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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245262 times)

Busty Laila

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #390 on: 21 March 2020, 08:26:02 pm »
i hv 2 acquaintances who are doing very well in manchester TODAY AND YESTERDAY. while in my area and i assume in most areas its been dead. the reason to know what areas are doing well right now is to identify possible touring opportunities as im running low on money and i need to tour asap or i will go bankrupt. lol its not like im gonna identify anyone here i mean there're hundreds of profiles in every city. so as said, im trying to figore out where its busy for now thats why i asked, no other motives lol.

I would not base a tour on only that, just because your 2 friends in Manchester are doing well it doesn't mean the rest of us in Manchester are and that its some sort of boom town. I am not just talking about myself I am a member of a Manchester screening group on whats app and I guarantee that not one of us is doing well. In fact I would be highly surprised that anyone is doing well at the moment unless they only usually work minimum hours anyway.
P.s you would be surprised how easy it is to figure some ones ID just by a few things, after someone knows they are in the right location they can then dig a little deeper so always be careful about giving to much info out over the internet at least thats what children are told it should come to adults naturally


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #391 on: 21 March 2020, 08:31:17 pm »
Was really banking on things picking up this month as so many more experienced ladies advised

If it makes you feel any better I've never found March a good month, or even April particularly (at the start, anyway) :)

I forgot to post this earlier but it might be useful for anybody who doesn't book train tickets online and might not know - a lot of train timetables have been reduced and altered from Monday so if you have a ticket booked please check it's running, especially if you're trying to get home. What it also means is that some of the companies are relaxing their restrictions on refunds even for the advance tickets so it's worth a look - I just did some LNER ones :).


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #392 on: 21 March 2020, 08:39:46 pm »
I just finished my last brief 2 day tour on Thursday and although I did do well I am feeling a bit worried about paying for a place and organising anything else because I am concerned that we might be banned from going out and travelling. I can't afford to lose the money or get stranded in an AirBnB.

I am very worried because, having just moved house I have zero money and a fair bit of debt.

Ive tried to apply for a bit of Universal Credit until we are able to work again but I'm freaking out because I'm not sure that I am entitled to anything plus, even if I am, I believe it's only 90 odd quid a week. That's not going to touch even my basic bills and expenses.

Worrying times. There seems to be no option but to keep trying to work for so many of us.

I know from experience that clients often don't care about your health and will turn up even if they aren't feeling well. I seem to always be down with some kind of bug.
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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #393 on: 21 March 2020, 09:03:50 pm »
I'm avoiding the endless news reports, but I do know that there's been some considerable outcry about self employed sole traders being left out of the government provisions, so hopefully they'll get to us sooner or later :).

I also hope they will review the plan!

Overall, I don't think that the government's plan is great. They are pumping money in businesses that might not even be needed in the next year's market.
The market is a dynamic structure based on factors like demand and supply - these might be drastically different in the near future.
The government is freezing businesses as they are now and trying to impose this old structure on a very new reality.
It doesn't make sense.
I was hoping they would temporarily introduce Universal Basic Income, which would give all a similar footing.

I'm very unhappy with the difference in how self-employed are treated. Also, they didn't freeze bills so far.
I have no idea how one could survive on Universal Credit alone, so I think it will push more people into debt.

The world might be quite different in the near future.
It would make more sense if the government introduced support in gaining new skills and qualifications.
I'll try to use this time to learn a new skill that would help me to adapt to the new circumstances.
I have to say though, it's difficult to concentrate when worried and scared.  :-\


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #394 on: 21 March 2020, 09:15:22 pm »
I also hope they will review the plan!

Overall, I don't think that the government's plan is great. They are pumping money in businesses that might not even be needed in the next year's market.
The market is a dynamic structure based on factors like demand and supply - these might be drastically different in the near future.
The government is freezing businesses as they are now and trying to impose this old structure on a very new reality.
It doesn't make sense.
I was hoping they would temporarily introduce Universal Basic Income, which would give all a similar footing.

I'm very unhappy with the difference in how self-employed are treated. Also, they didn't freeze bills so far.
I have no idea how one could survive on Universal Credit alone, so I think it will push more people into debt.

The world might be quite different in the near future.
It would make more sense if the government introduced support in gaining new skills and qualifications.
I'll try to use this time to learn a new skill that would help me to adapt to the new circumstances.
I have to say though, it's difficult to concentrate when worried and scared.  :-\

The way in which quite a few people work is changing, as well as travel.

I'm in an area shielded to some extent however fear and judgement is on display, but right across the country on social media it looks similar. I've had a few try it on regards rates but no more than usual and many who have just stayed calm. As ever the variation is refreshing.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #395 on: 21 March 2020, 09:36:29 pm »
After reading what my accountant has just sent me, I think it's SSP or UC that applies more to us  ::)

I'll be applying for benefits next week - Universal Credit and Employment and Support Allowance.

English Green

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #396 on: 21 March 2020, 10:23:34 pm »
To be fair i do know a lot of sex workers that have no savings and have phoned UC and got immediate same day emergency money anything from £400 to £710 to survive as they are following government advice to not have close contact or spread it and til they get there decided benefit money and the government will announce soon more info on helping sole traders they can only do so much on each situation daily all needs to be worked out.

So i know it will not cover everybody's loans, Credit cards and other debts but if it covers food and gas and electricity that is all we mainly need just to survive. They know everybody cannot pay every bill we are all in it together and there are measures and help coming into place so companies are not all expecting everyone to pay all bills at the moment.

We are all adults so if sex workers and punters want to carry on for now that is down to them if they catch it or pass it on well there choice. Just like so many went out last night to the pub on the last night to get drunk all mixing together no care for government authority asking us not to do it.

For the sex workers that are still working though my thoughts are with you and i hope you stay healthy.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #397 on: 21 March 2020, 10:32:40 pm »
To be fair i do know a lot of sex workers that have no savings and have phoned UC and got immediate same day emergency money anything from £400 to £710 to survive as they are following government advice to not have close contact or spread it and til they get there decided benefit money and the government will announce soon more info on helping sole traders they can only do so much on each situation daily all needs to be worked out.

So i know it will not cover everybody's loans, Credit cards and other debts but if it covers food and gas and electricity that is all we mainly need just to survive. They know everybody cannot pay every bill we are all in it together and there are measures and help coming into place so companies are not all expecting everyone to pay all bills at the moment.

We are all adults so if sex workers and punters want to carry on for now that is down to them if they catch it or pass it on well there choice. Just like so many went out last night to the pub on the last night to get drunk all mixing together no care for government authority asking us not to do it.

For the sex workers that are still working though my thoughts are with you and i hope you stay healthy.

Perfectly said x


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #398 on: 21 March 2020, 10:46:19 pm »
Perfectly said x

Yes, thank you for this post, EG!


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #399 on: 22 March 2020, 12:13:37 am »
« Last Edit: 22 March 2020, 12:30:52 am by Honeyxx »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #400 on: 22 March 2020, 01:45:03 am »
Quite a few people on this thread have mentioned applying for UC, but there seem to be lots of supermarket/online delivery jobs coming up, which might be a preferable short-term alternative?
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde

Lola xxx

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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #401 on: 22 March 2020, 06:56:07 am »
Quite a few people on this thread have mentioned applying for UC, but there seem to be lots of supermarket/online delivery jobs coming up, which might be a preferable short-term alternative?

I think I’m gonna go down this route. I already had another customer service job but that’s quiet too atm. I’m lucky I have a kinda of sugar daddy that has helped me tremendously at the moment with stuff!!


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #402 on: 22 March 2020, 07:12:30 am »
At the moment there is no landlord or landlady who is going to evict you. Call  your utility companies and explain your situation about not earning much like everyone due to the virus. If you manage to apply for UC it’s not much but will feed you and your family for the time being. I have stopped working for now it’s hard time for everyone but health is more important than anything.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #403 on: 22 March 2020, 10:10:24 am »
Quite a few people on this thread have mentioned applying for UC, but there seem to be lots of supermarket/online delivery jobs coming up, which might be a preferable short-term alternative?

In normal circumstances, I would say it's a great idea, but now I think it's too risky.
Delivery drivers should be given proper PPE and double pay.
But now even the NHS staff do not have PPE to protect themselves and already there are reports of medics ill, some critically.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #404 on: 22 March 2020, 10:27:15 am »
In normal circumstances, I would say it's a great idea, but now I think it's too risky.

Well it may be too risky for some and certainly anybody in a vulnerable group, but others amongst us want to be productive and pay some bills as well as.contributing whatever we can to help - people need food and cleaning products and without the wherewithal to get it the NHS will be flattened even more. I spent yesterday doing exactly what Kay suggests and I'll spend tomorrow doing likewise.

That said, it's wandering away from sex work again. It was ticking over fine, so let's get back to the thread title please :).