They've changed it, I thought I was going mad then! It's on page 2 of the Live news on the BBC news site, 12.53pm now states
'Scotland lockdown plans due on Thursday
James Shaw
BBC Scotland reporter
Earlier we reported lockdown in Scotland would continue for at least another three weeks.
But First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said a decision on that will in fact be announced on Thursday.'
Thanks I looked everywhere and I am ashamed to say CV-19 got me again, I am a facts and try to be fact based person.
As soon as I thought another 3 weeks (I'm not in scotland), my first reaction was physical - I was on verge of tears, heart, stomach went.
I am very ashamed of that, yet know it's part of the effect of the situation. By the way I was brought up not to cry so if I cry things are very strong.
Just fed up of it.
It's such a long time, and a long time for everyone.
I need to think through it rather than at an announcement time in order to manage it, so I just keep going rather than cling on to something which is totally out of my control.