I have no problem with religion I'm not an atheist myself but really, they should mind their own business.
I am an atheist but have no problem with religeon. Im sure god understands that there is such a thing as bad PR! It also make me so mad that rather going out and doing some good in the world they're choosing to harass people who are just trying to earn a living.
the forum sounds hilarious though! I wonder how many go the opposite way and given in too temptation lol
Perhaps I should join and post the income i need not to do this... see if they're up helping me stop... 
Lol, yes, God has some really bad PR people out there

And yes, the forum IS very amusing and entertaining, although a bit annoying if you read it for too long:D
Rooby, I think they won't give you a new car

You can try though

I think they give stockings and body lotions and books about religion...
And back to topic, I had a guy email me that he wants an appointment today, I emailed back that I take only advance bookings, 24 hours at least, so he should try the next day instead. He sent the next email next day, asking me for an appointment for that day of course, as the 24 hours have passed

What are they thinking?

I bet he's really frustrated now that he can't seem to be able to book me