Katie a lot of us keep our occupations closeted. It's somehow easy when you're a free and single, but not so easy to hide when in a relationship (any lady here can tell you how nerve-wracking it is and the feelings of guilt that come with it). I mean..being pregnant AND with a non supportive partner is stressful enough, add the closeted WG girl occupation to the "combo" and it becomes a little bit too much. In fact, the initial rant of the OP was about how much all this situation was stressing her and what to do about it. Then she reached the conclusion that the escort job had to go (fair enough and perfectly understandable). kimmy said that there was some lady in Manchester who managed pretty well in this situation, good for her. I also know a woman who's president of a big company, has seven kids and a husband with parkinson disease. I don't know how she does it. She's amazingly organized, gets 4 hours of sleep every night and must have some sort of super human powers. I envy her. And If the OP manages to bring the bread to the table, have a relationship and bring a healthy baby to a stable and loving enviroment while being happy I'm going to envy her too.