Sorry mixed up the quote Amy.
Quote fixed; you need to type
underneath the quote, not in the middle of it (deleting the bit you're not replying to helps make it clearer too, and means we don't wind up with gigantic pointless quotes everywhere that we all then have to scroll through)

It’s crazy busy in north London. Consistently hitting my target daily. I think the guys are really treating themselves for Xmas.
What is busy for people though? My daily goal is £300 and I work every day. I only see two people a day for that or a 2 hr booking. I guess if it’s your touring it’s different .. I work where I live so lower costs, not really high volume and less pressure to be making a lot of money in a limited time Xx
It's fine and steady here in the Square Mile too, but then my rent and bills come to more than some people spend on hotels and I work four days a week/five max. Typically though, the one day I was available all day with no prior commitments (Tuesday) was shite and then yesterday when I was out at an event for most of the day and not available at all I had four of them wanting bloody bookings I couldn't do.
I blame myself for putting the AW twat magnet on on Tuesday, tbh.