Its possible that for any percentage of clients who decide not to carrying on punter there may be an equitable number of former escorts who decide to not come back, maybe those who'll have claimed UC and decide to use that until they get another job, or have already got another job, or have switched to cam and decide they prefer it. Its hard to say.
At the moment I just am waiting with baited breathe to find out what the UK's lockdown easing is going to consist of so I can plan what I do next. Its feasible that even if lockdown is eased in the next few weeks because escorting is close contact non essential service it may not strictly apply to us, or if the gov goes with track and trace - I don't know how that would work with us for a bunch of reasons. In any case, even with the SE grant (which is only promised a s 3 month lump sum and by the time we get it, two months will have passed) I can't afford to not working for months and months without any clear end point.