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Author Topic: Am I being unreasonable?  (Read 1123 times)


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Am I being unreasonable?
« on: 01 February 2012, 03:43:10 pm »
Hey ladies and gents!

I haven't been on much recently as I'm just escorting part time now, which may be causing problems between me and my work buddy.

We used to work together 9-5 Mon-Fri from her flat offering 2 girl appointments.

Since I've now got other commitments I'm only working 1 week a month, though I did try quitting altogether, my boyfriend and I found we could not manage on his wage alone. At the beginning of the year my working partner and I sat down and decided which dates were best for me to work. I wanted to do a full week like the old days, but she said she was worried about too much foot traffic and we should work Monday, Thursday and Friday as they were the busiest days. I mentioned I would rather do Mon, Tues and Wed and that way if it was quiet then we could do Thurs and Fri too, as her way I would lose out as I cannot work any other time in the month.

So on Monday I was prepared to head over to her place for 8.30 to start at 9 and when I called her she asked if I could come over at 10.30 because she was going for a bike ride... So we started at 11 and had a few good bookings, but she said she would like to stop early in the afternoon, despite us getting a lot of calls for appointments she said we should go out after our 2pm booking, which wouldn't be too bad but he didn't show, so I didn't get as much money as I was hoping.

That afternoon she subtly dropped into conversation that she was busy Tues and Wed so she would see me Thurs and Fri.

But now she just text to say she's going away on Friday, so I'm only going to be able to work for 2 days now. To add insult to injury, when I was featuring on Tuesday for later in the week I saw she was working without me.

I understand she makes more doing solo bookings as they are more affordable and she has regulars she sees by herself, but when she went out shopping I did tell her how broke I am and how I really needed to earn some money.

I don't want her to work when she doesn't want to, but I don't know how to tell her I cannot afford to mess around like I did last year, I'm working part time in a civvy job, part time doing this and doing two part time courses and I'm at my wits end about money. If I wanted to work more than her in the past I would get a hotel room but I'm barely keeping up with the bills.

Has anybody had an issue like this before? From either POV?

Any advice would be great!



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Re: Am I being unreasonable?
« Reply #1 on: 01 February 2012, 03:52:14 pm »
It sounds like you need to sit down and discuss this with her MissBunny.  Clearly what you sat down and worked out isn't working for this other lady, but rather than tell you directly she is avoiding the issue (her behaviour makes her sound like she resents the new arrangement in some way).

I think you just need to be direct with her, ask her for a chat - ie. how does she think the hew arrangement is working.  Give her a chance to express herself, then you can have your say and make a decision depending on how reasaonable (or not) she is.


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Re: Am I being unreasonable?
« Reply #2 on: 01 February 2012, 04:38:33 pm »
her behaviour makes her sound like she resents the new arrangement in some way.

I think you're right Mellow, the reason I cut my hours down was that my boyfriend found out about my work and, as you can probably imagine, wasn't a happy bunny.

I tried not working, but we couldn't live on his money so we agreed that 1 week a month would be the most he was comfortable with.

But even when I thought I would never be working again my work buddy who is also my best friend kept trying to talk me into working again and now seems to be under the impression I should just work more than one week and not tell my BF.

It doesn't help that she loaned me some money before Christmas and at this rate I will have to choose between paying her back and having money for food at the end of the month.

I'm scared to talk to her, as she has all the power, her house her rules etc, or that she might just be waiting for me to complain to call the whole arrangement off :(


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Re: Am I being unreasonable?
« Reply #3 on: 01 February 2012, 04:44:05 pm »
I understand you are worried about talking to her, but I don't see any other way round it unless you are happy to bite your tongue and put up with things the way they are.

You don't need to make it seem like a complaint just ask to have a chat.  But I agree the loan of the money makes things very tricky. 

I'm not sure what else to suggest except try and talk to her, as otherwise nothing will get resolved.