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Author Topic: Tricky one, need advice. Overnight fee unreasonable from seemingly nice client  (Read 5618 times)


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Thank you for your replies.  Especially for the support, as he started (my fault) to make me feel guilty or obsurd for suggesting such an 'obscene' amount of money  ::)   

He's come back to me this morning by email and said my price was a bit beyond him but he understands and take care.  I won't be seeing him again and I'm rather glad.

It's not just that my overnight rate is ?800, What about the other 12hrs of social time I'd be working.  Because lets face it - I'd be working and ensuring he was happy the whole time. And that's no easy feat keeping your energy levels up for so long. Especially with someone you don't find in the least bit attractive anyway.  And the two days of work I'd be missing..  There's no way I'd do that type of booking for ?700.  And to assume I'd do that rate out of the goodness of my own heart.  Insulting!  Cheesypeas was very astute! Even though it's a lot of money by itself, it's truly taking the piss.  If you want to hire me for a such a length of time, great! But you've got to pay for it, simple.  He knew what my rates were in the first place because he originally found me on AW and mentioned he often browses my profile frequently: my social rates are described along with everything else so he had a rough idea of my fees.   He knows I live in an expensive county.  I'm just glad I don't have to see him again because I don't appreciate having my boundaries pushed and ripped off.  24hrs is a long bloody time, even if you're with someone that's pleasant.  And I deserve to be paid accordingly for that.

Thanks again everyone, I appreciate it! xx


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Well there you have it - problem solved!  Well done.

If you could pass on my details to him that would be great...........rofl!!!


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what a creep.good riddance!

mature helen

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?700 for 24 hours works out at a smidge under ?30 an hour. I wouldn't mind if it was a social meet with separate rooms etc but if it includes "bedroom fun" it doesn't sound enough to me.


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I used to clean houses and I charged a lot of money for it because I was highly professional with all the proper insurance, tools, etc. I was out leafletting in an affluent village and this couple asked me to come in and give them a quote. Very posh people with a very posh and large house. I gave them a quote and they were all like, "Oh, er... that's a lot of money. We've friends in London who have a marvellous cleaner for only ?8 an hour." I was thinking, "Do you think I'd have these glossy professional leaflets (never mind insurance, etc) if I was charging 8 pounds an hour?!"

I think for some very wealthy people they sort of don't know the value of money for ordinary things. Like, they have a sort of myopic view of finances where they're looking through a telescope backwards and things look small or big when they're the opposite. So, on the one hand they think that 8 an hour is plenty enough for someone who drive around, with insurance and cleaning equipment, to live on but they also think that ?30 is too much to pay to get their house cleaned.

They're in fucking la-la land.


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How rude to think he can offer your ?700 for a 24 hour booking when your overnight is ?800! I'd be pretty annoyed too. It's totally understandable to now have doubts about this guy, even if you do enjoy spending time with him. At the end of the day, this is your job, it's your business and he should respect that. Your totally in charge of your fees and you have to be straightforward with him. If he doesn't like how much you charge for 24 hours that's his problem. If he doesn't like it, then he doesn't have to pay to see you. Simple.
Chloe x


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I don't find him manipulative, or a bastard. It's a business negotiation, and he's opened the negotiations at an amount he probably doesn't expect you to accept. Very often, this is how business is done in his world, and it's not an expression of him not appreciating you properly. Rather than see it as a personal insult, you can find an amount you'll happily accept, and charmingly hold out for it. Would ?1200 be acceptable? If so, tell him, and let him go away and think about it. If he won't offer an amount you'll be happy with, then tell him you'd rather keep your (business) relationship on the familiar footing.

I have so often got in a huff over some imagined slight and told a punter to sod off, only to afterwards regret it and wish I'd handled it better and not shot myself in the foot. It'll just mean some other WG will earn the money, and you've lost a punter.

Every woman is the architect of her own fortune


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Precisely, the rooms and meal have no value to me whatsoever.  It pisses me off no end when a client tries to make me sound like I should feel lucky that he's paying for the expenses.  Who else is supposed to pay?

As for offering, ?700, I would flat out have turned him down and would find it hard to see him even at twice my normal rate on principal.   I have no respect for people that show me no respect.

To some ladies the room and meals are valuable, to others they are not.


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I don't find him manipulative, or a bastard. It's a business negotiation, and he's opened the negotiations at an amount he probably doesn't expect you to accept. Very often, this is how business is done in his world, and it's not an expression of him not appreciating you properly. Rather than see it as a personal insult, you can find an amount you'll happily accept, and charmingly hold out for it. Would ?1200 be acceptable? If so, tell him, and let him go away and think about it. If he won't offer an amount you'll be happy with, then tell him you'd rather keep your (business) relationship on the familiar footing.

I have so often got in a huff over some imagined slight and told a punter to sod off, only to afterwards regret it and wish I'd handled it better and not shot myself in the foot. It'll just mean some other WG will earn the money, and you've lost a punter.

To me, any type of haggling in our business is unacceptable. Either way, his offer was offensive as it was far too low, and if he was setting the bar low to try and haggle that is is still disrespectful in my eyes.
« Last Edit: 17 August 2015, 11:22:07 am by Lucie268 »


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    • bbwcaledonia
No you were definitely right to say no, as what he offered was an insult and I'm sorry but we are not a market stall.

Jenny 2

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Funnily enough I'm in a similar sort of dilema! 

I've been asked away for a couple of nights and asked to quote a figure!  Yet my overnight rates are clear and on my site!!!!!!!   

It's happened to me before in particular with dinner dates.  Guys offering to take me out for dinner.  My one hour rate is 150 and I was offered 200 for a dinner date and the suggestion that it's a nice fancy champagne dinner bla bla bla. 

Since then not seen him as I said no thanks. 

I hate haggling and hate it when they try to knock us down. 

I think OP was right to do what she did.  It would have been the constant being on duty as I call it, and it's not bloody relaxing is it ?  They might think it is but it's work to us. 

So I agree with OP that sometimes we have to stand our ground. 

It's also sometimes the wealthiest that are the stingiest (that's how they get wealthy!) or it's just they are shrewd businessmen and like to get a deal everytime. 

My attitude would have been the same and I say to people who try to haggle with me, if you don't want to pay what I'm worth then find someone that will do that for x amount.  Why insult me by expecting me to lower my fees ? 

Ironically enough I've had a few recently trying to haggle - people I've not even met!  I said to one guy how offended I was that he was haggling over a measly 20 pounds............. I said you don't even think I'm worth my rate ?  Bit rude isn't it I said!

However, going back to the OP, it's always a tricky one when it's a good paying regular you have a good rapport with but I agree you can't sell yourself short and that is how you would have felt had you obliged. 


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Admittedly, I think a lot of people are missing a crucial thing here: none of us get to decide what is a fair price for someone else. This isn't really about the price OP wants to charge, it's about the haggling and expectations. That's great if her prices are a ton to someone else and that person would happily accept X money for Y time.... that doesn't really matter. We aren't communally deciding OP's prices.

It has already been said, but I think you were right to be insulted Clarabella, and did the right thing. He was either taking the piss or a bit of an idiot, and it's up to you to decide how you tolerate that kind of person! I would have probably done what you have!


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As said above, it is your decision what you charge. I would have done it for around ?1000 depending on how much work the client was. If he was hard work I would have given the un-discounted 24 hour rate (?1600).

For an easy client ?1000 would be perfect... I don't make that in 24 hours usually  ;D

However, this guy sounds like he would just keep pushing boundaries, you discount him for 24 hours he'd start asking for discounts on shorter bookings. At the end of the day it's your body and thus your choice!


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If you are not happy and he has upset you the meeting would not be fun.

Some people must look for bargains (they see this as a business transaction we see this as our personal space, we are both correct)
Haggling may seem reasonable to the person offering the money but they need to see how personal this is to us Escorts, some just do not get it.

There is a man wanting to pay me money for a 24 hr booking to include flights and a hotel etc.
I advised him of what I would earn on a bad day and on a good day and we worked out the fee from that.

The client thinking staying in a top hotel and fancy dinner is part of the payment, it is not.
Can we pay our bills better because we stayed at a top Hotel, no so they are being silly.

The people saying wealthy people are stingy with their cash are right.