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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245505 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #915 on: 24 April 2020, 08:03:21 am »
Some people are saving money because they can't spend it, some are being paid bonuses others paid to stay at home or on fixed incomes such as pensions.

Others will be cautious.

At the moment I don't foresee reducing services when I start in-person bookings again, if I'm at close quarters enough to have sex I don't think it makes much difference however I may start with clients who I know have low exposure risk also I'll be continuing to wash hands on arrival at outcalls and asking any incalls to do the same.

I may also continue online services as an introduction and also because in some ways it's far safer.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #916 on: 24 April 2020, 01:58:31 pm »
Its very unlikely you'll be able to claim the 80% for the rest of the year.

Most likely but it does of course mean when that financial support is stopped, people will go back to work. I normally don't like the phrase 'its a simple as that' but in this case, yea. UC is not enough for most people to subsist upon (it doesn't cover all my rent for example) and people might say 'well go get another job then', as though in a contemporary economy there are an endless supply of essential, non contact jobs for everyone in the that industry  to take up - about 6 million workers- not just escorting.

And the contact thing, yea I don't see what difference it makes if you don't kiss etc. Its a very infectious virus and being in close proximity for that length of time with a client is risk enough. I find it hard to belief in sexual context even handwashing will make much difference.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #917 on: 24 April 2020, 02:24:02 pm »
Soap does kill the virus hence the constant washing of hands. This is why I've made it mandatory for every client to have a deep clean shower with lots of soap at my place before we do anything. Yes I could catch it from droplets from their mouth but that's regardless of kissing hence why I do kiss.

But that is assuming they have the virus.
The use of a shower would prevent any traces on outside of body such as hands which could have been picked up prior to them ariving at mine.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #918 on: 24 April 2020, 02:42:11 pm »
I'm definitely itching to return... :angel:


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #919 on: 24 April 2020, 02:43:39 pm »
Soap does kill the virus hence the constant washing of hands. This is why I've made it mandatory for every client to have a deep clean shower with lots of soap at my place before we do anything. Yes I could catch it from droplets from their mouth but that's regardless of kissing hence why I do kiss.

But that is assuming they have the virus.
The use of a shower would prevent any traces on outside of body such as hands which could have been picked up prior to them ariving at mine.

I just had a thought on the showering of clients during this awful time.  They can scrub themselves silly in the shower but what about the clothes they have just taken off. As far as I know the virus can linger on materials. It would be possible I suppose to ensure no touching of them while they are dressed but that pile of clothes they take off will touch something in your bath or bedroom.  Maybe I am overthinking but this virus is a horror and will creep in anywhere it finds a way.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #920 on: 24 April 2020, 02:46:23 pm »
I’m not going to last for months without working.  I mentioned before I used up my (considerable) savings during the past 2 years when I had to take a lot of time off due to ill health.
A knock on effect to not being able to work much the past 2 years, means I didn’t make a profit for tax purposes, so I assume this means I won’t get this 80% everyone is talking about.

I have applied for UC, but heard nothing yet, and doubt very much all or even much of my rent will be covered even if I get it.

I am trying to offer all the virtual services I can, but so far I’ve made barely anything 😟 This includes AW phone chat and advertising phone chat/skype/virtual packages on Twitter, as well as just setting up an fan account.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #921 on: 24 April 2020, 03:09:01 pm »
I just had a thought on the showering of clients during this awful time.  They can scrub themselves silly in the shower but what about the clothes they have just taken off. As far as I know the virus can linger on materials. It would be possible I suppose to ensure no touching of them while they are dressed but that pile of clothes they take off will touch something in your bath or bedroom.  Maybe I am overthinking but this virus is a horror and will creep in anywhere it finds a way.

I don't think you're overthinking it, its just a fact that these processes might reduce the risk a bit but as you say, the virus can be on their clothes and you can hardly vacuum pack them for them at the door. And what if they don't scrub themselves thoroughly in the shower? How can that possibly be policed? I'm not about to stand watching them.

I am just accepting that when I go back to work, there is a chance my punters will give me the virus.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #922 on: 24 April 2020, 03:30:00 pm »
I've weighed it up and I'm risking seeing one regular on Monday, he's local to me and I'm crossing my fingers and taking the risk.

English Green

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #923 on: 24 April 2020, 03:50:19 pm »
I just had a thought on the showering of clients during this awful time.  They can scrub themselves silly in the shower but what about the clothes they have just taken off. As far as I know the virus can linger on materials. It would be possible I suppose to ensure no touching of them while they are dressed but that pile of clothes they take off will touch something in your bath or bedroom.  Maybe I am overthinking but this virus is a horror and will creep in anywhere it finds a way.

Exactly if they have the virus they have the virus and making them shower is not going to stop you getting it if you are doing extreme close sexual activity.

I think if you are working on lockdown some are trying to justify in there head if they do this and that there being safe which the truth is there not being safe the government do not put in 2 meter distance measures for nothing. But i do understand if they need to buy food and have no other help they have no choice. But it really is a numbers game you need to be lucky that the client coming in do not already have the virus. If they do have the viris chances are very high you will get it with the sex you are providing where as if you are in a supermarket shopping and a couple in there might have it you are keeping away from them and hopefully not touching your face til you get home and wash your hands so a less chance of picking it up.

Clients that are breaking lockdown to get a fuck i would never trust there being careful of hygiene away from the booking as there desperate for a sex service knowing that woman is probably seeing others too before them and after.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #924 on: 24 April 2020, 04:04:51 pm »
I consider myself lucky in that I am not in financial hardship at all during this time so can easily pull the shutters down on meetings for many months if it goes on that long. I have not had any enquiries for a few days now and that is good. 

Had I been in dire straits trying to pay bills and buy food etc. then I really don't know what I would have done.  I am just glad I am not faced with that dilemma.  It is going to be strange seeing a client after many months of none!  Far from gagging to work again I find I am losing all enthusiasm. Hopefully it will return.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #925 on: 24 April 2020, 05:19:24 pm »
I just had a thought on the showering of clients during this awful time.  They can scrub themselves silly in the shower but what about the clothes they have just taken off. As far as I know the virus can linger on materials. It would be possible I suppose to ensure no touching of them while they are dressed but that pile of clothes they take off will touch something in your bath or bedroom.  Maybe I am overthinking but this virus is a horror and will creep in anywhere it finds a way.

Probably the safest thing to do is keep as far away as possible from them when they arrive, bar taking the cash, then send them to the bathroom. Put a large carrier bag in or outside the bathroom and tell them to put all their clothes and other stuff in there. Have a shower, wash their hands, use mouthwash and then come through to the bedroom in the towel.
« Last Edit: 24 April 2020, 11:16:19 pm by Kay »
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #926 on: 24 April 2020, 05:41:11 pm »
The safest way is not to work at moment.  I believe in fate if you catch this virus it was meant to be.  One of my regulars texted me today asking if I'm ok which is good.  I think we are in the long hall for this virus.  If things dont improve I'm afraid escorting will be a thing of the past.  The oldest profession to dry up thanks to the virus. X


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #927 on: 24 April 2020, 06:25:35 pm »
Or you could just offer handjobs whilst wearing a full bee keeper outfit!


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #928 on: 24 April 2020, 06:54:02 pm »
When I go back both OWO and DFK will still be on the menu and I will drop my rates to £100 per hour.  Lots of men will be struggling with money due to losing jobs etc.  And as Betty says regardless if you remove DFK or owo it doesnt matter as you may still catch the virus.
I agree with lady and to not drop your rates to start. The Word on the street is that punters are gagging for it and can't wait for lockdown to be over. And if still giving good service and not taking the P with prices because of CV then I think we will still do ok. Plenty of guys will have saved loads not going out, Buying daily costa coffee and lunches, travel cost plus most will not be going on holiday. I went from £100 when I started then £120 , £150 and then £190. Each time I went up I worried I'd not get booking or a dusty phone but I didn't, Just less in the door for the same price and nicer clients too.

But I will go down a bit because I am at the higher end rates wise. I will offer same services and quality and just see how it goes, I wont be doing anything much until 2 or 3 months time and just see my regulars and watch my spending.

I agree with the clothes having germs on them, We are going to get this virus at somepoint and can't live in fear.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #929 on: 24 April 2020, 06:59:08 pm »
I consider myself lucky in that I am not in financial hardship at all during this time so can easily pull the shutters down on meetings for many months if it goes on that long. I have not had any enquiries for a few days now and that is good. 

Had I been in dire straits trying to pay bills and buy food etc. then I really don't know what I would have done.  I am just glad I am not faced with that dilemma.  It is going to be strange seeing a client after many months of none!  Far from gagging to work again I find I am losing all enthusiasm. Hopefully it will return.

I am the same too and was thinking I'll be so out of the swing of it lol But right now I don't miss the work and its actually nice to have this time to just be me. At first I was thinking of all the money I could be making and saving but I'm not too old so plenty of years ahead to give head lol  I think a nice break away from escorting could help me feel fresher when I start back and I have a lovely regular to start seeing again and get my mojo back.