Hi there all - been on the forum in the past but decided to join back up now that I am bored from not working and social distancing. I also understand that there are some punters contacting women to see if they'll agree to bookings in ordered to 'catch them out'. I've stopped working but I know there are some women who have particular situations, such as only working part time and have debts or what have you, and so have no savings and feel like they have to work. Its not their fault that the benefits system is not fit for purpose, has this ridiculous wait on getting funds all designed to dissuade people from sticking with their application. And yes you can get a loan if you get through but I have to wait until the end of the first week of April for my interview, there are that many people waiting. I hate all this social surveillance behaviour as well, its not healthy or helpful.
I'm still worried because even though I get all my income from escorting I am a full time student who wasn't entitled to grants or anything and so I have to wait to hear if Universal Credit will accept me, because under normal circumstances they wouldn't and if so I am going to have to hope that camming is at least profitable (which I doubt as more people offering it and lots of married men will be at home with wives and kids so difficulty in getting online, plus money worries for some people) because my savings are limited as I only escort part time around my studies. Trying times.