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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3560899 times)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #240 on: 12 August 2010, 04:19:19 pm »
When I offer a different time the client will say they can't make it, it has to be xpm. In the past I've tried offering discount for days that look quieter/or would be more convenient, with the result guys have then been suspicious i.e. there must be something wrong with me or what I'm offering, or they still cannot make it. Had 3 people wanting to see me this morning when I already had a booking arranged. I offered tomorrow morning but they say they aren't free then. Can't see how offering discount there would work - and of course I don't want to get back into that 'suspicion' place!

I get this, usually because I only see one a day but the "No no no I want THIS time and no other will do!" response is very common. Often it's, "Huff, I'm sorry you can't see me today. I'm only in London for a few days and then I am OFF to OTHER COUNTRIES, pout, and you may NEVER SEE ME AGAIN, sulk!" followed a few days later by, "Oh, I'm in London again next week, can we arrange something for Tuesday?" Of course not all of them do this, but plenty enough to keep me going happily.

Have you checked to make sure your most inflexible clients aren't actually calling you back another day with a slightly more open diary? I find that offering an appointment for the following day in a flirty voice works maybe half the time and for the others, either they only punt once a year, or weren't that interested in me anyway, or they just call back when they're ready to make an appointment in a more grownup manner. I don't like it when someone calls and seems unable to accept that someone else might've called right before them - it's hardly a stretch of the imagination, is it??
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #241 on: 12 August 2010, 04:41:51 pm »

Can I ask a question? How many clients are 'regular' at the moment. As a percentage, if you prefer.

Ah, sorry...I forgot about this thread briefly. Well, at the moment....I only have 1 regular client as I just moved, and even then I only had 1 regular client in the other city. Im also attempting to set up an occasional thing with someone who hired me for an overnight earlier this year, and so far he has been very open to setting something up.  So the percentage would probably be, 0.1% LOL.

What surprises me is that its actually the new clients which are the cornerstone of my income. However, the regulars tend to make it more worth my while.

Miss Melanie Minx

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #242 on: 15 September 2010, 02:22:37 pm »
Hi ladies and boys. So far this week I have had just one enquiry and two withheld numbers, which just get ignored. I'm starting to lose the will to live, I have made a website, not the best in the world but I'm just not a creative person, joined PN, PC, PL, etc and keep up dating my AW profile, so where the hell am I going wrong  ??? I have put my rates down and just don't know what to do next. I really want to get some pictures done but don't want to part with any more cash until I get more clients. Is anybody else having a quiet week?

Kelly x  :(
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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #243 on: 15 September 2010, 03:59:21 pm »
What are your photos like at the moment? If you can't pay for a proffesional one yet, try to make normal ones as appealing / professional as possible.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #244 on: 15 September 2010, 05:18:01 pm »
Hiya Kelly,

I had a peek at your site, and first thing I noticed was that there are quite a few spelling mistakes- for example "inderpendent" instead of "independent" in your very first sentence Also "pre pair" instead of "prepare" etc on your "About me" page. Not having a go or saying that I am the world's best speller (far from it!) but I think that this sort of thing needs to be corrected, as this is the first impression that potential clients get of you, and it needs to be slick enough to entice them into booking! So I'd definitely have a quick spell check :)

Photo wise, maybe a full length one if you can do it with tripod and mirror etc, one that includes high heels, a skirt, suspenders etc?! (Obviously hiding your face if you don't want to show it!) but I think that might give a better impression what you look like. The boob in the shower is a great idea- sexy and eyecatching, but can you get a clearer one perhaps? Also, cn you get one of your lips, or maybe one that shows what you ehair looks like clearly? Obviously without giving your identity away... it is just that I think you need to play up on your good bits as much as possible, so you stand out from the other thousand million billion squillion photos of us all in lace touching our ladygardens  ;)

These are all just ideas that I would mull over myself to make my website as eyecatching and appealing as possible, so only take them as advice and not as gospel! Maybe look at those working near you already, those whose photos make you think "wow" - and ask yourself what is it about them that could inspire your photos? Poses, clothing, a subtle inuendo, a certain expression that you can capture without showing your whole face...... Your website is your shop window, so get tour window display looking hot and the punters will be queuing up to lick your, ahem, windows.  ;D

In terms of how to get more attention with AW advertising, the options and click boxes and general complicatedness of AW makes me hide under the duvet and sob silently, so I wouldn't be able to offer any thoughts there, but I am sure some of our AW using ladies will be along soon with some more pointers!

Oh, and final thing- don't forget that it is the middle of the month when everyone is broke after their summer holidays and waiting patiently for payday to provide them with the money to buy sexyladytime.



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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #245 on: 15 September 2010, 07:48:19 pm »
Its been quiet for me, although I had a brief upturn in business Monday...but its bad cause Im on tour and had to get my car maintenance due yesterday which took a big chunk, but Im glad I was able to do it.

Maybe its different in the US, but I find weeks 2-4 to be the best money wise, with the 1st weeks of the month to be slow. Either way, I just need some cash. Shit goes quickly after I make it.

Miss Melanie Minx

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #246 on: 15 September 2010, 09:22:01 pm »
Doh, I forgot after writing it to spell check it, I am dyslexic and all of my other soft wear automatically checks my spelling for me. As for the photos I only have the camera on my mobile at the moment. I think that I'm going to have to part with some cash and get some pics done.

Thanks, Kelly x
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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #247 on: 17 September 2010, 03:01:13 pm »
hi there to all im new on here and loving the site.
Its been kinda quiet for me too.ive nothing but cancellations.Has any one else had this problem on AW??


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #248 on: 18 September 2010, 04:06:21 pm »
It has been dead lately, well all summer really.

But take a look around the high streets of Britain and see all the shops closing. As far as I can see it is getting worse out there, just no one mentions credit crunch any more as it is old news.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #249 on: 18 September 2010, 08:41:22 pm »
I can only really see 2 or 3  clients a week where I live due to my circumstances, so am often having to say no, which I hate.  For this reason I do try and get out of the area and work a little further away.  It might be worth finding out where the black hole areas are, as where I went to on Friday this week I had 4 bookings, 3 of one hour and one of 2 hours and got taken to lunch and had to knock back 2 bookings, as I couldn't have physically done any more.

It was my 3rd time of going there and 2 of the bookings were repeat, with one previous client having to be knocked back.

I am playing this one a little close to my chest as I know I'm on to a good thing, but seriously if you do the research, there are places crying out for good reliable escorts.  Maybe ask on the pn forum?
« Last Edit: 18 September 2010, 11:43:19 pm by Jessi »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #250 on: 18 September 2010, 10:36:09 pm »
Just another note about the website. The rules for moonfruit say that they are happy to support a website with adult content as long as it has a disclaimer which yours does but your site may be flagged up because you have a picture that could be deemed to be of an adult nature on the disclaimer which is frowned upon by moonfruit.

Also the second pic on the disclaimer is of a bunch of cloud which even in my convoluted mind can't think of a symbolic link to whoring!

Miss Melanie Minx

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #251 on: 19 September 2010, 08:13:59 am »
Just another note about the website. The rules for moonfruit say that they are happy to support a website with adult content as long as it has a disclaimer which yours does but your site may be flagged up because you have a picture that could be deemed to be of an adult nature on the disclaimer which is frowned upon by moonfruit.

Also the second pic on the disclaimer is of a bunch of cloud which even in my convoluted mind can't think of a symbolic link to whoring!

Thanks Amber,  will change the pics on the home page. Good job I didn't work last week, turns out I have chicken pox  ::) and I'm due back at uni tomorrow  :(

Kelly x
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miss caroline

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #252 on: 15 October 2010, 10:26:06 am »
well hello every one.well iv got to say im bored out my brain to day.i work from home thats one good thing has work is dead im not sure why if any one reading this lives near me can you let me know how works going for you?.
any one from any where really dont mind


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #253 on: 15 October 2010, 12:15:55 pm »
Dont know where you are Caroline but the Scottish schools are on hols this week and our area in Scotland also has an inservice day on Monday.  School hols are notoriously quieter than normal. 

Fingers crossed things pick up. xx
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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #254 on: 15 October 2010, 08:09:25 pm »
« Last Edit: 13 May 2015, 04:45:16 pm by LouLou37 »
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin