
HE: "I think it does"
me: "look i have a boyfriend so i stopped oral without"
he: "you're working for your boyfriend"
me: "! but i stopped doing OWO out of respect for him" i don't even know why I was still on the phone with him by this point, i'm too polite!
and he continues....
he: "so okay i will see you if you do this service"
me: "i don't do that service"
he: "so you mean you wont do oral without?"
me: "..........No......."
he: "okay.....welll.....but-"
and i hung up.

Do I ring a pizza place and order chinese food? come on gentleman, USE YOUR BRAINS!!!!!