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Author Topic: Why would the client do this???  (Read 2097 times)


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Why would the client do this???
« on: 12 April 2024, 11:50:44 am »
Saw a demanding old guy lets call him jim, twice last year september 2023, who was into role play, he had script, and a particular scenario, the lines had to be said a certain way. Apparently the first time, I did it right and he was happy and glad he found someone who could act. The 2nd time Apparently my acting skills weren't up to scratch. He seemed annoyed because I forgot my lines 2 times 😆 🤣  the booking ends and he seems satisfied. anyway about 5 days later, he sends me a long message saying I didn't put enough effort into a roleplay and seemed half-arsed at it. He said my performance was so different from the first. He said he is annoyed because he knows I could do it, but choose not to put the same effort into it.

 I told him I tried my best. I said I'm not a professional  actress. Im a hooker. If I was a good actress,  I would be on Broadway, Westend or Hollywood. He said I'm not the right escort for him.  He said,  he didn't enjoy the 2nd booking......he won't be booking me again.  I said OK. Sorry I couldn't meet his standards, but I tried my best. I then blocked him and forgot about him.

 This morning had a booking made for 10am. Contacted me via my website. Asked him to call me at 8 30am, for a quick phone call to confirm.  I assumed he changed his mind. No Confirmation. I took another booking from a young Essex guy for 10.30am, but he also no showed on me. Bad luck today. I checked my blocked messages........tell me why Jim has sent me load of texts. One at 8.30am to confirm, and many more, asking if im ok.  he then sent some more saying he is in the carpark for our 10am booking.  Wtf.  I texted him why is he contacting me. He said "are you going to see me?"  I said "no you already said you didn't enjoy last time, why are you sneakily trying to see me again?? You deliberately hid who you are. This is worrying to me and scary". His reply  "yeah whatever b. Thank you goodbye"  I'm guessing b is either babes or bitch🤣.

Why would he try and see me again, if my service was not good enough for him???


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #1 on: 12 April 2024, 12:02:32 pm »
He’s a creep I highly doubt he was in the carpark either. Ignore him don’t waste anymore of your time. Perhaps put a warning on CE though.


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #2 on: 12 April 2024, 12:06:52 pm »
Creep, I've had my fair share. The demanding ones are the ones I find end up a pain in the arse. If a client told me my performance was not good enough, I  wouldn't see him again.

One More Rodeo

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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #3 on: 12 April 2024, 12:21:10 pm »
Why would he try and see me again, if my service was not good enough for him???

Your services are not the point. The point is that he's abusive. It doesn't matter what you did, how you did it. What matters to him is that he could cause you distress.
Any reply from you, engaging in any convo just gives him what he wants.

I would send him a clear message saying that you do not wish to be contacted and if he won't comply, you'll report him to the police. And then follow on this promise, if he contacts you again.


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #4 on: 12 April 2024, 12:29:38 pm »
Your services are not the point. The point is that he's abusive. It doesn't matter what you did, how you did it. What matters to him is that he could cause you distress.
Any reply from you, engaging in any convo just gives him what he wants.

I would send him a clear message saying that you do not wish to be contacted and if he won't comply, you'll report him to the police. And then follow on this promise, if he contacts you again.

in my experience further contact can often provoke I’d be inclined not to do this but it’s your call
« Last Edit: 12 April 2024, 12:41:47 pm by matureho »


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #5 on: 12 April 2024, 01:00:17 pm »
Creep, I've had my fair share. The demanding ones are the ones I find end up a pain in the arse. If a client told me my performance was not good enough, I  wouldn't see him again.

I had already blocked the creep, but he contacted me again via email with a different name. I did not realise it was "Jim the creep", until I checked my blocked messages, and realised that my 10am, that was meant to call and confirm at 8.30am , was the same guy from last year. If I had known it was him, there is no way I would take another booking from him. I'm guessing he has pushed several escorts to their limits, and now he has circled back to me. Probably thinking "sugar" maybe I weren't so bad afterall ;D


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #6 on: 12 April 2024, 01:01:15 pm »
Your services are not the point. The point is that he's abusive. It doesn't matter what you did, how you did it. What matters to him is that he could cause you distress.
Any reply from you, engaging in any convo just gives him what he wants.

I would send him a clear message saying that you do not wish to be contacted and if he won't comply, you'll report him to the police. And then follow on this promise, if he contacts you again.

I won't be sending any message to that idiot.


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #7 on: 12 April 2024, 01:04:26 pm »
in my experience further contact can often provoke I’d be inclined not to do this but it’s your call
yes I agree


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #8 on: 12 April 2024, 01:06:26 pm »
Has anyone else had experiences,  where the client complains about the booking, then tries to book again???


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #9 on: 12 April 2024, 02:17:15 pm »
Sugar, don’t waste your time and energy dwelling on it. I am sure there was nothing wrong with your booking at all. This one is clearly a wrong un and sounds manipulative. Block and move on. Feel free to PM me if you want further support in dealing with this. Take care.


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #10 on: 12 April 2024, 02:44:04 pm »
yes I agree

I agree too, but if he does it again then definitely send the message above and nothing else. That way if he continues you can prove you told him not to contact you, and there's your harrassment case :)


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #11 on: 15 April 2024, 07:04:20 pm »
I dunno I had my fair share of those "intimidators" also. What is the reason why would a person wanna scare you but they dont do aynthing bad when they have a chance???


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #12 on: 16 April 2024, 03:44:25 pm »
Has anyone else had experiences,  where the client complains about the booking, then tries to book again???

I had someone years ago claim I wasn't very nice about a particular characteristic, and also picked apart a post I'd made on a forum to support this. He went on and on, then rebooked. Booking went well as if nothing was bothering him, and he gave me a gift.

Accusations started by email afterwards, he listed things I simply had not and would never say nor do. He then he submitted a fake review which insulted me and actually did himself no favours when there was room to big himself up. It had actually felt like a very close booking (plus the gift etc), for example he made me climax which is difficult! It was all touchy feeling, nice.

After the what was essentially a fake review - although it happened the wording was nothing like what actually happened, he then got in touch to rebook. I said I couldn't trust him, he then became very nasty once again making up things I had not said. I told him to cease contact, I've never heard from him since.
« Last Edit: 16 April 2024, 04:29:50 pm by Mirror »


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Re: Why would the client do this???
« Reply #13 on: 16 April 2024, 10:48:01 pm »
Has anyone else had experiences,  where the client complains about the booking, then tries to book again???

I had a client who sent me this message after a booking:

I didn’t get all the experiences that I was either expecting or willing to try. I get it that services are at your discretion and maybe you didn't like me enough. Maybe I was not assertive, maybe we didn't click, maybe my expectations were too high. Whatever the reason, I couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed when I left, instead of like a champ.

It’s like so vague and I don’t know what extra experiences he was talking about. I was going to reply to him but I left it. Then 2 weeks later he tried to book again which I ignored. It’s the part that he expected us to click after spending 30 minutes together that freaked me out more than anything.