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Author Topic: Coronavirus affecting bookings  (Read 245453 times)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #930 on: 24 April 2020, 07:33:39 pm »
The safest way is not to work at moment.  I believe in fate if you catch this virus it was meant to be.  One of my regulars texted me today asking if I'm ok which is good.  I think we are in the long hall for this virus.  If things dont improve I'm afraid escorting will be a thing of the past.  The oldest profession to dry up thanks to the virus. X

Veronica, with the best will in the world, this is not the first pandemic that has ever happened? Even barely 100 years ago the Spanish Flu infected a third of the globe and killed tens of millions of people, and prostitution is still very much alive and kicking. As posted above, plenty of punters are still working and many will have saved a fortune from not having the small daily expenses, not going out or to football and so on.

Fate is obviously smiling on me, since as far as I know I had it weeks ago and I'm by no means the only person on this thread :)


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #931 on: 24 April 2020, 08:31:43 pm »
Veronica, with the best will in the world, this is not the first pandemic that has ever happened? Even barely 100 years ago the Spanish Flu infected a third of the globe and killed tens of millions of people, and prostitution is still very much alive and kicking. As posted above, plenty of punters are still working and many will have saved a fortune from not having the small daily expenses, not going out or to football and so on.

Fate is obviously smiling on me, since as far as I know I had it weeks ago and I'm by no means the only person on this thread :)

Hi Amy and what symptoms did you have? I had the worse chest cough for a month in January and I don't suffer with my chest.

I hope I've had it but not sure so if a reliable test was about I'd be up for finding out if I have had it.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #932 on: 24 April 2020, 08:49:08 pm »
So I saw my regular today: yes, I probably should have turned him down out of principle but he offered double and I'm deep in my overdraft. It's only me in the house right now too as my housemate chose to quarantine herself with her bf. Didn't restrict any services but tbf I personally don't see the point in doing that unless you plan on offering a totally contact-free gloryhole-style service as it's so infectious.

Not a chance in hell that I'll be lowering my rates post-lockdown. Tbh if I were in the position to (eg: healthy savings, not having to work) I'd raise them due to risk.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #933 on: 24 April 2020, 09:01:07 pm »
So I saw my regular today: yes, I probably should have turned him down out of principle but he offered double and I'm deep in my overdraft. It's only me in the house right now too as my housemate chose to quarantine herself with her bf. Didn't restrict any services but tbf I personally don't see the point in doing that unless you plan on offering a totally contact-free gloryhole-style service as it's so infectious.

Not a chance in hell that I'll be lowering my rates post-lockdown. Tbh if I were in the position to (eg: healthy savings, not having to work) I'd raise them due to risk.

How lucky are you getting double the rate to be seen! If only that would happen to me!

I had a guy text me last week, I’ve only seen him twice and both times it’s been for a 15 min oral+cim booking which is £40, and this time he wanted the usual 15 mins but he wanted kissing, reverse oral and sex on me and all still for £40! I told him to GTF and that a booking like that is £80 and he knows it, he replied back that as he comes that quick then he feels £40 is even too much for oral and cim, I said him coming early isn’t my problem and that as soon as I put it near my mouth then he wants to come!

Sorry I’m so good at my job buddie 😂😂


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #934 on: 24 April 2020, 09:01:53 pm »
Veronica, with the best will in the world, this is not the first pandemic that has ever happened? Even barely 100 years ago the Spanish Flu infected a third of the globe and killed tens of millions of people, and prostitution is still very much alive and kicking. As posted above, plenty of punters are still working and many will have saved a fortune from not having the small daily expenses, not going out or to football and so on.

Fate is obviously smiling on me, since as far as I know I had it weeks ago and I'm by no means the only person on this thread :)

Me too! I think my friend brought it over last year from China when we were both struck with continuous dry cough and double :o pneumonia. 'Call an ambulance on 999 immediately if it gets worse', don't wait overnight' ordered the doctor. We're both totally fit and healthy and whatever it was...slapped us in the chops. For that reason I'm not that concerned catching it from clients. Most are under 30, apparently healthy males so presumably not at dire risk from me. Looking forward to work in the future.
« Last Edit: 24 April 2020, 10:23:47 pm by saltysweet »


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #935 on: 24 April 2020, 09:11:22 pm »
I feel that I need to clarify here.

There is no guarantee or full proof way of preventing the virus from infecting me. This applies if I go to the supermarket as well as a client visiting me.

Those who say they won't work until its safe, I was thinking exactly the same but I then had to consider that you will never be safe until you are vaccinated against the virus.

This won't be for probably another 12 months. So if you are planning on escorting again in 2020 the risk will be there.

So, I know that some have symptoms...they can't come to me.
Those that don't have symptoms, soap is the best known killer of the virus. Hence the showers with soap. Clothes are left in a bag which they leave in the bathroom.

Its not full proof.

Its not even close to full proof.

It is however just as safe/risky as it will be in 6 months. So why wait for 6 months and then decide to work when there is still no vaccine?

This isn't a rant, just merely pointing out that some seem to think oll give it a month then start working.

Reality check, the dangers will still be there in a month, in 3 months, in 6 months.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #936 on: 24 April 2020, 09:33:20 pm »
This isn't a rant, just merely pointing out that some seem to think oll give it a month then start working.

Louise, it would be really helpful if you could quote the post/posts you're responding to if possible? I haven't seen any posts like that, and from what I can tell the majority of people who are keen to get back but holding off are doing so to wait for other contact businesses to reopen and therefore try to stay within the law, not because they think they won't catch anything if they do.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #937 on: 24 April 2020, 09:37:53 pm »
I feel that I need to clarify here.

There is no guarantee or full proof way of preventing the virus from infecting me. This applies if I go to the supermarket as well as a client visiting me.

Those who say they won't work until its safe, I was thinking exactly the same but I then had to consider that you will never be safe until you are vaccinated against the virus.

This won't be for probably another 12 months. So if you are planning on escorting again in 2020 the risk will be there.

So, I know that some have symptoms...they can't come to me.
Those that don't have symptoms, soap is the best known killer of the virus. Hence the showers with soap. Clothes are left in a bag which they leave in the bathroom.

Its not full proof.

Its not even close to full proof.

It is however just as safe/risky as it will be in 6 months. So why wait for 6 months and then decide to work when there is still no vaccine?

This isn't a rant, just merely pointing out that some seem to think oll give it a month then start working.

Reality check, the dangers will still be there in a month, in 3 months, in 6 months.

Yes but surely we are in lockdown for a reason (protecting the nhs because of the number of people getting this and being seriously unwell)? There’s also the fact that it’s illegal at the moment as well. There is also daily talk of the virus reaching its peak and then declining so won’t there be less risk in catching it in 3 or 6 months time when it’s not so prevalent and not so many people have it?

Personally I don’t know if I will even want to take that risk in 3 or 6 months time so am considering all my options including considering applying for civvy jobs, but will see how the land lies and reassess things in a month or 2


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #938 on: 24 April 2020, 09:55:12 pm »
I would imagine the people meeting up with their mates for parties and barbeques, the pubs doing lockins on the sly with the curtains shut and the thick twats in the supermarkets refusing to keep their distance (at least in my town, where anybody with the ability to think critically is viewed with suspicion at the best of times) present far more opportunities for infection to spread than a lone punter who may have been on his own at home for weeks travelling a short distance to see a lone prossie who has done likewise :).

As for the supposed 'lockdown' (where everybody can pretty much go out when they want provided they stay away from other people and don't take the piss), I'm starting to wonder what people are going to call it if and when we ever actually have one. But then I have family members who are in Spain.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #939 on: 25 April 2020, 12:00:01 am »
Regardless of this virus and lockdown. As WGs we actually put ourselves at risk from owo and DFK orally unhygienic mouths, Risk of clamydia and HIV from and  CIM, I have offered all myself. But it's our own choice and in the last 7 years of having many sexual partners and always OWO and the same with work, Never got anything and actually hardly get a cold.

My point is life and Everyday we take risks, A trusted boyfriend can create and give a partner something. I read on closer today of a woman that drink sperm because she thinks it is good for her immune system. For me CIM gives me a upset stomach so no thanks.

I like that we can have a choice, Right now it feels like we are being judged daily. But really the info we are fed is from the media and we will never get total clarity

We all have our reasons to not work during lockdown or to work. Be interesting to get feedback after this how many girls working since lockdown actually got ill, I think ironically not many.

I personally never believe everything I am told or else I'd be a sheep. So its important to have our own way iof dealing and feeling safe during lockdown but to also support each other and give advice. We may not always agree.

The fact we have chosen to be escorts  shows we are independent  and gone against the rules and judgments of others. Many if us had to because we needed to provide and pay bills. But we all come from different backgrounds and not all WGS madecthe choice

I will never feel ashamed that I have sold my body and time for money because as adults and in this industry it's not just about sex and it's not about being used or exploited, Its the female power we have over men. For most it's a choice and fron what I have read on here, We Educated women and it's still a mans world so us women need to still find ways to make things work for us and for our families.

And nothing is black and white, We may agree to not agree and sometimes  be too high and mighty. But it's a blessing to be free to have an opinion.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #940 on: 25 April 2020, 01:54:16 am »
I agree with some of what you say, Bettyboo, and certainly once lockdown is lifted, or starts to be eased at least, everyone (escort and punter) will have different ideas about what's safe (for them and their close ones) and what's to be avoided - and what's OK for one person will be wrong for another.

For me though it's more about your behaviour during lockdown. Continuing to work is breaking the law; is flicking two fingers up at all those who are keeping away from e.g. their children or elderly parents; and potentially putting more burden on the NHS. Just because we all see morons flouting the rules and displaying egregious lack of common sense, it doesn't make it right. There's also the risk of gossiping neighbours, a visit from the police, even being splashed across the pages of a scuzzy tabloid. I don't agree with any witch hunts, and I also doubt punters will genuinely blacklist any escort who's working - though it's clear some are making notes of names - but I think people need to really weigh up whether it's worth the risk to them personally to see clients during lockdown.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #941 on: 25 April 2020, 10:52:24 am »
No way in hell anyone should be lowering their rates if they are going to work in already risky times. Stick to your guns ladies if they want you they will pay your asking price.
There will be a strong  stream of clients after the lock down is lifted. This will be the time to re coup lost earnings. Let’s get some positive vibes going here.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #942 on: 25 April 2020, 11:03:35 am »
Lockdown wouldn't last for much longer.

Social distancing, they are saying,
will have to continue into 2021.

However, mass testing might become a norm,
by following South Korea.
(been wondering about their escorting/adult industry
as they flattened the curve fast thanks to
their mass testing).

At least you would know if you're positive
or not.  Men will also know.
I wouldn't go by "no symptoms".
No way.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #943 on: 25 April 2020, 12:16:29 pm »
The safest way is not to work at moment.  I believe in fate if you catch this virus it was meant to be.  One of my regulars texted me today asking if I'm ok which is good.  I think we are in the long hall for this virus.  If things dont improve I'm afraid escorting will be a thing of the past.  The oldest profession to dry up thanks to the virus. X

The oldest profession will never dry up.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Coronavirus affecting bookings
« Reply #944 on: 25 April 2020, 02:46:09 pm »
Or you could just offer handjobs whilst wearing a full bee keeper outfit!