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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3560327 times)


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Slow at the minute or just me?
« on: 29 October 2008, 08:46:28 pm »
In the last couple of weeks I think the credit crunch is really hitting business.  Lots of punters are asking for deals due to the credit crunch.  Are other ladies finding this? 

As I have diversified on to other sites, and the fall off from AW has been replaced by Punterlink and my new website. I still have more or less the same number of jobs, (about 8 -12 a week) but I am working much harder to get them.  A blip or a trend?

I haven't reduced my rates, have any other ladies and if so has it increased business?


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1 on: 30 October 2008, 03:20:54 am »
In the last couple of weeks I think the credit crunch is really hitting business.  Lots of punters are asking for deals due to the credit crunch.  Are other ladies finding this? 

As I have diversified on to other sites, and the fall off from AW has been replaced by Punterlink and my new website. I still have more or less the same number of jobs, (about 8 -12 a week) but I am working much harder to get them.  A blip or a trend?

I haven't reduced my rates, have any other ladies and if so has it increased business?

8-12 bookings a week? that'd be smooth sailing for some of us...

I think the talk is simply making people more cautious (picky) about spending decisions...and to a degree does have an effect.

here in the states, the news and the presidential election coming up has everyone all tuned into the political bullshit, even chat rooms are filled with political chit chat. And there's much tension out here between the 2 parties. RIDICULOUS if you ask me.

The other day the stock market went the people may be more encouraged. Eventually a good week will come by


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #2 on: 30 October 2008, 08:36:38 am »
i think it all goes in cycles and that goes for any business, if it is lower for a while it catches up soon.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #3 on: 30 October 2008, 01:26:37 pm »

here in the states, the news and the presidential election coming up has everyone all tuned into the political bullshit, even chat rooms are filled with political chit chat.

 About half of my most recent booking was spent smoking and discussing the elections and McCain's choice as candidate considering his issues this election.  :)

 And also, Yes I'd kill for 8 bookings a week. Sure I've just started so I'm only just getting going but 8 a week is still a long way away. I'd be surprised if it didn't move in cycles, like any other business we have our highs and lows  :)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #4 on: 31 October 2008, 10:54:01 am »
Im sure it does - after all men will always want some fun.  And i noted from another thread - half term!

Does the Winter affect trade ladies? The sun seemed to bring them out in the Summer.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #5 on: 31 October 2008, 11:19:44 am »
Hi there - I generally find that when the kids ar off school work does go downhill a bit, and prob Jan will be quiet again this year due to everyone spening high in Dec. But chin up - we all have good and bad weeks - it will get better I promise! x


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #6 on: 01 November 2008, 03:21:50 pm »
No-one seems to have mentioned that anyone who thinks mumbling vague platitudes about the 'credit crunch' (which is meaningless media-speak to the majority of people anyway who would, if asked, be hard-pushed to explain what it actually means) in order to try and bag themselves a discount (which I assume is what is meant by 'deal') is outrageously rude - if you can afford to go whoring at all, you haven't got too much to worry about just because your house value has fallen a bit. Boo hoo.

I have a number of valued regulars who do get a small discount, as I know many other ladies do, but this is something that has been offered, not asked for and there's a big difference. Trying to haggle my prices is one of the fastest ways to get yourself blacklisted, and that is never going to change. I have never lowered my prices and do not intend to - fees in this industry have remained stable for a long time and for the most part represent very good value considering that they were practically the same ten years ago (unlike everything else). I can honestly say that I am no quieter than I was six months ago - maybe because I do not live in a particularly affluent area and people here don't have a great deal to lose in terms of bonuses and so on.

This week was bound to be quiet - school holidays combined with the run up to payday for many, multiplied by all the Christmas stuff really starting to make it's presence felt - it's never going to be a busy time. I have to disagree with the OP though - I knew it would be quiet this week, so last week I took plenty of bookings (some of which I would normally have turned down as I don't need to work that much) and had my second busiest week ever - I was exhausted by the end of it and that was after eleven bookings, the majority of them two hours. If 8-12 a week is not enough for you then I sympathise - I would be like the walking dead if I had to work like that every week!

I am not sure what is meant by having to 'work harder' to get bookings; if this means answering enquiries promptly, maintaining self and premises, keeping advertising up to date and so on, surely we are doing this anyway?


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #7 on: 01 November 2008, 03:42:54 pm »
yes that is true the credit crunch is really just mainly about the property market; however it seems to have affect some other businesses as well

i am a firm believer that we are not really affected by the credit crunch, and i also would second that it is more a hype at the moment,

i do second that it is very important to haggle about ones prices


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #8 on: 01 November 2008, 05:38:49 pm »
The credit crunch goes a lot farther than just property. It's also to do with mortgages. For example, some people have been on fixed rate mortgages for a few years, which has kept their payments stable. But now when that fixed period comes to an end, it would be harder for a homeowner to negotiate another fixed deal. If they don't get their fixed deal, then their mortgages go up. When their mortgages go up, they then have to find the extra money from somewhere to pay for the increase per month. And because banks are loathe to loan to each other at the moment, they aren't keen to give the homeowner another fixed rate, simply because it's not in their best interest monetary-wise. If you don't have a mortgage then yes, that's one thing you don't have to worry about.

It also means that banks won't lend to small businesses. If you have clients that own/run a small business, you can bet he's finding hard looking for a loan if he's indeed seeking one. The last thing on his mind is paying for a shag.
But then saying that, I have customers who've been totally fed-up with the stress that the credit crunch has bought them, and sought solace in having some no strings sex. I had a fed-up city banker a couple of weeks ago, who just wanted me to take away the stress of the previous week. So it can work both ways.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #9 on: 02 November 2008, 09:37:34 pm »
No-one seems to have mentioned that anyone who thinks mumbling vague platitudes about the 'credit crunch' (which is meaningless media-speak to the majority of people anyway who would, if asked, be hard-pushed to explain what it actually means) in order to try and bag themselves a discount (which I assume is what is meant by 'deal') is outrageously rude - if you can afford to go whoring at all, you haven't got too much to worry about just because your house value has fallen a bit. Boo hoo.

I have a number of valued regulars who do get a small discount, as I know many other ladies do, but this is something that has been offered, not asked for and there's a big difference. Trying to haggle my prices is one of the fastest ways to get yourself blacklisted, and that is never going to change. I have never lowered my prices and do not intend to - fees in this industry have remained stable for a long time and for the most part represent very good value considering that they were practically the same ten years ago (unlike everything else). I can honestly say that I am no quieter than I was six months ago - maybe because I do not live in a particularly affluent area and people here don't have a great deal to lose in terms of bonuses and so on.

This week was bound to be quiet - school holidays combined with the run up to payday for many, multiplied by all the Christmas stuff really starting to make it's presence felt - it's never going to be a busy time. I have to disagree with the OP though - I knew it would be quiet this week, so last week I took plenty of bookings (some of which I would normally have turned down as I don't need to work that much) and had my second busiest week ever - I was exhausted by the end of it and that was after eleven bookings, the majority of them two hours. If 8-12 a week is not enough for you then I sympathise - I would be like the walking dead if I had to work like that every week!

I am not sure what is meant by having to 'work harder' to get bookings; if this means answering enquiries promptly, maintaining self and premises, keeping advertising up to date and so on, surely we are doing this anyway?

Thanks for all the comments.  By working harder, I mean getting listed on punterlinks etc and getting a website, and spending more time refreshing the profile on AW.  It is addictive being on the computer! Distracts from my real job - especially reading all the interesting forums.  I have only been doing this for about 5 months since the dreaded "CC" hit my real job.  I still have two other real jobs to do as well, and the escorting merely plugs the drain.  It is great fun though, I love it and it gives me a social life, albeit unorthodox.
« Last Edit: 03 November 2008, 07:30:25 am by brandy@saafe »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #10 on: 02 November 2008, 10:27:20 pm »

 I've got to ask- How do you do 8-12 bookings a week and also have 3 'real' jobs?


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #11 on: 02 November 2008, 10:27:53 pm »
No-one seems to have mentioned that anyone who thinks mumbling vague platitudes about the 'credit crunch' (which is meaningless media-speak to the majority of people anyway who would, if asked, be hard-pushed to explain what it actually means) in order to try and bag themselves a discount (which I assume is what is meant by 'deal') is outrageously rude - if you can afford to go whoring at all, you haven't got too much to worry about just because your house value has fallen a bit. Boo hoo.

I have a number of valued regulars who do get a small discount, as I know many other ladies do, but this is something that has been offered, not asked for and there's a big difference. Trying to haggle my prices is one of the fastest ways to get yourself blacklisted, and that is never going to change. I have never lowered my prices and do not intend to - fees in this industry have remained stable for a long time and for the most part represent very good value considering that they were practically the same ten years ago (unlike everything else). I can honestly say that I am no quieter than I was six months ago - maybe because I do not live in a particularly affluent area and people here don't have a great deal to lose in terms of bonuses and so on.

This week was bound to be quiet - school holidays combined with the run up to payday for many, multiplied by all the Christmas stuff really starting to make it's presence felt - it's never going to be a busy time. I have to disagree with the OP though - I knew it would be quiet this week, so last week I took plenty of bookings (some of which I would normally have turned down as I don't need to work that much) and had my second busiest week ever - I was exhausted by the end of it and that was after eleven bookings, the majority of them two hours. If 8-12 a week is not enough for you then I sympathise - I would be like the walking dead if I had to work like that every week!

I am not sure what is meant by having to 'work harder' to get bookings; if this means answering enquiries promptly, maintaining self and premises, keeping advertising up to date and so on, surely we are doing this anyway?

Thanks for all the comments.  By working harder, I mean getting listed on punterlinks etc and getting a website, and spending more time refreshing the profile on AW.  It is addictive being on the computer! Distracts from my real job - especially reading all the interesting forums.  I have only been doing this for about 5 months since the dreaded "CC" hit my real job.  I still have two other real jobs to do as well, and the escorting merely plugs the drain.  It is great fun though, I love it and it gives me a social life, albeit unorthodox.

Wow, you have 3 (or 2, i might have that wrong) real life jobs and you take 8-12 bookings a week, thats one huge bloody drain that needs plugging Pandora.  how do you not burn out and run out of energy?

I have one other job and about to start another in a few weeks, after that i am hoping for upto 5 or 6 bookings  a week but anymore and id be way too tired.  my new job will be an incredibly physical one though so maybe that is why i anticipate being so tired.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #12 on: 03 November 2008, 05:59:49 am »

 I've got to ask- How do you do 8-12 bookings a week and also have 3 'real' jobs?

this seems to be the burning question of the thread. Did you mean you have 8-12 calls per week? Or you actually meet 8-12 per week? isnt that like 2 per day  ???

If thats the case, then that proves times are great even in the shittiest economy....


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #13 on: 03 November 2008, 03:51:49 pm »
I  meant 8-12 jobs a week - I assumed that wasn't much - seems I should be very pleased looking at the threads!

And yes I am very tired - Mondays I dont get up til lunchtime.  I work in my real job fri - sun 15hrs a day - have a hospitality business.  Have another business that is managed by someone else and I oversee and direct - but mainly runs itself.  This leaves me Mon-Thurs to play and also very late night at weekends - for relaxation - lol.  Just a shame that my businesses are in the industries worst hit by the recession.

Realistically my jobs are mainly hour ones - do get the odd dinner date 4hr one so its actually not much time.  I am lucky enough to have built up a good base of regulars, so I find the escorting lots of fun.

Hey, call me an adrenaline junkie.  Can't help but keep busy.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14 on: 03 November 2008, 07:11:22 pm »
I  meant 8-12 jobs a week - I assumed that wasn't much - seems I should be very pleased looking at the threads!

And yes I am very tired - Mondays I dont get up til lunchtime.  I work in my real job fri - sun 15hrs a day - have a hospitality business.  Have another business that is managed by someone else and I oversee and direct - but mainly runs itself.  This leaves me Mon-Thurs to play and also very late night at weekends - for relaxation - lol.  Just a shame that my businesses are in the industries worst hit by the recession.

Realistically my jobs are mainly hour ones - do get the odd dinner date 4hr one so its actually not much time.  I am lucky enough to have built up a good base of regulars, so I find the escorting lots of fun.

Hey, call me an adrenaline junkie.  Can't help but keep busy.

wow...maybe I should move to Europe then  :-\