Today I closed shop, no more bookings for me. The risk has become too high.
I have applied for Universal Credit - the initial interview will be held over the phone if you tell them you are self-isolating. And they don't actually expect you to get a job, everything has been relaxed. It's a pain in the arse to apply for, but we need all the support we can get right now.
If you have been paying your National Insurance for a number of years (from what I know) you will be able to claim contributory ESA, or Universal Credit.
I might try webcamming/selling online content... It's really not for me but I guess I've got a lot of spare time on my hands now.

At least the Gov is saying that renters will be protected from eviction. That's been my main concern financially, I have some savings, but unfortunately I squandered my escorting money for far too long to have decent savings behind me.
Now more than ever we need to support ourselves, our loved ones and our communities. <3 Look after yourselves ladies. xx