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Author Topic: Southampton/Portsmouth boundary pusher  (Read 684 times)


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Southampton/Portsmouth boundary pusher
« on: 12 August 2017, 06:21:51 pm »
This guy was very rough, kept pushing my legs down and hurting me, squashing my tits, even put his hands round my throat. I found him very intimidating and thought he might kick off if I asked him to leave. Kept asking for things I don't offer (OWO, wanting me to finger him) that I told him about at the start, and for a discount if he became a regular, even though I repeatedly told him no. Also kept licking me all over my face and tried to force my head down during oral. He knew he was being out of order and asked me not to ban him or block him because he wanted to see me regularly and tie me up with ropes from his boat next time. Asked loads of personal questions like how many clients I'd had that day, although he put it more crudely than that, what's my real name etc.

Warning signs were there, he turned up 40 minutes early and kept harassing me with texts asking when I'd be ready, but he apologised and said he was just nervous.

Goes by Mark. Chin length black hair, ~6' tall, Caucasian, late 30s. 07967 8055**. Said he lives in Portsmouth and works in Southampton.