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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245359 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #990 on: 29 April 2020, 01:25:15 pm »

I certainly won’t be lowering my rates, if anything, I might raise them as I won’t be able to take as many bookings and probably will stop doing 30 minutes.

I offer 15 min quickies for £40.  Do you gals thinkn I should scrap the 15 mins and only offer 30 mins or longer?

Thoughts pleasex


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #991 on: 29 April 2020, 02:38:33 pm »
I've just had a regular text me, he only visits twice a  month and he is telling me he has been made redundant but still wants to see me AFTER LOCKDOWN (by law) for bookings but looking for a deal.  I've just told him I'll reduce my price to £100 per hour.  I did explain I will be offering this to all my regular good clients to ease the burden of their jobs.

We make a lot of money and I dont want to come across as greedy to my good regular clients. He was extremely grateful and said he will only visit me from now on and visit more often.  It pays to provide a nice loyal service to regulars. X

No no and noooooo way. Not when every time we take a booking between now a a vaccine we are
In danger.
 Of course your client your choice. But for me the risks are too high. If they can’t afford to punt perhaps they shouldn’t be. There will be plenty of guys who haven’t lost their jobs and can afford the normal or increased rate.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #992 on: 29 April 2020, 02:41:29 pm »
And this is why hagglers exist.

We are running a business just like everyone else, it’s got nothing to do with greed. We are not charities and a client’s financial issues are nothing to do with us either. That’s if he’s even telling the truth, clients lie all the time and especially to get a bargain.

I certainly won’t be lowering my rates, if anything, I might raise them as I won’t be able to take as many bookings and probably will stop doing 30 minutes.

Spot on Barbie,

If I told my expensive dentist “Hey I am having difficulty’s as I didn’t make any money and I am struggling so can you help”  The answer would be No and my teeth would have to rot!
Buying sex is not essential, my teeth are :D


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #993 on: 29 April 2020, 02:41:37 pm »
And this is why hagglers exist.

We are running a business just like everyone else, it’s got nothing to do with greed. We are not charities and a client’s financial issues are nothing to do with us either. That’s if he’s even telling the truth, clients lie all the time and especially to get a bargain.

I certainly won’t be lowering my rates, if anything, I might raise them as I won’t be able to take as many bookings and probably will stop doing 30 minutes.

I second this hun. I dont want to do any kind of volume until a vaccine is found. Rather have 3 high priced hours a a day. Than 6 30 mins lower price. It’s going to feel awful working not knowing if someone who you just serviced has given you a horrible disease. It’s a mind fuck to be honest to go back. Dreading it.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #994 on: 29 April 2020, 02:45:15 pm »
^^Agreed! In my experience if you give them an inch they will take a mile.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #995 on: 29 April 2020, 02:58:57 pm »
If I told my expensive dentist “Hey I am having difficulty’s as I didn’t make any money and I am struggling so can you help”  The answer would be No and my teeth would have to rot!
Buying sex is not essential, my teeth are :D

Exactly. If a client can’t afford my prices then his balls can stay blue! Like you said with the dentist, it’s not his problem if you’re having a hard time is it? We are no different. When clients haggle, they automatically disrespect and belittle our trade by believing the rate is up for discussion.

I second this hun. I dont want to do any kind of volume until a vaccine is found. Rather have 3 high priced hours a a day. Than 6 30 mins lower price. It’s going to feel awful working not knowing if someone who you just serviced has given you a horrible disease. It’s a mind fuck to be honest to go back. Dreading it.

Same. I know a lot of my 30 minute regulars won’t mind paying the hourly rate. People are extra nosey at the minute so having a high volume of clients could raise unwanted attention.

Don’t let it get you down. We need to pay our bills just like everyone else, there are plenty of other people at work in the UK at the minute that are coming into contact with more than 2/3 people a day.
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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #996 on: 29 April 2020, 04:24:43 pm »
I should think that some sensible punters would prefer to see girls with higher prices so that less men are being serviced. But punters always moan about girls charging too much. When I put my prices up I had guys moaning asking to see me for less and I told them that I'm worth it and if they didn't think so then find someone in their price range. It's a cheek, I'd tell them fine I'll drop my rates but also take off the menu a few likes and I'll lay back and let them do the work, Save my nice undies and expensive perfume too and only put in 70% effort too.

It's important to charge what we feel we are worth and happy with. I have a good regular that books me 3 to 6 hours and I'd be happy to do a deal when I know the long term outcome is beneficial.

Guys have plenty of variety on AW with a price to suit all.Some  guys will only pay a certain amount as they think that's all a punt is worth, They will be hoping prices drop and try to get a bargain.

We wont get cheaper rent or food bill, Electric and gas because of a loss of earnings.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #997 on: 29 April 2020, 05:24:07 pm »
I should think that some sensible punters would prefer to see girls with higher prices so that less men are being serviced. But punters always moan about girls charging too much.

We are heading into a serious recession.  Trust me if we put our prices up our business will be quiet.  I'm reducing my rates to keep my business good and to provide a good service which helps keep regulars returning.  £120ph I charge, in light of people losing their jobs it's going down to £100ph.  Punters dont want to pay silly high rates. X

[quote fixed]
« Last Edit: 29 April 2020, 07:50:24 pm by amy »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #998 on: 29 April 2020, 07:49:45 pm »
Not when every time we take a booking between now a a vaccine we are
In danger.

It's been pointed out more than once already, but every time we take a booking we are in danger full stop, regardless of the current prevailing circumstances.

I should think that some sensible punters would prefer to see girls with higher prices so that less men are being serviced. But punters always moan about girls charging too much. When I put my prices up I had guys moaning asking to see me for less and I told them that I'm worth it and if they didn't think so then find someone in their price range. It's a cheek, I'd tell them fine I'll drop my rates but also take off the menu a few likes and I'll lay back and let them do the work, Save my nice undies and expensive perfume too and only put in 70% effort too.

It's important to charge what we feel we are worth and happy with. I have a good regular that books me 3 to 6 hours and I'd be happy to do a deal when I know the long term outcome is beneficial.

Guys have plenty of variety on AW with a price to suit all.Some  guys will only pay a certain amount as they think that's all a punt is worth, They will be hoping prices drop and try to get a bargain.

We wont get cheaper rent or food bill, Electric and gas because of a loss of earnings.

I don't find that punters moan to me about prices - I can't remember the last time one did? I get the odd haggly text, but they're just twats, not punters.

And if a punter is genuinely sensible, he'll know fine well that higher prices don't necessarily mean somebody is doing fewer bookings than somebody else who charges half as much - if the latter has just slung a crap profile with crap pictures up on AW without putting any thought into it or bothering with any other ads, and then doesn't put the effort into the service either (so doesn't encourage new business or make them them want to return) then they won't be busy just because their rates are lower, and why should they be?

There's plenty of choice on AW and even more outside it - here in London it's possible to spend twenty or so quid at the walkups or hand thousands to a fancy agency pimp, and every possible amount inbetween. Even in smaller places there are parlours, working flats, massage shops, indies and so on - there's no need to try and second guess what a punters' budget is because like us, punters are all different.

I've had regulars who stick a fiver a week in a jar to save up so they can treat themselves, and others who will book every time they're in my area just because it's their only opportunity - very few IME are as obsessed with price as some of these posts seem to think, and if I've learned anything in almost twenty years, if they want to see you they will.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #999 on: 29 April 2020, 07:55:03 pm »
We are heading into a serious recession.  Trust me if we put our prices up our business will be quiet.  I'm reducing my rates to keep my business good and to provide a good service which helps keep regulars returning.  £120ph I charge, in light of people losing their jobs it's going down to £100ph.  Punters dont want to pay silly high rates. X

Veronica, I came back to working in December 2007 and went full time early in February 2008 when the last recession was in full tilt and the world was in shit street. I was still busy enough that I bought myself a (cheapish) flat that summer and had paid for it within a year.

If how you work works for you and your business that's great. Other people and their punter demographics are different to you and yours, and that's great too :).


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1000 on: 29 April 2020, 08:26:55 pm »
I don't care what punters thing are silly prices , I don't want to see punters who want to pay £100 and that's my personal experience in the area I work. Where I am the standard is £150 upwards. If I was a £100 I'd get way too many calls than i could seal with which would be good for some and not for others. We all work differently.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1001 on: 29 April 2020, 09:13:00 pm »
I don't care what punters thing are silly prices , I don't want to see punters who want to pay £100 and that's my personal experience in the area I work. Where I am the standard is £150 upwards. If I was a £100 I'd get way too many calls than i could seal with which would be good for some and not for others. We all work differently.

I want to see them and I often do, but I'm in a completely different area and £100 is my half hour rate :).

Along the same lines, the people who always want everything cheaper won't change regardless of the actual figure - if you offered an hour for £50 they'd want it for £40. A race to the bottom does nobody any good, and I think most can also understand that trying to engender a situation where we have to do twice the number of bookings we'd choose to to earn the money we need isn't likely to get them the best service, not to mention the increased likelihood of timings going tits up when somebody's late, won't leave on time and so on.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1002 on: 29 April 2020, 09:25:41 pm »
As myself and others have said before, you get twats booking you no matter what price you charge, high or low. Just because someone is willing to pay 500 quid an hour doesn't make them a decent human being or a good client.

I'd have thought it was obvious that we're all just going to have to see how it goes once lockdown is over. Some men won't be affected at all, others could be drastically, others might have been able to save up a nice little punting fund and fancy a splurge.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1003 on: 29 April 2020, 09:38:01 pm »
We are heading into a serious recession.  Trust me if we put our prices up our business will be quiet.  I'm reducing my rates to keep my business good and to provide a good service which helps keep regulars returning.  £120ph I charge, in light of people losing their jobs it's going down to £100ph.  Punters dont want to pay silly high rates. X

[quote fixed]

Punters will pay what they want to pay.
Dropping your rate can sometimes lead to boundary pushers finding their way to your door, I know, I’ve experienced it. It may lead to more business, or it may just be the same, or you may get those who saw you were one price before ask for you to drop it again if they notice.

If you want to drop your rate that is totally up to you, paying for sex is a luxury not a necessity. There have been “hard times” before and there will be hard time’s again, and no doubt plenty of punters will find the money to pay for sex then and now.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #1004 on: 30 April 2020, 08:12:12 am »
The range of opinions are really interesting and I've taken some of the points on board.

However the financial climate will be a lot more worse than 2008; still convinced post furlough- job losses will go through the roof. Moreover people will now be riddled with debt repayments all of a sudden ( personal credit card or these emergency loans that have been given)

Then with the remainder that can still  afford...a large percentage won't risk it when death rates continue after the lockdown. It's no different to punters stopping if unprotected sex was the only thing on offer.
its apparent the risks of serious illness with covid is more than catching an STI. I'm not convinced on the logic of an eye test of whether a punter has no symptoms then go ahead with a booking; given my point on STIs.

But as we have agreed, may differ by region and client base, so will be interesting how we fare in the next 6 months.