Do any of you find it not only rude but boundary pushing if you make it clear you do not offer quickies and your starting price is the bare minimum you will accept written all over your adverts.
Yes I find this quite unacceptable.
Now if someone asks once on the phone as a polite enquiry that's OK, but I've had many then carry on... arguing with me about the price - as if I will see them!. No, I won't now see them even at my full original fee. And this surprises them.
Way back in about 2004 I used to charge £120 and I recall a man turning up and offering me £100 - yes quite a good amount of money - I did want to take it!
He had the cash out ready.
I sent him away and made it quite plain that I'd told him on the phone how much the service cost if he wanted to offer less he had no right to ask my address. Book my time and then turn up and insult me like that.
I was furious with him.
He'd wasted my time.
He then offered the full amount, but I sent him away anyway - that bad taste in your mouth is no way to start the session - what kind of session would follow?
The thing is, if he only intended to use my body like a doll then it wouldn't make any difference TO HIM that he'd insulted me. But I charged the higher price because I offered my clients a lovely time - you know - that personal engagement GFE that he wouldn't get from me after pulling that shit.
It has happened a few times since then too.
I just think if I accept the lower amount of money I can guarantee they will also be the clients from hell.