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Author Topic: Adultwork not working?  (Read 402179 times)


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #375 on: 13 April 2013, 09:40:18 am »
I suspect MD meant the biggest attack so far on Adultwork, which as far as I know it is, and since any shenanigans at non-sex work sites are irrelevant for the purposes of the forum, we may as well stick with it.

I would also point out that not everybody here has English as a first language, so what may be poor communication to you is not necessarily just a deliberately lazy post or bad choice of words. Whilst I do agree with some of these points, picking each other to pieces isn't helping anybody so let's sack it for the day, please.


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #376 on: 13 April 2013, 09:44:44 am »
it reminds me of the ash cloud which grounded all the airlines a few years ago.   The airlines kept saying that they would let you know in six hours time, but I'm reality no one least of all the airlines knew what the fuck was going on and were just trying to keep everybody calm 


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #377 on: 13 April 2013, 09:47:24 am »
 :FF why is not work adultwork???????????????? :FF

Holly T

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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #378 on: 13 April 2013, 09:48:29 am »
Hi Amy (and MD), I'm really sorry if it seemed like I was playing devils advocate.  Not my intention at all!  And I completely didn't think about the language barriers.  I keep forgetting that while I wasn't really born in Europe and didn't live here until I was in my teens, I have a better grasp of English than many who were.  :FF

The question I asked about the tweets is what's getting to me though... as I feel like I'm completely missing something!

Anyway, sincere apologies if I didn't come across so well here or if I've offended anyone.


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #379 on: 13 April 2013, 09:50:45 am »
Does anyone else think that this could be the end for adultwork? :(


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #380 on: 13 April 2013, 09:55:35 am »
I suspect MD meant the biggest attack so far on Adultwork, which as far as I know it is, and since any shenanigans at non-sex work sites are irrelevant for the purposes of the forum, we may as well stick with it.

I would also point out that not everybody here has English as a first language, so what may be poor communication to you is not necessarily just a deliberately lazy post or bad choice of words. Whilst I do agree with some of these points, picking each other to pieces isn't helping anybody so let's sack it for the day, please.

Yes the biggest attack so far on adult work.


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #381 on: 13 April 2013, 10:00:54 am »
Think about it...

Adult work is up against the biggest attack ever and they still keep giving people hope. I would begin making other plans just incase as a back up. If it was me the owner of aw. I would only put on twitter progression not digression or just staying at the same place. Aw have made all those tweets with no progress. Only using words like should or may. I am sticking to aw is up for a challenge being day three. Maybe on day seven people will realise aw is chatting bull. So they most likely will give people more hope today then that time will pass. Then aw give more hope for the following day. What a joke this is becoming. If I don't see progress in any thing in my life, it sure tells me to move on. Just being realistic here.

I even have stopped trying to log on to aw while this attack is happening. No point stressing myself out, what will be sure time will show like it always does.

Something isn't right compared to all the other attacks. In my opinion they're going down.

Ok, first point to make is that this is NOT the biggest attack ever.  Yes, it's likely that it's the biggest and worst that AW has experienced but no - think about it.  Anons managed to get into N. Korea's Intranet which is a much much bigger feat than a DDoS attack on an escort directory website.

I've not seen any tweets that show digression.  Could you please point these out to me?

When it comes to only using words like "should" or "may"  it shows that you have absolutely no confidence in what you are doing and is a very poor communication technique, but that's just my opinion.

But you're right, something isn't right - AW are losing a lot money because of it.  They worked tirelessly to try to fix the problem.  Does anyone really think that sitting around complaining that things would be different if someone else owned the site is going to achieve anything?  Yeah, if diversity (sorry hun, but you said it) owned the site we'd have lost it a long time ago - you need to know your stuff when it comes to server security etc if you want to run such a profitable operation online while keeping the bad guys at bay.

I am just realistic here show me any sign of progression then?. Exactly my point still stands. Also don't get mad at me when all am doing is stating what's happening geez woman. Like I said time will tell the truth of adult works future. Then if so will say with a big smile told you so. Now how could I have had an idea in the first place. Like I said give it until day 7, then maybe people will realise moving on from aw.Because once on EI I delete my profile if it ever works again. If not laughing all the way as my regs and vivastreet is popular with me still.
« Last Edit: 13 April 2013, 10:09:16 am by meetingdiversity »


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #382 on: 13 April 2013, 10:06:11 am »
Well I think everybody's concerned and it shows itself in different ways - I'm tetchy because I'm knackered and I'm as guilty as anybody else of maybe not being as supportive as I could be because the fact it that things happening to Adultwork don't really affect me that much, particularly at the moment because I'm not in the UK.

As everybody has said, it's a good time to start sprucing up other ads or try something new - it doesn't take long to knock a page together on select an escort or My Local Escorts or some of the others, there's the template sites for anybody who fancies a go and hasn't tried it or there's even the newspaper ads for those feeling really brave ;D (get a new sim for that, though).

We've got nothing to lose by having a go, and whilst it might not have paid off as well in the past, punters are going to have to start looking elsewhere at some point if they want to punt, so let's make sure we're all there with our hair done :).

Holly T

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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #383 on: 13 April 2013, 10:12:02 am »
I am just realistic here show me any sign of progression then?. Exactly my point still stands. Also don't get mad at me when all am doing is stating whats happening geez woman.

I'm not mat at you at all, and have apologised in case I have offended you.  I just thought that the tweets were showing progress and showing what they're doing to get it working again is all.  Well, I guess it comes down to different perspectives at the end of the day... and I'm good with that  8)


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #384 on: 13 April 2013, 10:16:34 am »
Amy its true we all need back up from now on & we never know what's going to happen, with sites like aw  :)
 have created a few new profiles on escort sites quite quickly over the last few days!!! ..
good luck ladies keep going use twitter to keep updated with adult work itself  & their current developments.
Link in and get seen as lots of clients do notice too,....
fingers crossed we are all back on track very soon
O x 


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #385 on: 13 April 2013, 10:23:48 am »
I am just realistic here show me any sign of progression then?. Exactly my point still stands. Also don't get mad at me when all am doing is stating whats happening geez woman.

I'm not mat at you at all, and have apologised in case I have offended you.  I just thought that the tweets were showing progress and showing what they're doing to get it working again is all.  Well, I guess it comes down to different perspectives at the end of the day... and I'm good with that  8)

I read your post after put one up. Aw are saying this and that but is there really any visual things backing up their claim?. I believe it after seeing progression. What they've been doing is painting a picture to everyone. I can see past that. That is why am saying the these things.


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #386 on: 13 April 2013, 10:25:12 am »
It was only a matter of time unfortunately the best thing to do is to try and build your own site and set up profiles on other large escort sites.


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #387 on: 13 April 2013, 10:31:19 am »
I think maybe we should forget about it for a couple of hours as the amount of traffic trying to get through will be immense. I don't work at weekends usually so I'm ok but I appreciate that a lot of you girls do and you're missing out big time. If you can afford it go and do something else today and try later. I'm not going to start worrying again until Sunday night/Monday morning, then I really will be concerned. It will be such a shame if it goes down as it's been great for me and lots of others I imagine. Fingers crossed ladies and try and chill out. :-*


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #388 on: 13 April 2013, 10:53:58 am »
Think I'll be heading for the shop windows!
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.


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Re: Adultwork not working?
« Reply #389 on: 13 April 2013, 10:59:09 am »
Think I'll be heading for the shop windows!

Big Chest For Sale? ;D