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Author Topic: Describe your last booking  (Read 729103 times)


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1935 on: 24 March 2019, 01:05:08 am »
Had this truly awkward client, poor lad was so nervious, apparently his first time. I don't usually see younger clients, but he lied about his age. No problem with shower or donation, but still felt awkward as he was just so nervous. Said he would finish fast so he asked beforehand if we could do it twice and I agreed as I generally let it happen naturally if it happens. But because of his nervous rambling(although I enjoyed the convo, I knew he wouldn't have a lot of time left if it kept going on) and trying not to finish too fast, we already spent good 50 minutes as he finished once from oral. And I let him know of that and he dejectedly said he would leave. I felt bad, but as I would try to kiss him and let it progress, he would pull back and start talking about this or that and he wanted 'pause' three times during oral for like few minutes each so he wouldn't finish too quickly.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1936 on: 29 March 2019, 05:33:59 pm »
A very long session with a very unresponsive client.

I am catatonic now.  :P


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1937 on: 29 March 2019, 05:42:38 pm »
I had one of the most awkward sessions ever today. I nearly cancelled it as I’ve hardly slept the past few nights, but also hardly worked so felt I had to.

It was excruciating, conversation was sticky at best. I kept nearly ending it and giving some money back. I soldiered on, and actually towards the end he relaxed and it was marginally better.

But I wouldn’t see him again!


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1938 on: 29 March 2019, 06:05:14 pm »
Snap! I also had a energy-sucking-vampire-corpse client and I really really wanted to send his ass  home. Is it full moon? I usually refuse older clients.
He's in his 50s and they usually have a bad attitude, moan, complain, incapable of listening or following instructions. Manopause? Failing hormones? But he seemed to have enjoyed the service and bowed as he shook my hand. ???  Spunk smelt fishy, looked like thick yellow phlemy custard you could stand a spoon in, is that old backed up stuff?  :(

But had 2 lovely cuties before him so can't grumble.  :P :P :P
« Last Edit: 29 March 2019, 06:14:39 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1939 on: 29 March 2019, 10:17:24 pm »
He’s been messaging me since October last year for a booking. ‘Are you working this evening? / can I come see you tonight? “ that type of message.
It’s not ever lined up timing wise until tonight.
Expected him to be your bog standard 30min booking (if there is such a thing, hopefully you know what I mean).
However... he was SO NERVOUS, I mean extreme newbie jitters. I’m used to nervous guys but this was something else. Typically after some small talk and a couple compliments they’re relaxed.

When he came in he stood with a face like he’d just been told his dog had died or something. I made light small talk, he gave me next to no emotion or response. Awkward silence before he eventually handed over the fee.
I asked him several times if he was okay and he explained he was nervous, I jokingly said “don’t tell me this is your first time...haha”.

After about 10mins of body stroking and my trying to ease his nerves, he was still sat fully clothed on the bed. I hinted maybe we should take some clothes off.. which he did.
His face by the way, was the same sad look, and his voice and responses where almost depressed/upset sounding.
I figured maybe he was feeling guilty, but tbh that’s not for me to deal with. He turned up. Been asking for months. Clearly not a whim decision let’s be real.

During HR I asked if he was okay he was very tense in his body language, to which he replied “just not sure about all this”. I tried jokingly saying “bit late”, and eyed his dick that was in my hand...
Of course I asked him if he wanted to stop and said “it’ll be okay”.
He finished after about 2mins of HR, and I asked my usual post ‘finish’ “you okay” with a smile..
He just sighed again, like he was really sad!? as if he hadn’t just orgasmed?!

Once I’d wiped up, I sat beside him and put my hand on his thigh (he was still lying down), he immediately tensed up and said “I’m going to leave this there, (as in the booking, not my hand), yeah, that’ll be alright actually”.
I tried reassuring him, said no rush, was there something else you’d enjoy? But nope ..
Obviously I didn’t stop him leaving. In and out in about 15minutes, suits me fine. Lol.

Ive never had a client THAT nervous/guilty, or leave with such a sad air about them. I feel second hand guilt and sadness right now myself. It’s awful.  :FF
Have you ever dealt with anything like this?
How would/did you manage to calm/relax the most nervous client you can imagine ?
Thanks xx
« Last Edit: 29 March 2019, 10:20:29 pm by EveWithEve »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1940 on: 29 March 2019, 11:56:01 pm »
We aren't paid to fix needy, dysfunctional or abnormal clients. It’s not our job. They are damaged goods when they arrive. They can be an unhealthy emotional burden for us. Ruining our mojo for the next client, the entire day or week.
I’ve continually tried being, friendly, sympathetic, cheery, jokey, reassuring, talking to them for up to 15 minutes to relax them. (It comes out of their time, not mine.)
-asked why they're here, their expectations
-asked if they have guilt issues
-asked them to list their top 3 anxieties about the session
-asked them what’s the worst that could happen
-asked why they’re afraid
-explained the law regarding adults and SW services
-hugged one or two to physically jolt them them out of their depressed ‘state’
-held their hand like a little kid

I decided from now on, after today's 'corpse client', not to give energy-suckers special helpings of ‘nice’ treatment and to complete the session in polite silence. I mimic their behaviour, being vague and avoiding eye contact till the session's over. I don't ask them anything or comment on anything. It seems to work well. I don’t want their custom again while there are nice balanced clients who feel good about themselves and make us feel valued.

« Last Edit: 30 March 2019, 01:49:24 am by saltysweet »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1941 on: 30 March 2019, 01:34:39 am »
I'm kind & patient up to a point. They'll usually say they're nervous & my response is, "I won't tell you not to be nervous bc I think that's patronizing, but I will say that YOU are here for a good time. I'm going to have a good time regardless, so hopefully that makes you feel more comfortable."

I've found that quite successful, but ultimately they have to deal with their own demons, smh. One thing I find so incredibly amusing is when they come in & start off the conversation with, "You're probably wanting to know why I do this."

Nope. Not at all. Don't care. Oh, you're going to tell me....okkkkk *sigh*.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1942 on: 30 March 2019, 01:43:55 pm »
Young guy in his late twenties or early thirties. Booked for 2 hours and just could not stay hard, I hate these types of booking as he seemed to think it was my fault and I needed to put more effort it!!! This was after 45mins of playing with his cock in varies ways and multiple condom changes and attempted penetration.

He cam across as very nervous and also confessed to watching a lot of porn! So no Sh*t you are not going to get hard like when you watch porn!


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1943 on: 31 March 2019, 06:49:40 pm »
Horrible booking that seemed to last an eternity but was only 45 mins . He slapped me across my face because I refused to do OWO because he was not clean and refused a shower.  He kept saying I was fat and need to go on a diet . I am a size 12 with 34DD boobs and consider myself curvy and certainly not fat .  My husband is normally in the house but wasn’t this time .


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1944 on: 31 March 2019, 07:04:01 pm »
Charmaine, sorry this happened to you this is an awful attack...if you feel ok to report or need help reporting?
You're welcome to PM me if you like
« Last Edit: 31 March 2019, 07:09:34 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1945 on: 31 March 2019, 09:00:31 pm »
Horrible booking that seemed to last an eternity but was only 45 mins . He slapped me across my face because I refused to do OWO because he was not clean and refused a shower.  He kept saying I was fat and need to go on a diet . I am a size 12 with 34DD boobs and consider myself curvy and certainly not fat .  My husband is normally in the house but wasn’t this time .
That's horrid way to treat you. Hope you blocked him I'm guessing


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1946 on: 31 March 2019, 09:17:31 pm »
Angry & upset ~
In nearly 4 years, 1st time I've had a client leave VISIBLY angry🙁.

30 minute call, $175. Had asked about Greek. Sent to my website. Not talking about that thru texts. SPECIFICALLY sent link about Greek (it's an additional amount). Maybe he didn't open it; can lead a horse to water, etc etc.

Had spoken on phone, asked if he had any ??s  like I always, always do,  he says no.

Session starts, he attempts Greek, I nicely ask WTH he's doing.

"I understood this was included in the services."

Sure, for an extra amount. That's on my website.

"You realize that ppl don't memorize 5 & 6 pages of your website, right?" (this was after complimenting me on how well it was done, so, okkkkkk....)

My reply was if he had ??s, when we'd spoken on the phone, why had he not asked then?

He then storms into the bathroom, yanks the condom off (he hadn't popped yet & I DID feel badly about that🙁), washes up, gets dressed, says a very clipped "Thank you." & stalked out.

At NO time in the texts did I say Greek was included in the $175. I just don't know what to do. They say they go to the website. What am I supposed to do, quiz them on it?

This is really bothering me, no so much bc I'm sure I'll get a bad review somewhere from it, but bc a client left unhappy. But I know it's not my fault!!! Argh!

Could I get a cyber hug please? *snif*😢
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1947 on: 31 March 2019, 09:59:58 pm »
Had asked about Greek.
SPECIFICALLY sent link about Greek
he attempts Greek
At NO time in the texts did I say Greek was included

For anybody baffled by the above, it's US-euphemism speak for anal. As I discovered the first time I worked over there and couldn't work out why I kept getting (and deleting) bizarre emails asking about 'trips to the Greek Islands' :D.

As for the punter described above, round our way we call them twats.


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1948 on: 31 March 2019, 10:25:48 pm »
TY Amy & yes, sorry. As my byline says, still learning the slang here.
An American on a British site, still learning the slang😉


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Re: Describe your last booking
« Reply #1949 on: 31 March 2019, 10:31:29 pm »
TY Amy & yes, sorry. As my byline says, still learning the slang here.

Oh, that's OK! Every time I see it it reminds me of opening those emails, thinking 'these people are fucking nuts - why would I give a shit about what they do on their holidays?' and deleting the lot in disgust. Thankfully somebody told me before I wrote off the entire trip ;D.