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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245669 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #690 on: 03 April 2020, 11:45:52 pm »
i hate how fast people ( Nobody on here ) judge and take pleasure in how WGs struggle like now and make it out because we have been greedy and careless with earnings. Don't take into account the things we pay out for to do our job, Office space, Those outfits andsexy undies, Stockings, Travel and I definitely have to take 7 days off a month unlike if I was working in another job. We have the right to voice our money issues and so does everybody else.

Yes, it's always been something that people who don't understand the job struggle with (and I remember years ago feeling like I could never complain to friends about an unexpectedly big bill, or whatever), but if people you know are treating you this way at a time like this, then I'd say the current situation is the perfect opportunity to reduce contact with them almost completely. It's clear that you spend a lot of time concerning yourself with what other people think and it's really the road to madness - they likely won't mean to be malicious but there's really no point even letting it register.

I had to explain to a friend a few days ago that the self employment grant in June (while very welcome and certainly better than nothing) is 80% of profit and not turnover, and those of us with fixed costs will still have to pay them out of what's supposed to be replacing our profit/take home rather than the full amount as we normally would; the rent alone on my work flat is north of £2K per month and what I'll get won't touch my overheads. But he was only trying to be reassuring and lot of people just haven't really given it a lot of thought :).
« Last Edit: 03 April 2020, 11:53:35 pm by amy »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #691 on: 04 April 2020, 09:13:50 am »
Wow I'm lucky I suppose because I pay for my work flat on a daily basis. I have the flat three times a week and it's £60 a day. It's been a work flat for ten plus years and is so discreet, no one knows what's going on there. I've been using it for three years and the lady that owns it is keeping it for me so I do t have to pay anything until I go back.

Tantric I missed your post about not going back. I'm still in two minds.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #692 on: 04 April 2020, 09:20:30 am »
BB no need to apologise for the rant tbh everything you has said is spot on. CV is affecting everyone not just us WG. Infact even the service users especially the once who don't only come to us for the usual thing which S. E. X but also other things like someone to talk to and trust me I have met a few who could never open up to their friends and families they way they open up to us. Also  the once with special request. I have just had very long email from one of my good regulars who is so frustrated because he is a cross dresser and enjoys doing it with me and at the moment he is stuck after reading his email I even thought to myself may be we should be put under the key workers category. Only my opinion ladies.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #693 on: 04 April 2020, 10:04:39 am »
You are right Amy I shouldn't care but everybody I thought knew me well and had known me for years treat me differently now. I found myself feeling guilty and giving family members money even though they never helped me. Can be very isolating and o haven't told my best mate because I fear she will be disgusted even though she sleeps with a few married men and often takes guys home after a night out.

2k is a huge amount if you can't work, Will you keep your work flat Amy? I wouldn't mind being a month out of pocket but if lockdown is for another 6 weeks, I think people will be working from home for another 3 months, So hard for guys to get out with a partner at home unless shops and gyms open. Talk of a second wave after the first episode of CV-19.

And £60 a day is very good value, I'm my region rooms are 120 a day. I could sub let my flat to get help with rent if after lockdown things are slow.

How many of you girls are going to take a long break now, If you can financially do so?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #694 on: 04 April 2020, 10:18:23 am »
To the pp’s that have been offered financial ‘help’ from clients, well are these conditional donations or loans? I have had a borrow from a client a few years back and my god, you would’ve thought he gave me a down payment for a house with the sheer control he tried to have over me after that, he texted me everyday and then wanted the money back in a booking and I ended up losing the plot and called him to say “you either have the money back through a booking OR through my time via texting but your not having both and we already discussed how I would pay you back BEFORE you gave me the money, you can’t change the rules after the fact”, he wasn’t happy and in the end I just paid him back and told him never to contact me again, so please be careful when clients offer to ‘help’ because it’s usually just a manipulation of you.

I have received help from a client and some ‘admirers’ but that is via Twitter, and it’s a drop in the ocean really.  Still I think it’s great that they have helped.

I wouldn’t want to do it if I could help it if someone attached ‘conditions’ but I appreciate that if this goes on who knows I may change my position on that.

I had the incredibly bad luck that just when this was happening my purse went missing, so I have no bank cards and that is one thing you need to verify with Universal Credit.

Add to that I am kinda stranded in a temp let whilst this goes on, which doesn’t help at all with anything.
« Last Edit: 04 April 2020, 10:20:30 am by TheLastTime »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #695 on: 04 April 2020, 11:32:45 am »
It would be great if help came with no strings but it's often not the case, I learnt the hard way when a nice client offered to help me get a work flat in his name, I paid for the deposit, Rent and I gave him a £100 a each week for his help. At the time I was struggling to find a place to work, No credit rating it was his idea to help me. He went from seeing me twice a week to 4 times, He complained he was short on cash so I gave a discount on bookings. Then he wanted me to go out with him for dinner, I paid half the bill everytime. I hate owing anyone, I'm very independent so he couldn't say I was using him. I was paying him £100 a week as a thanks. And this guy is now still a member on AW with good feedback and leaving feedback during lockdown.

So it was dinner out, He would deliberately be my last booking even though i told him i was tired from seeing 4 or 5 clients that day. Then came the bit where he wanted to know if i liked him as a person why couldn't he be my f**k buddy. Then trying to get me to not use a condom to him forcing himself on me without one. I had to grab a few bits and run. 3 grand i lost from flat paid deposit and rent and furniture. He then threatened to throw acid in my face, Hurt my family. He stalked me for 6 months and I found 3 other girls he had also harrashed and stalked. He flowed me on nights out with my friends, Damaged cars and threatened to get guys to fake book me and beat me up and worse. I am stubborn and no push over but since that client I have had to look over my shoulder and vet any new clients. I can't take a chance.

I have messaged local girls to warn them about him but most don't listen, Which I think is down to money.

So if a client offers me help I will say no thanks. If they want to help after CV do a long booking with me and keep me busy and in money that way. I personally help those I know and care for with no strings or expect it back. Right now a guy wants to help me and rent my work flat for £150 a week. I hardly know him, He sometimes books me but I'm up s#*t st if I can't get him to leave and have to explain to my landlord. Yes it would help but at what cost ?

Men are strange creatures and most like the control they can get by paying for things.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #696 on: 04 April 2020, 11:50:08 am »
No, I won't be giving up my flat unless I have no other option - it took me too long to find the perfect one in the perfect location and I had literally five weeks of working in it before all this kicked off so it was the worst timing possible after I'd only just paid out all the moving in costs. But I don't have any more rent to pay for a while yet so I can afford to sit it out for the time being, although it's definitely going to be tight (and it's still far cheaper than Central London hotels at the thick end of £200 a night!) Stories like the above are precisely why I would never rent a flat from somebody who knew why I wanted it.

My phone is off, although I'm sticking it on once a day to delete messages and there's as many as ever wanting to book. The most irritating part is that it seems the Sport have lifted my number from somewhere and published it, but if nothing else the timing means that by the time I'm back at work it'll be long forgotten and I'll never have the misfortune to have to speak to any of them.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #697 on: 04 April 2020, 06:10:54 pm »
I also handed my notice in on my working flat ,due out 1st of may and i believe that just after that we will be out of lock down shit happens ,but i pray it all works out for us all (w g s)xxxx


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #698 on: 04 April 2020, 07:14:08 pm »
I think I will keep my flat too, Took me along time to find it, Landlords and nice and happy as long as rent is paid, Discreet and i don't want to go back to lugging my kit about. I've paid for May, Landlords happy to give me a rent break and pay it back when I can.

I'm hoping June we will be out of lockdown.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #699 on: 05 April 2020, 02:13:30 am »
So since the beginning of this virus coming to light, about a week before govt lockdown I had 2 regular clients barter with me.

I work from a parlour for incalls and because that had shut, I had clients offering to book hotels and for the price to be taken from my fee. Obviously didn’t see them cos that’s not how it works.

I’m just wondering if everyone is getting this at the min?


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #700 on: 05 April 2020, 09:35:27 am »
I have received help from a client and some ‘admirers’ but that is via Twitter, and it’s a drop in the ocean really.  Still I think it’s great that they have helped.

I wouldn’t want to do it if I could help it if someone attached ‘conditions’ but I appreciate that if this goes on who knows I may change my position on that.

I had the incredibly bad luck that just when this was happening my purse went missing, so I have no bank cards and that is one thing you need to verify with Universal Credit.

Add to that I am kinda stranded in a temp let whilst this goes on, which doesn’t help at all with anything.

I too had a lovely long term regular give me £200 yesterday and he said it’s not for a booking it’s to keep you and little one in food. Could of cried was so sweet of him. Honestly in this time there are some good guys around. Also my neighbours got me some pasta when they went to the shop and wouldn’t accept the cash for it.

It’s also good to see the government starting to talk about an exit strategy for this Coronavirus. Just hang on in there everyone. I honestly think by May/June we will be able to earn some cash again.

Italy has started to see a downward trend in new cases now so let’s hope it’s all turning around slowly. 


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #701 on: 05 April 2020, 12:48:36 pm »
That's lovely to read blondie. I know most of my local cab drivers and they are lucky to get 3 customers a day so ots not just us. I am hoping that June we can get back to work. I will drop my rates down because I'm at the high end in my area and before I was happy to just do a few bookings 4 times a week but will have to work harder once we get the all clear. I am a self proclaimed lazy whore lol I hope my lovely regular gents will want to do longer bookings which I find are more laidback gfe and I enjoy myself.

Anyone else who's single in lockdown craving the company of a guy? I mean to just use and abuse lol I might turn my attention to online dating to catch myself some ass for after lockdown. I try to explain to a few that my job is sex and most of the time outside of work I'd just want to slap a penis out of my way but now I'm back to being like the old me and miss sex.

Vintage Miss

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #702 on: 05 April 2020, 02:23:09 pm »
I've had a few regs offer to pay for an appointment for the future, like an IOU, but I didn't accept, because nice idea as it is I am then beholden to an appointment that maybe in a months time I'll no longer want or be able to go through with, if I got ill or something. But seeing as a lot of punters I've encountered believe that we are seeing 8 clients a day 6 days a week 50 weeks out of the year or whatever, that's a rare concern. I just keep on rolling in my imaginary whore millions.

 A few arseholes who have been hitherto respectable have used this time to try and get free sex chat out of me also  :FF like 'seeing as we can't meet can we have some cheeky phone sex?' and then I mention £20 per half hour for this and they go silent. 


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #703 on: 05 April 2020, 05:39:41 pm »
Heard it all now!

HIM: When are you available? (yeah, no hi or anything)

ME: I'll be available in possibly July or it might be September, depending on when the government lifts the movement and distancing restrictions. Thanks!

HIM: I thought you offered incalls though?

ME: I do when there's not a deadly disease going around and the government hasn't ordered everyone to stay indoors. Please get back to me when they've lifted the restrictions to request a booking.

HIM: But its an incall! Its not like you have to travel to me!

So, Mr Genius. 1) do you live with me and therefore are classed as part of my household under the social distancing rules? 2) Like 1000s of other ladies, I don't live where I work, therefore I cannot work as I cannot travel to my incall place.

I didn't reply anyway, just ignored. I shouldn't have to spell it out to him. I hope that's the most ridiculous enquiry I receive during this madness.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #704 on: 05 April 2020, 05:46:21 pm »
Heard it all now!

HIM: When are you available? (yeah, no hi or anything)

ME: I'll be available in possibly July or it might be September, depending on when the government lifts the movement and distancing restrictions. Thanks!

HIM: I thought you offered incalls though?

ME: I do when there's not a deadly disease going around and the government hasn't ordered everyone to stay indoors. Please get back to me when they've lifted the restrictions to request a booking.

HIM: But its an incall! Its not like you have to travel to me!

So, Mr Genius. 1) do you live with me and therefore are classed as part of my household under the social distancing rules? 2) Like 1000s of other ladies, I don't live where I work, therefore I cannot work as I cannot travel to my incall place.

I didn't reply anyway, just ignored. I shouldn't have to spell it out to him. I hope that's the most ridiculous enquiry I receive during this madness.

Haha that made me laugh, not bothered about the disease at all, just flouting the restrictions!

Guys - Sneaking out for an 'emergency cock suck' - NOT ESSENTIAL!