Hiya Kelly,
I had a peek at your site, and first thing I noticed was that there are quite a few spelling mistakes- for example "inderpendent" instead of "independent" in your very first sentence Also "pre pair" instead of "prepare" etc on your "About me" page. Not having a go or saying that I am the world's best speller (far from it!) but I think that this sort of thing needs to be corrected, as this is the first impression that potential clients get of you, and it needs to be slick enough to entice them into booking! So I'd definitely have a quick spell check
Photo wise, maybe a full length one if you can do it with tripod and mirror etc, one that includes high heels, a skirt, suspenders etc?! (Obviously hiding your face if you don't want to show it!) but I think that might give a better impression what you look like. The boob in the shower is a great idea- sexy and eyecatching, but can you get a clearer one perhaps? Also, cn you get one of your lips, or maybe one that shows what you ehair looks like clearly? Obviously without giving your identity away... it is just that I think you need to play up on your good bits as much as possible, so you stand out from the other thousand million billion squillion photos of us all in lace touching our ladygardens

These are all just ideas that I would mull over myself to make my website as eyecatching and appealing as possible, so only take them as advice and not as gospel! Maybe look at those working near you already, those whose photos make you think "wow" - and ask yourself what is it about them that could inspire your photos? Poses, clothing, a subtle inuendo, a certain expression that you can capture without showing your whole face...... Your website is your shop window, so get tour window display looking hot and the punters will be queuing up to lick your, ahem, windows.

In terms of how to get more attention with AW advertising, the options and click boxes and general complicatedness of AW makes me hide under the duvet and sob silently, so I wouldn't be able to offer any thoughts there, but I am sure some of our AW using ladies will be along soon with some more pointers!
Oh, and final thing- don't forget that it is the middle of the month when everyone is broke after their summer holidays and waiting patiently for payday to provide them with the money to buy sexyladytime.