During the booking I put on my face, exactly how I would during a civvy job meetinv/interview/con call.
I set my prices to encourage shorter bookings. My ideal booking is a quickie or half hour. One hour bookings and above are more than twice my half hour rate.
I have done this at times. It always makes me laugh when a potential or already client has balls to say don’t you want to see me for a long booking rather than a few.
Sometimes when I’m at my wits end with someone who won’t take a no I’ll say I find high energy or long bookings hard as my other mainstream job is quite energy consuming or make some excuse up. It’s hard to actually say. No I don’t enjoy long bookings. Because it’s mental torture for an introvert like me. Or no, spending a whole day with you going out and about is NOT fun to me. Give me a few quick jobs where I can wear my mask and be the actress which aren’t too draining mentally over a weekend with you thanks!
Some just don’t realise how draining it is if your not a social extrovert to spend overnights, days or holidays with them. And when they want discount because it’s a long booking or “I’m planning to take you to a 5 star hotel resort or this or that” is my idea of hell. I NEED my own space to recharge my batteries.
I actually was wanting to ask how you ladies would word the wording on your adverts or website about if someone is wanting to book a long booking, overnight or trip. What your requirements are if your like me and need time to recharge. So IF someone wanted to book. They know I need parts of the day to myself.
I have only done trips in last few years with one guy who even books me my own room in hotel he has his suite because he knows and understands I need my personal space to clean up and recharge. But I’ve known him years and he has unlimited finances. To the regular guy wanting to book a long booking they just don’t get that’s not fun in my eyes! The idea of spending more than 2hrs if that in a typical hotel room or even them coming to my apartment gives me shudders!
Maybe I’ll say I need to work remotely from my own room for half of day and so need privacy and time to do that.
Guys that used to book trips and were out all day at meetings and we only came together in evenings when I was younger were perfect. But I’ve got worse in my older age and now need my own bathroom and even space to breath of spending a whole evening together