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Author Topic: Keeping a balance  (Read 4098 times)


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Keeping a balance
« on: 20 August 2008, 01:09:12 pm »
I noticed about this time last month that I was starting to feel a bit snappy and even dread appointments, especially with new clients (even though they were always fine when they actually came round!) and on at least a couple of occasions caught myself really just 'going through the motions' during bookings when I usually do make a real effort to give it my all - I don't see that many people in a week and never normally have problems like this!

I know these are early 'burnout' warning signs - I have been working full-time now for 8 months solid without a proper break and think it's too long, especially as I am fortunate enough to always be pretty busy. I have also just moved house, which while it forced me to take some time off was far more stressful than I had thought it would be.

I deliberately only worked one day last week and then rested a bit and am feeling much more like myself - I have also booked a holiday for next month which has made me feel a lot better too! I am interested to know if other ladies have proper working patterns to make sure they get adequate 'down time'; I know some work 3 weeks of the month and have a week off for their period, and others will have family commitments and so on which will dictate work patterns to a large extent but I don't have anything like this to fit around. Do you have set routines or do you just take a break if you feel you need it? I think I need to be a bit stricter with myself and maybe go for a week off every couple of months - does this sound about right? Any comments much appreciated!


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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #1 on: 21 August 2008, 01:43:46 pm »
Hiya Amy , I have a set routine , I only work during the day and no longer offer outcalls, I also turn my phone off when not working as I find that helps me to become me again (im sure you know what I mean and i dont work weekends or half term holidays
when I first started I worked solidly for 2 years without a break and it very nearly tipped me over the edge to be honest, I also realised that my kids are growing up around me and i wasnt spending as much time with them as i would have liked
I have lost money thorugh working like this but its suits me as at least i have my sanity


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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #2 on: 24 August 2008, 06:57:18 pm »
Louise that is really helpful

I think it is easy to get burnt out.  I am a victim of this as well I believe. 

I make the mistake I think of leaving my work phone on all the time, thinking that I dont want to miss bookings and even if not working I answer calls thinking that it could be for an advance booking, but the time has come where I also realise I need to "Switch off".

I also realise that when I get tetchy then it is time to take a few days out.  I dont have a set routine but have decided that everynow and then if I am not feeling the bounce to get up and go to a booking, then I take some time out to recuperate which I have done this weekend.

However, what I have found recently is that a few regular clients seem to want to text me in between meetings and/or email me to "chat".  Sometimes I dont mind but sometimes I wonder if I am being too accomodating?  Am I letting them take the GFE too far??

Had one client who was constantly texting me and just prior to a booking he would text non stop as it was clearly part of his excitement.  It drove me mad to the point that I recommended him to another escort (and did warn her about the texting!), but in hindsight I feel I perhaps should have been firm with him on the texting and said please dont text non stop.

Its as though some clients just dont seem to realise that we are either working/busy or have another life.  Has anyone come across this problem.

I also get hacked off with guys asking me my real name, so I lie and say it is Jennifer!  But again, I feel I need to learn to be firm and say you dont need to know rather than lie and give them another name but then hell if they are happy and coming back then no problem, but I find it an invasion of my privacy and its as though they feel they have to cross the line.

Also, asking if I am in a relationship or not - again why do they want to know?  Does it make a difference to them!!!

Love this forum
been on another forum and have to say found it very cliquey and almost like escorts competing to outdo each other - here we seem to be more grounded and genuinely caring for each other! 


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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #3 on: 24 August 2008, 07:54:56 pm »
Louise that is really helpful

I think it is easy to get burnt out.  I am a victim of this as well I believe. 

I make the mistake I think of leaving my work phone on all the time, thinking that I dont want to miss bookings and even if not working I answer calls thinking that it could be for an advance booking, but the time has come where I also realise I need to "Switch off".

I also realise that when I get tetchy then it is time to take a few days out.  I dont have a set routine but have decided that everynow and then if I am not feeling the bounce to get up and go to a booking, then I take some time out to recuperate which I have done this weekend.

However, what I have found recently is that a few regular clients seem to want to text me in between meetings and/or email me to "chat".  Sometimes I dont mind but sometimes I wonder if I am being too accomodating?  Am I letting them take the GFE too far??

Had one client who was constantly texting me and just prior to a booking he would text non stop as it was clearly part of his excitement.  It drove me mad to the point that I recommended him to another escort (and did warn her about the texting!), but in hindsight I feel I perhaps should have been firm with him on the texting and said please dont text non stop.

Its as though some clients just dont seem to realise that we are either working/busy or have another life.  Has anyone come across this problem.

I also get hacked off with guys asking me my real name, so I lie and say it is Jennifer!  But again, I feel I need to learn to be firm and say you dont need to know rather than lie and give them another name but then hell if they are happy and coming back then no problem, but I find it an invasion of my privacy and its as though they feel they have to cross the line.

Also, asking if I am in a relationship or not - again why do they want to know?  Does it make a difference to them!!!

Love this forum
been on another forum and have to say found it very cliquey and almost like escorts competing to outdo each other - here we seem to be more grounded and genuinely caring for each other! 

I don't have a set routine. I just switch off the phone if I don't feel like being in the mood to answer enquiries. Or I just don't answer it. I can do that easily. I don't feel compelled to answer every call.
I used to feel guilty in the beginning when a customer would call and say "I've been trying to get in contact with you for ages". Now I just say "sorry to hear that, what can I help you with now you've got a hold of me?"

Some gents don't think or believe we have a life outside of this job, and some love to text or chat inbetween bookings. It's called taking the piss. Be firm and tell them that "it's really inconvenient to talk at the moment, you've got some housewifey stuff to do", if you don't mind shattering their illusions. But that way they do realise that you exist outside the boudoir.

You'll get some guys that, just because they've just booked a long appointment with you, they can then bombard you with texts or emails with various requirements. I actually had one young guy say to me recently, upon making enquiries re: a 3hr booking, that "I'm paying quite a bit of money and I don't see why I can't ask a few questions". I told him that his enquiries are something that he could compose in an email or a quick 5min call, instead of constant texting. I also reminded him that he had yet to pay for the booking. I said to him there was nothing like the arrogance of youth. Unsuprisingly I haven't heard from him since.

And yes, you will get guys asking you for your real name. I'm not sure if it's because they want to feel more special than your other customers. I never tell anybody my real name that asks. I ask that they call me either by my current working girl name, or Brandy, my old name. You start revealing bits of your real persona to your customers then the lines become blurred. If you don't mind that, then that's fine. But otherwise don't bow to any pressure to reveal anything about yourself that you don't wish to. I make a joke out of it, I say something like ", it would shatter your illusions of me, and I want to maintain that fantasy you have of me in your head".
I know of only one customer that knows my real name, which I didn't mind him having, as he was known somewhat in the BBW circle and I knew he was to be trusted. It was a necessity for booking a plane ticket a couple of years ago. Bless, he probably wouldn't even know it now if I asked. And that's it. Anybody asks, I don't tell. I fob them off in the nicest way possible.

Asking if you're in a relationship. It could be morbid curiousity. Some gents can't believe that you may have a husband or boyfriend that may know what you do and is okay with it. They find it difficult to get round their heads.
Some are just chancers who then want to be your boyfriend so you can give them free sex. But with some, it may just be idle chit-chat and not really mean anything by it.
I tell everybody that asks that yes, I do have a partner and yes, he knows what I do and yes, he realises it's just work. It can put off the guys that "want to ask you out for a drink", at the same time realising that this business is just that, strictly business.

Anika Mae

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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #4 on: 24 August 2008, 08:05:06 pm »
Yeah, some clients are like that. I had a regular who used to get frustrated that I wasn't into exchanging emails with him. It's just not my thing, I like to have my personal time for myself. There was another one who wanted to exchange flirty PMs and things in between bookings. He found another girl who was up for it and I think that was why he stopped seeing me. I don't regret losing a client for the sake of my limits.

Having said that, there are a few that I hardly ever see so I would like to keep up by email but I don't manage it. I'm just crap at email!

Talk to them if you're comfortable with it, it may help you retain clients. If you're not then yes you should just tell them, perhaps say that you don't like mixing up your work and personal life. With your texter, I probably would have found out whether he expected replies or just wanted to send texts. I'd be fine with the latter but not the former.

The real name thing used to happen when I was stripping, which was even more daft. Giving them a fake name stops them asking and makes them happy, so you might as well.


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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #5 on: 24 August 2008, 09:16:21 pm »
With regard to the "real name" issue, it may help to invent a false surname so that your workname seems more real.  When I introduce myself to clients using the false surname, they NEVER ask for my real name.   Keep it generic enough to where the name can't be traced to you, but not so generic that it seems ridiculous.  If you are from Poland, don't tell them your surname is Smith!   :D I use a name that is extremely common in Israel, and when asked, I give a bit of a talk about its origins, thus reinforcing the illusion of realness.

If that fails, and they still persist in asking your real name, say to them, "This one's as real as you're getting, bitch!" 


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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #6 on: 24 August 2008, 09:25:10 pm »
I do keep in touch with some clients by occasional email (especially the ones that live a long way away) and also other ladies (which makes me feel more normal and does wonders for my sanity!) but I agree the clients who go for the carpet-bombing approach do have to be told; likewise text messages - I will answer texts from people who I have seen before but do often have to explain that I keep very little credit on my phone because it's primary function is for others to contact me!

I have a 'spare' first name which I tell clients is my real name, although I am not asked that often (possibly because I use a surname as well as a first name for working) - I don't think this does any harm and they know I prefer to be called Amy. Enough people day-to-day call me that rather than any of my other names, whether it be in person, on the phone or by email, so I'm more than used to it - I have also rather pathetically taken to wearing a wedding ring but this is more because I have just moved into a new building and am avoiding speculation by telling my neighbours I am separated; a couple of them have run into my favourite regular in the corridor and I told them he was my ex, which should give the gossips something to do. It is well worth considering though if you are single as I have found it very effective for putting off the 'can I take you for a drink' type chancers.

I still answer my phone when it rings even if I'm not working, as the vast majority of my bookings are taken well in advance and it helps me plan my diary, but I am getting strict with callers, even regulars, who want to see me at short notice if I have already decided I am not available that day. I know that if I am not up to working it will affect my service and I would prefer clients to wait until I'm back to form, even if it does mean losing the odd one - I am learning that the men who really want to meet me will persevere, and the others will just go elsewhere - this is fine as the former group are the ones I want to see!


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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #7 on: 25 August 2008, 09:42:48 am »
Also look out for people who add you to their msn/yahoo chat. I've just this minute had somebody who's added me to theirs. I've blocked them as I usually do. But if you're the sort of person who doesn't mind chatting to people all day on the computer, that's fair enough.
But to date, I've never had one person (in over 6 1/2yrs) who's added me to their msn, make an appointment with me. I'm not one for chatting with anybody via msn. Again it encroaches on my non-escorting time. It may sound a little harsh but I do feel I spend enough time keeping up with my emails and phone enquiries. My phone is on most times, from 8am-around 9-9.30pm. The only time it's not on is when I'm in a booking or in a situation whereby I simply cannot answer the phone, so I just switch it off. I answer most emails on the same day if I'm about. Even in the same hour if I happen to be on the laptop when an enquiry comes in. Otherwise I forget and don't answer for a couple of days, which I don't like doing. I feel that if anybody has taken the time out to make a genuine enquiry, the least I can do is respond as quickly as I can.

So given all that, I feel I do enough as far as enquiries go. And I personally feel that guys who add you to their msn/yahoo just want the thrill of chatting to an escort. I'm not there to provide that thrill. I personally feel that if it were a genuine enquiry, they would call or email, not add me to msn chat.

Anika Mae

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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #8 on: 25 August 2008, 01:23:26 pm »
Oh, agreed. When I was new and trying out ways of getting work I talked to people on msn and yahoo, but it soon became clear that nothing would come of it, not even a webcam booking. When I dropped the chat and said I was only interested if they were making a booking, a lot of them would try to string me along. Not worth it at all, worse than texts.


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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #9 on: 20 January 2009, 11:24:24 pm »
Yeah, some clients are like that. I had a regular who used to get frustrated that I wasn't into exchanging emails with him. It's just not my thing, I like to have my personal time for myself. There was another one who wanted to exchange flirty PMs and things in between bookings. He found another girl who was up for it and I think that was why he stopped seeing me. I don't regret losing a client for the sake of my limits.

Glad I read this I definently agree with it, makes so much sense in my own communications. Very true, especially the last sentence.

Oh, agreed. When I was new and trying out ways of getting work I talked to people on msn and yahoo, but it soon became clear that nothing would come of it, not even a webcam booking. When I dropped the chat and said I was only interested if they were making a booking, a lot of them would try to string me along. Not worth it at all, worse than texts.

doubly true...

The real name thing used to happen when I was stripping, which was even more daft. Giving them a fake name stops them asking and makes them happy, so you might as well.
I think someone can apply this to a more recent post... ;)


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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #10 on: 20 January 2009, 11:57:45 pm »
I too discovered the 'truth' about msn messenger. Guys add you then pretend they either didn't know you are an escort and want you to tell them all about it (never about their lives!), or say they want to get to know you before making a booking. 9 times out of 10 they will also press for a webcam session as well.

As we are sat around feeling/being sexy 24/7. Oh, they only ever want to chat when it's convenient for them. I had someone begging me to talk when I was about to go out on a 4 hour dinner date. They definitely get off on thinking they have you dangling.

So now I block any approaches via messenger. Regards taking time off - last week I ear marked Sunday as my day off for the week. Someone who has been trying to see me for a while, but can't plan in advance or around work asked if I would consider seeing him instead on Sunday. I knew I needed the break both for the sake of enjoying my job, as well as much needed personal time. Without that time off I would be resenting clients.

I told him in no-uncertain terms I couldn't do that and had already made arrangements. No reply.


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Re: Keeping a balance
« Reply #11 on: 22 January 2009, 01:22:11 am »
I still answer my phone when it rings even if I'm not working, as the vast majority of my bookings are taken well in advance and it helps me plan my diary, but I am getting strict with callers, even regulars, who want to see me at short notice if I have already decided I am not available that day. I know that if I am not up to working it will affect my service and I would prefer clients to wait until I'm back to form, even if it does mean losing the odd one - I am learning that the men who really want to meet me will persevere, and the others will just go elsewhere - this is fine as the former group are the ones I want to see!

I have to admit I cannot bear to turn off my phone, even  at night, which is daft as I won't answer it after 10pm. I am a slave to my phones, lol

You are a very intelligent woman Amy and I am not ashamed to say one of the ladies who have been inspirational to me. It pains me to see you punishing yourself with the routine or non-routine you have, but I think you know yourself what you need to do and being the strong person you are you will do it.
Take care of your health, that is the most important thing.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"