I have been thinking about things over the past month and would like some advice, please.
I'm not sure how to go about working with everything going on?
Is there a high risk of clients reporting escorts? Then I think to myself why would they shoot themselves in the foot.
I know not everyone will agree with my decision but when needs must.
Hi Emma,
Sorry but there is no way to sugar coat this
If you do start working again then you would be breaking the law
All hospital admissions are now tested for the virus and some people are testing positive for the virus without having any symptoms so even with the best screening in the world your not going to know if you’ve been with a infected person until it’s to late
God forbid and the worst happens and you did catch it and need hospital treatment, you will then be asking medical staff (who are also dying) to treat you as you’ve not followed the rules
My green light was on for the first 2days of lock down and I’m sure that I was not the only person who got a number of messages questioning why
My duo partner who works from her home had continued to work up until last week when she had a visit from the police
Even if the government start to ease the lockdown restriction soon the social distancing rules will still remain