Hotel was £150 for 2 nights, plus admin fee of £30 because I had to change dates.Return bus tickets £25, but ended up driving because I accepted a booking in the morning from a reg and couldn't change the journey time I had booked myself in for. Petrol costs, say £15? (was happy to sacrifice the bus ticket for a £250 booking)Some food from Tesco for my room £10Coffee on the way £4Breakfast and coffee next morning £6Additional marketing £40Then I was so fucking pissed off when I finally resigned, I ordered food and 2 glasses of wine on room service £30Leaving me a grand total of £100 profit and a headache from all the stress. Never again. Although, yes, the outlays could have been much cheaper had I not changed travel date, messed up around with bus tickets, placed extra ads then ate my body weight in room service; but I was expecting the tour to be really busy.
For some unknown reason 70% of my bookings these days are between 3pm and 9pm. Might be to do with the time of year.
I’m on tour in Cardiff at the moment. I needed to be here for a couple of personal things so thought I’d combine a short tour. Wow I’ve never known timewasters and dickheads like it. Understanding why some girls have said it’s one of the worst places to tour and I’m in agreement. I won’t be coming back