Yes, I'm also finding it a bit quiet at the moment. I talked to a friend who has been working for years and he says it's just how it goes. Some weeks you make lots of money and then other times it can be dead. He mentioned that even after doing this for ages he can still freak out in the quiet times and think 'oh no, that's it...I'm never going to get work again.'
Your friend is quite right

I look at my earnings month by month rather than weekly, that way a bad week doesn't send me into a panic. Last month for example I had a dire week with only a couple of short bookings, but overall the month was my third highest earning for the financial year, so I'd made up for it pretty well!
Another thing I do is to work out how much I absolutely need, ie what pays the rent, essential bills and food. That's a pretty low amount, even a very slow month should cover it, so if I do better than that minimum amount it's a bonus

Remember too that it is the school Easter break in most areas, a lot of gentlemen with kids will be away or just less able to sneak off. The good weather could also mean they are in the beer garden with their mates, or the missus has got him cutting the grass at home!
It'll pick up, it always does