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Author Topic: Deposits.  (Read 110067 times)


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #360 on: 12 August 2021, 09:56:15 am »
I find that clients don’t mind paying me a £20 deposit as it’s a small token and I have a lot of aw feedback in the hundreds. So I politely tell them that I am the one with the feedback and good reviews. And when you break it down to them that it makes you feel safer they are ok with it.

Thank you so much for this. This really helps


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #361 on: 12 August 2021, 01:29:25 pm »
I have required deposits for outcalls for a while (usually enough to cover travel costs and possibly a coffee), however I just did my first tour since pre covid and stated in my ad that a 30% deposit was required. This was required by everyone whether or not I had seen them before. I did only have 6 bookings for the 2 days as was trying to be discreet as possible, but before probably 2-3 of those 6 would have been no-shows.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #362 on: 15 August 2021, 08:35:07 am »
When I am in a new destination I do the booking system and don’t make them pay deposit. Same applies if l am in an area where l don’t get a lot of no shows. If things change or l am already in a time waster area they are given a choice of first come first served or pay 20 pounds to secure the time.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #363 on: 23 August 2021, 04:11:28 pm »
Recently I've been feeling rather concerned, as to transfer now you need to give the your full name on the account for the transfer to go through. This hasn't been an issue for me so far as when i receive the funds I can see the clients name or the the name of the business that the account is in and I tell them this after the fact for mutually assured discretion. Today was different, i was going on an outcall and asked for a deposit so sent these details and I hadnt included my first name, just the initial but he went out of his way to confirm my first name as i guess it presented itself to him on the sytem. The transfer never came through, first it was an issue with funds then an issue with the app allegedly so he cancelled. So he has my details including the first name and I just dont have anything of his really. I did try to distance myself by saying it was someone elses account but the issue is my name is unique. if you google my full name there is nothing but my last name, the first result is my mothers linkdin. I do have bad anxiety but i feel uneasy. I checked his number, there are no other reports of him from other ladies.

I guess my question is , should i be worried? If he contacted anyone could i do anything?

and secondly is there some other more anonymous way to receive transfers.

I definitely let me guard down and got too comfortable with transfers but I find more people ask for them these days, Ive even had people show up with no cash as they just assume transfer is okay so i would miss out on quite a bit of money if I only accepted cash payment.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #364 on: 23 August 2021, 06:32:19 pm »
Recently I've been feeling rather concerned, as to transfer now you need to give the your full name on the account for the transfer to go through [...]

Personally, no, I wouldn't be worried. If the money never came through, block him and don't engage with him further. I wouldn't give this any further thought. However, others might tell you differently. What I will suggest is to protect yourself, if any social media in your real name is unlocked, lock it down for a month or so. His interest will have waned by then.

If you're taking deposits for outcalls, ask for a voucher instead of a bank transfer as that is 100% anonymous. I sometimes use Cash App, my details are all hidden and the client does not see my real name. However, not everyone uses it and I have had a few issues with it, in these instances, it's a voucher (as a deposit) up front and the rest in cash on arrival.

As for people turning up with no cash and insisting on transfers, show them the door. Be firm. Set boundaries! Be sure to make it clear that you only accept cash and anyone turning up without it will be told to leave.

[giant quote redacted]
« Last Edit: 23 August 2021, 07:36:17 pm by amy »


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #365 on: 24 August 2021, 07:24:33 pm »
honestly its more a concern of him possibly contacting a relative or something. im very paranoid .

What type of voucher do you suggest?

thank you ill definitely look into cashapp


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #366 on: 25 August 2021, 08:10:52 am »
The percentage of men who would do this is minuscule. Tbh, I think you need to work on your anxiety and paranoia.

As for vouchers, whatever you want - amazon, supermarket vouchers, your favourite shop etc etc. Look and see who does electronic e-vouchers that can be delivered by email.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #367 on: 07 October 2021, 10:30:04 pm »
Can't you ask to get your transfer by western union for your deposit and collect it via a post office in cash?
I don't do deposit but i know you can send money via this system and the one who receives the money can get it without any Id, just a password that the sender gives you?.

There is no cashback option with Western Union. Once you have sent the money it is GONE. 

Western Union requires a Government ID to collect the cash in person.  I don't know what happens with an online transfer, but if you are sending cash for a person to collect in person, they need a name that matches a legitimate legal ID.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #368 on: 31 October 2021, 06:46:58 pm »
Would I be crazy to expect a deposit for my Incall rates. I charge 150 for half hour and 200 for hour respectively. I was thinking a 50 percent deposit either by PayPal or Cashapp or bank transfer. I am getting really fed up with Timewasters lately and I just want an easygoing work routine where I’m not spending time on the phone entertaining stupidity. Off the bat deposit needs to be paid else I’m not going to speak to them. I realise a lot of clients do not like this but I’m willing to see a drop in business to secure more genuine clients and not have to deal with la la’s on the phone. Do you think I’m being too unreasonable with my deposit cost though?

I was thinking of a big notice period too for Incalls. Like 3-4 hours notice as I’m getting fed up to of people expecting me to be ready at the click of a finger. I’m busy with other things right now too and this can get annoying trying to balance everything at once.

The reason I’m becoming more strict with my rules is because there are literally so many idiots calling lately and I do have other obligations outside of escorting now. I do still enjoy escorting but I just hate the Timewasters and dealing with all that shit. It puts me in a bad mood and makes it more difficult to stay positive for the good few who don’t cause problems.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #369 on: 31 October 2021, 07:11:37 pm »
I think 50% deposit will be problematic as some clients have joint bank accounts.
I had resistance at £50 deposit too so Iowered it and now don't have any issues.
I always ask for bank transfer and never had a problem. I would avoid PayPal as they will close your account if they suspect sex work.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #370 on: 31 October 2021, 07:37:48 pm »
You are going to find it difficult, not many will pay such a large deposit (and for an incall at that) or by bank transfer, Paypal or Cashapp. Requesting an online e-card or e-voucher would be far more attainable. However, just by implementing a mandatory deposit, you will automatically cut down on the number of time wasters and cancellations


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #371 on: 31 October 2021, 10:54:08 pm »
Paypal will also freeze your accounts and take back your money if it twigs (or is told) what you're using it for.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #372 on: 01 November 2021, 08:04:01 am »
I have been taking £20 deposit for years and none of the clients have a problem with it. But I make it clear it’s only for the first meeting. If they default on future meetings they have to pay the full amount to see me again. Most people really don’t mind paying £20 if they haven’t seen you before. You need to also explain to the client your getting lots of time wasters in that area and you don’t want to keep giving out your address to people who have no intention of coming for the booking.
I honestly don’t think clients realise the sheer volume of time wasters we get every single day and how it messes with our finances. It also puts you in a dam bad mood for when someone genuine arrives.
I have a business account with my own bank after tide closing mine down.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #373 on: 01 November 2021, 12:39:11 pm »
I've gone over £50 for deposits for some years now, no problem. I request a deposit for at least the first 2 bookings, because I was let down on the second booking quite a few time - something which used to happen before I started using deposits. When I brought in deposits I only asked for one the first booking, thinking having been prepared to pay it once indicated reliability. It didn't.

I also restart deposits if someone gets into a habit of cancelling.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #374 on: 01 November 2021, 11:41:28 pm »
I charge £50-£100 for deposits (for incalls)  but I'm pretty low volume at the minute