In Edinburgh it?s reported that the snow won?t stop until Monday and I?ve paid 38.40 credits to be a featured escort on Sunday, ffs it should be busy this weekend but the damn snow is putting a stop to that
It?s gonna be ?slow at the minute or is it just me? for a while yet!! I feel like crying coz I?m skint x

you are not to be alone!

in London should be better from tomorrow...we ll see! good side about it... i m resting so well and i am sleeping better.
my nail take a rest from gel manicure and get strong.... time to be really relaxed without feel guilty as i can not control i find inner peace..more i didn t workout for 3 days after years of training and i notice that my sleep pattern are improving without melatonin.
i am studying so i do something positive..i am working out my brain and learning lot of things very interesting..
i am starting to count money for shopping food, so i realize how much i spend each day to eat! (usually i do not count)
more i am using my frozen food to avoid to spend the cash left.
so i ll be with you! booking on Sunday seems half confirmed saying that he ll hope that he can come to London as he must attend something else before our meeting! we ll see! i get another on Tuesday..this should be ok, deposit payed (already spent it)!
Keep calm and stay zen!