I wouldn't mind working if I had some sort of assurance that some of these punters had a modicum of awareness that this is risky and it isn't just 'business as usual' but they don't, some of them are just clueless, had one such idiot contact me today who didn't even notice my update from over a week ago, he just thinks the standard from before will hold true now and I haven't got time for people like that because it is exactly the type who will turn with symptoms and not tell you.
I am a higher risk so as is one of my sproglets, I can't take that risk so I have decided to go cyber if possible or otherwise rely on the benefits, no it isn't really enough but I have an overdraft and a credit card with nothing on it (I WAS able to pay that off at least) we will be ok, but no judgement to the women who are taking the risk, I honestly considered it but with my lungs deciding to give me fair warning of their delicacy right now, I have decided to listen to my body.
Someone who I've yet to meet (no booking yet) told me he was going to the pub when I declined his booking Friday night (had a personal event arranged(online)), then texted me in the early hours asking if I was available.
Has sent various messages over the last ten days saying he thinks I am wonderful, have spoken on the phone, but one of those only wants to book at short notice (no partner, lives alone), is a significant distance away and middle of the night pub or no pub isn't going to work.
BUT in light of what actually was put in place on Friday, just a little bit shocking.
Always interesting the things that guys who say "Really want to see you, think you are really nice, I'm really keen, respectful etc" go on to actually do.
BUT it's being done right across all areas of life.