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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3560896 times)

Stephanies Secrets

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #270 on: 31 October 2010, 10:50:13 pm »
Oh, this thread has made me feel better  ;D

I've had a dire month, and was blaming myself for taking more time off than I usually would... but it seems that even if I had worked more, those days would have been just as quiet as the days I have been available!

Shiny new page in the diary tomorrow, let's hope it gets nicely filled up!


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #271 on: 01 November 2010, 12:27:23 am »
I think the best thing is to migrate. From one country to the other ;) Everytime you are new so you will attract a lot of clients because they are aware of new girls. If you like living in hotels and adventure then it's something to think about... I want to do it also cause sitting on my ass does not make much.
He came in the morning and woke me up with killer instinct. Wish I could stop this now.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #272 on: 01 November 2010, 06:35:27 pm »
I've had a virtually dead three weeks, and went back to the phone chat lines just
to make sure some money is coming in.  Today almost left me aghast after I received
a flurry on calls from clients asking to see me today... so I stacked four of the little dears between In and Out calls
then one by one I had "Ive only got sixty pounds"..."'ll move my appointments around" etc etc etc..
and I found myself in a layby in tears looking at the last of my money. Finally one lovely guy rang
me back and said as long I as I was quick and discreet could I do an now I'm curled up with at
least some food in the cupboards and electricity.

If this country would rethink the laws on prostitution escorts could be able to support
each other more, work together in safety and clean environments, instead of the financial pressures
of hotels,  or the risks of outcalls.

I'm beginning to think we need to become as sly and inventive as the idiots who waste our time
Being a good girl from now on.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #273 on: 05 November 2010, 07:05:18 pm »
Growl..stamp...sulk....ring dammit....(eating my words now)....Ive had one missed call since
my outcall on monday...sigh...cmon guys I have bills to pay...
Being a good girl from now on.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #274 on: 06 November 2010, 05:02:42 pm »
Just passed your website addy on to a caller who rang me just now looking for a TS escort, hope you don't mind?

Think he is Middlesborough based, but hey  - he may travel  :)

Have you ever used Vivastreet Vikki? It seems to be very popular TS Escorts, which may make it more competitive, but if it didn't work I suppose they wouldn't waste their money..
  I know it doesn't suit many, but it works really well for me( if you learn how to navigate the rules and regulations  :-\ ) and to sift through the timewasters by sending a standard template to all enquirers with your website link..
 The genuine ones will start to save up and book you eventually!  ;D

Best of luck xx


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #275 on: 06 November 2010, 11:33:06 pm »
Awwwww Thankyou Kimba, that is so lovely, I'm really touch that you thought of me.
I'll look at Vivastreet it sounds interesting!

Thankyou!! xxx
Being a good girl from now on.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #276 on: 29 November 2010, 07:24:24 pm »
The worst month ever.  The worst week ever.  All my advertising is up to day.  I am blogging.  I have done special offers. Next to nothing. I know it is cold but.....

Is it just me?


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #277 on: 29 November 2010, 08:07:50 pm »
Hi Pandora

I've been busier than usual this month, although days I expected to be busy I was rather quiet.
Hopefully things will pick up for you next month in the run up to Xmas.

Chin up girl  :)
Catch me on Twitter as: NubianTempAmil

Needing someone is like needing a parachute.
If they aren't around the first time,
Chances are you won't be needing them again!!


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #278 on: 29 November 2010, 08:34:53 pm »
It's not you.
Keep doing your stuff.
Ignore others.
And don't ask them how they are doing, as it just depresses them & you*.
{I know, I've been there}
The game fluctuates.
Keep your spirits & chin up.

*Focussing on the negatives

rather than

**Focusing on the positives
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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #279 on: 29 November 2010, 10:29:10 pm »
I have more inquiries than I can take, as per usual, but since I'm part-time that's probably of no use to anyone.

Are you in a big city? Are there popular parlours near you doing daily special offers and taking on ex-pornstars who offer anal bareback? Is it really the worst week ever (compared to your records for last year etc)?
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #280 on: 10 December 2010, 03:04:21 pm »
Strangely enough I am also doing unusually poorly at the moment, I have been nervously awaiting this Christmas rush that usually happens this time of year, but it isn't coming : (

But I think it is one of those things - hard as it is - that I'm just trying to ride out, as JodieT says it is all peaks and troughs, and when you are in a trough it is damn frustrating; such is the precariousness of being self-employed I suppose.

xxx :-[ :-[ :-[


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #281 on: 10 December 2010, 03:18:48 pm »
If i remember from last year i was in ireland cos it was quiet at home and every one was saying the same thing on this board how dead it was

in ireland at the moment its def quieter than usual but busier than what i would be at home though
you just have to put your head down and suck it and see literally     ;D  i never look at what i make each week /day rather at each month and it always works out to be the same roughly to a few hundred pounds either way
also save money for when its like this so that it not so much of panic stations when the money isnt coming in you still have some money stashed

the economic situation plus the fact that its xmas never help,  i tend to find the week before xmas it picks up and then straight after as well it picks up as men are at home bored fuckless and have good excuse to get out of the house with no problems

keep your chin up it will all work out ok in the end   




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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #282 on: 10 December 2010, 04:13:59 pm »
November really was the worst month ever  50% down on any month in the 2.5yrs I have been escorting. 

Picked up a bit this week with a "normal for 2010" month - which is about 25% down on 2009 and 10% down on 2008.  But my friend has only had one job in 3 weeks.  we are in Kent near M25/Medway.

I do my stats too - lol

Merry Xmas ladies x


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #283 on: 10 December 2010, 04:32:46 pm »
I realised stats weren't going to work for me initially because I had my own limiting factors on the amount of clients I would/could accept historically. I know the number of enquiries has lessened in general this year, but I'm still taking the same number of bookings, and better quality - put that down to new girl on the block syndrome having worn off!

Anyway only reason things were dead for the last week or two was the snow, pure and simple since I had my usual amount of advance bookings. As soon as the thaw approached everything went back to normal.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #284 on: 11 December 2010, 08:38:48 am »
Ignore others.
And don't ask them how they are doing, as it just depresses them & you*.

true that! I stopped asking people how they were doing. Everyone's situation varies and it may not be your time.

I know it is cold but.....

Is it just me?

I was going to move to Colorado last month. What stopped me was the cold. An older friend of mine told me that cities actually tend to die during cold spells like that. Nobody wants to drive, its to dangerous...they want to sit at home in the warmth of their fireplaces.
« Last Edit: 11 December 2010, 08:42:14 am by AmericanPie »