SAAFE forum
General Category => Questions and Answers => Topic started by: Welsh Lass on 29 October 2009, 08:03:40 am
Has anybody else tried to get onto the site?
Need to know if it's my computer or a problem their end?
I am not getting on there at all, through the google or emails....
Is it a glitch or is it something more sinister? Been shut down? Can't see it but you never know do you...
I got up bloody early to update blog on there as well - annoying.
hi abbey
i to am having trouble getting on to it aswell???
no idea whats wrong?
hazel xx
That looks weird. Anika might know what the error message means?
I wouldn't worry too much - it's always doing this at busy times. I find it often happens around 5pm as well; I would give it an hour or so and try again. Look on the bright side - it's that little bit longer we don't have to look at the revolting homepage :D.
Well, what a thought! I was trying to get on there at 7.30 this morning and it was busy at that time?
Blimey - does nobody sleep in?
Blimey - does nobody sleep in?
I do! I didn't get to bed until after 4 last night and am not entirely convinced I should have got up an hour ago.
Anyway, I don't know what error message it was, but if you get the one that says the domain can't be found and are you sure you're connected to the internet?, try this:
Are you still having problems Abby? I've be online with adultwork for the last couple of hours and had no problems.
That is a good link Anika, I'm going to bookmark it for future use, thanks
i spoke to a client of mine who was able to get on there at 9.05 this morning. Before this, I was trying like a maniac, thinking something had gone wrong with my computer or something. Maybe just the site being updated or something? I don't see any changes, not even the disgusting, awful home page has been changed. It was actualy nice to eat my breakfast without having to glance at some nasty.... :-X....blah blah :P
Alex x
Hehe, every cloud has a silver lining!
Hehe, every cloud has a silver lining!
Too right. I know punters check the last log-in date and we are supposed to make sure we haven't let it lapse more than a day or two, but I can't face that butcher's window first thing so I always do it before I go to bed - that way I can usually skip having anything to do with the whole sorry mess until at least double figures :D.
They need a separate homepage for all SPs who use Adultwork which shows some porny pictures of wads of cash or something. Or just a nice picture of a sunny day at a beach. Or no pictures, just a functional design that makes it quicker to update your profile than it bloody is now. The current homepage just reminds me to set the next date for my sexual health checkup. Spose that's mildly useful, then :P
Maybye AW should devise a separate homepage for those offering Services? One that doesn't look like the last day of Judgement at the smear clinic would be nice!
Funny thing is Ive had more clients than i can count comment to me on the horrendousness of the homepage and how scary it is. Its made newbies think that the whole website is just full of scary ladies offering BB and giving us views of their anatomies that only their gynaecologist should ever see. Then they are surprised when they find profiles of lovely ladies such as ourselves and wonder how we stumbled onto there.
One that doesn't look like the last day of Judgement at the smear clinic would be nice!
;D ;D ;D
Funny thing is Ive had more clients than i can count comment to me on the horrendousness of the homepage and how scary it is. Its made newbies think that the whole website is just full of scary ladies offering BB and giving us views of their anatomies that only their gynaecologist should ever see. Then they are surprised when they find profiles of lovely ladies such as ourselves and wonder how we stumbled onto there.
I can concur with that experience.
You never need to see the home page on AW.
On the enter the site page, instead of clicking "enter" look to the bottom right hand corner and click "my details" and it will log you straight into your page. Then you only see your "bits".
You never need to see the home page on AW.
On the enter the site page, instead of clicking "enter" look to the bottom right hand corner and click "my details" and it will log you straight into your page. Then you only see your "bits".
Thank god! Thank you!
Pandora - I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
It was down all yesterday and is down again this morning. Let's hope its up again soon. I get most of my business from it and I am supposed to be on tour this weekend - agggggghhhhh.
Any one know if it is anything more serious?
It's working as of now!!! Have a good day xxx
It was down all yesterday and is down again this morning. Let's hope its up again soon. I get most of my business from it and I am supposed to be on tour this weekend - agggggghhhhh.
Any one know if it is anything more serious?
I don't look at AW that much but I found it was down last night, although it seems OK for the time being. I did read on another board that people's credits were being refunded where they had been spent on the advertising features, so that might be worth checking :).
This is the first time i've posted on here,so apologies if this has already been covered..but i've been trying and trying to log onto adultwork this morning,and i just cant! Does any lady know if the site is down? I'm kind of panicking!
I cannot access either - guessing it is down.
Me to tried ie and firefox neither is working
Morning to all..Ive been up since 4am,as i like to get on DIRECT IM,havent had any luck in logging on what so ever.must be something major going on me
yep normally if maintenance is going on theres a maintenance sign but this morning its just blank and Direct cam cnt find server
No way!! Does this mean its possibly been shut down? I cant imagine why though,i can still get firefox,i just cant get onto the homepage,so obviously i cant get on to access my mail..i've only just started and this blooming happens!!!
who knows babe..... just have to wait nd see fingers crossed its just a blip x
God really hope not,that site is my sole to admit it is getting hard work on there.Ive sold many items on there and never had a problem til yesterday.Said i had to be verified to sell anything.You see im not a verified member and im finding it hard to be as i have no driving licence or pass port.guess im gonna have to sort out the passport.I hope the site being down is nothing to do with what i have been dreading"VERIFIED MEMBERS ONLY"please god no.. :o
i'm verified and i cnt get on so i dnt think its that babe
hi everyone
don't get your knickers in a twist ladies.
AW were doing maintenance from 03:00 - 07:00 so site was down for that time.
My guess is that maintenance has gone on for longer than expected and I doubt sincerely they've shut down permanently ::)
Chill, give it a few hours.
Has made me think now to focus on other areas of advertising, create my own website, advertise elsewhere, etc. Might start the ball rolling while they're down.
Maybe they are having a mass clean up of fake profiles on there.Loads of us are genuine,just because we dont want to show our faces or verifiy,doesnt mean to say we are not genuine.It is alot of pressure for us girls.
Has made me think now to focus on other areas of advertising, create my own website, advertise elsewhere, etc. Might start the ball rolling while they're down.
Me too hun i'm just arranging to have pics done....
weird i'm still gettin lots of calls they must have saved my number previously
Yes thats a great idea,i shall be looking at other alternatives other than that site.x.
Maybe they are having a mass clean up of fake profiles on there.Loads of us are genuine,just because we dont want to show our faces or verifiy,doesnt mean to say we are not genuine.It is alot of pressure for us girls.
I agree that AW already puts a lot of pressure on their users to do certain, unsafe things (i.e. sending passport details to a totally unknown place/person) and it's almost as though - shock, horror - they don't care so much about the risks and annoyances of being an actual sex worker, so much as they care about making their bloody massive profits.
Sorry - I'm always going on about that, I know! And just because Adultwork doesn't have our best interests at heart doesn't mean I don't use it for what I can, but like NubianTemptress said, it's absolutely not a good idea to rely on AW 100%. Even if only because sometimes their site crashes/is down for maintenance/etc - think of the massive amounts of traffic they get, it's not surprising!
Like NT suggested, now might well be a good time to work on getting your own website sorted, and look into advertising in alternative places. :) Punternet and Punterlink are free or very cheap and I believe they are still quite popular sites with good Google rankings (try popping "escort reviews" into Google for even more advertising possibilities).
The more we support a wider variety of directories and listings sites, the more they will be motivated to compete with one another to provide the most affordable and useful services to us (and to real punters, which need not necessarily be opposite things ;)) rather than random Internet wankers (that word meant in the literal rather than insulting sense!), like AW unfortunately tends to. Well, that's in an ideal world, anyway. But either way, it can never hurt to widen your net as far as ads and listings go!
NT,thankyou so much for your input,you have no idea how much i appreciate your advice..AW is my only source of income too,i have literally only just started escorting,so to be stopped when i've only just started is incredibly frustrating. Thanks to all you girlies out there too who have answered my query,yes,it is indeed quite soul destroying when they only seem to care about making profits off our backs,as if we dont work hard enough!! I will keep trying ,Girls,and as soon as i know anything,so will you know. Hugs to everyone,
I agree with the other 'long time' workers and suggest that those who have solely been using AW for work use the time they are not working to get themselves listed on other sites and also to get a website of their own done.
No sense sitting on backsides whining when there is nothing that can be done about it till they get themselves sorted.
You're welcome Nat :)
Also, I took some time to look at the 3rd party camming software available out there as AW would have you think it costs an extortionate amount, but you know what ladies.. there are some decent deals out there where you pay monthly and you get all the facilities as directcam for your own website. Private cam, group cam, 2 way camming, all with audio, supporting H.264 and you can have your profile there.
So if you think about it, the 35% administrative being paid to AW could very easily pay the fee to the cam software company and you'd get to keep the rest.
Just some more food for thought.
This AW situation right now is like a eureka moment for me. Really has given me a kick up the backside to get things sorted for the new year. We cannot put all our eggs into one basket, not if we're serious about making money.
So ladies, look at today as empowerment to take hold of the reigns and put your business caps on :D
AW is still down on my computer :o
I'm getting a bit panicky too - I'm listed on every free directory on the first 3 pages of yahoo and google and have my own website, but for some reason I NEVER get hits from anywhere else except AW ???
Wondered why the phone hasn't been going at all this morning :(
I'm just wondering,does anyone know if there is any way to check with their isp's or whoever,as to whether AW is shut down or merely down for maintenance? I dont mind doing the phone calls!!!
I JUST GOT ON!!! i clicked the word reload on the google crome browser rather than the wee refresh button up top hoefully yous can too!
Crap i spoke to soon. just died on me again :-[ ???
Hiya Mia - what is the word reload?
Yep nothing for me either.Just gonna have to be a waiting game.. ???
I just managed to get onto the homepage and it times out again..not sure what this means! Hopefully,its just a maintenance problem...fingers crossed,Girlies!!! xxx
yeah it timed out after the home page for me again :( owell :/
Hi Ladies,
I just managed to get on to the main page, they do this sometimes for maintenance but i have never known them to last this long, i hope it hasnt been hacked.. but im probably being silly, i only use adultwork but i might have to start using another website, never mind.x
OK,lasses...some good news,finally...i just managed to get in!! Good job too,i have 5 booking requests,lol!! Let me know how u all get on!! Hugs everyone,
It's working now for me too! Fingers crossed it stays this way!
i still can't get in but am looking at some other options xxx
It's working for me now, too :).
not yet for me ;(
fingers crossed x
to the ladies that have logged on, are you pics still there etc?
Yep,its all working now,and funnily enough,it seems to be a lot quicker than's hoping that lasts,eh?? Thanks to everyone who replied to my thread,i appreciate everyone's input,some very valuable advice from you guys for this newbie! Thanks again,Ladies...New Year
As regards my pics,no actually...they're not up,but i'm not too worried...if the site was down for maintenance,surely the pics will be back up shortly? xx
i think some of the ladies will remember a while ago picutres/videos got deleted not every one tho... is there a message saying what happend?
just went off again... :(
Oh Jesus... not again! tis off again (for me anyway)
;( booo...
i am so bored, i wanted to cam today, i wonder whats happend?
Yep,and its gone off for me too,this is obviously a maintenance prob and not being shut down
Well thank god it's not closed down,so the problem is down to them. ::)
frustrating eh!!
AW is currently going through a planned down time to transfer the databases and content to new servers to improve the sites speed. Your images/movies etc may not appear straight away. This down time now looks to be for another 6-12hours due to large data volumes being transferred.
You may be able to login randomly throughout the day while it is being tested.
thanks Jenny, i thought it would be something like that!!
Guys, don't forget that their servers are probably still getting 10,000 requests per minute (or thereabouts :P) while they're trying to edit and restore and backup and replace and whatnot all the files.
If it seems briefly quicker to access, it's because much fewer people are trying to visit the site at that time - because they know it's down. And it's not that requests to the server will be hindering their progress (I don't think?) but still, you won't be able to use the site properly until it's completely finished and restored. There might even be some risks in trying to use it while they're still fiddling with things on the servers because if you, for example, try to add credits to your AW account, they might lose that information on their end (while the charge still goes through on your end).
It's a good idea to just let them finish what they're doing and start looking at alternative avenues for today. Endless refreshing will just make things slower all round.
When I had a paid ad on Vivastreet Escorts and Massages I got lots of calls and the guys I met from there were mostly lovely, but I did get a lot of TW - think that was maybe because it's not an "adult" site , it mainly has sections for flats and pets etc like gumtree.
On the other side of the coin, when I put a paid ad on Punternet, the guys did know the protocol for booking etc but most seemed pretty ill-mannered and curt. Maybe they were jaded punters! lol. No offense to anyone, and there were a few lovely guys but most were unpleasant tbh.
I have never understood how Adultwork doesn't come up in google searches front page yet still guys seem to know where to find it?
I'm curious, too! I know they've been mentioned in the papers more than once (i.e. The Daily Fail and the Guardian going, "OMG Adultwork is a super-naughty bad website! Ban it now!!1!" probably while the very editors were secretly jotting down escorts' phone numbers 'for research purposes' ;)) but it's ubiquity is something of an annoying mystery to me, too.
I agree with you about the other sites, too... I've found that sites like Pnet and Captain69 do often produce a higher number of "Serious Punters" or whatever you want to call those grumpy men who can't be pleased no matter what we do! I've never had anything but creepy TWs from Vivastreet, either, but if you get good results from there, why not pop an ad up there today? :)
Yes many thanks for your info.Im just gonna chill for a bit and come back later,see if anything has changed.x. :-\
think i'll leave logging in til tonight or tomorrow
us constantly trying to log in must slow it down a lil
just a thought
thanks for letting us know Jenny
A friend of mine says she can view it on her mobile and some of her clients can get on!
i know not too helpfull (especially for us camgirls grr) but its something >:(
ive had a few calls now, but still cant get on adultwork... sooo unfair lol... why can some of you ladies get on and i cant? ;(
I've just logged on and answered an email, but then I don't bother with AW much and didn't know there had been a problem until I saw this thread. It seems to have gone again now.
I assume this means the site's just about on it's way back, so whilst I do appreciate people's frustration, can the ladies updating us every time they press Refresh maybe calm down a bit? It's making for a hell of a lot of pretty boring extra reading for Emily and I.
One of those things you just can't do anything about. Annoying yes, but who knows it may work better in the end.
By the way, about VS. They don't let you post any links, or details that suggest sex or payment or rates. All you can do is give a vague description, and say you offer 'Escorting', "call me for more information" (no not me!!!!!). So you get the "Can I have some details" type calls although I'll actually put "call/text me for my website address" which seems to work quite well. Not great and most are not au fait, or are expecting something cheap and cheerful. Oh and Pnet yes at first I got a lot of chaps ringing from withheld numbers, who hadn't read the report or used the link to my website - so more "details please" and no appointments for the withhelds. I had been under the impression anyone who used the site would be used to indies not answering or accepting bookings from w/hs, but I suppose many only go on there to read the reports.
Hopefully it'll all settle down soon.
It prob wont matter much since there is only some active members here but the admin sent me a back up link to use you should be able to use it also but try not to post it too many places as its not exactly meant for public use.
It prob wont matter much since there is only some active members here but the admin sent me a back up link to use you should be able to use it also but try not to post it too many places as its not exactly meant for public use.
Why did they send you it then, Jenny? Or is there rather more to your apparent adoration of the site than meets the eye?
More than meets the eye :) I have very close relations with the AW site and team. Its not a hidden thing if you know me from other cam boards or the aw forum.
I work on the payment processer for AW among other things.
Then since you clearly (and as long suspected) have a vested interest in promoting the site which you have deliberately failed to draw attention to prior to now, and bearing in mind that virtually every post you have made on this forum has been an attempt to convince us all how Adultwork can do no wrong, please do not continue to post on this topic. We object to being manipulated.
Any further cheerleading posts will be removed.
Only trying to help, no need to shoot the messenger and be harsh about it.
Edit: and noone asked anything about me. You want me to appear on the boards and go hey everyone im such and such and i work here etc. I would have my inbox filled with pm's.
My objective was to help only.
I also work with mfc, sm and lj payment processers. Should I never post about them aswell?
Nobody will be shooting anyone, and this is nothing to do with the situation with the site today.
This site is an independent peer support and advice resource for sex workers, not a free promotional tool for those who make money out of us and/or their pals to tout their wares. Post factual information by all means, but any more drumbanging and you will find yourself on PreMod.
I earn a set salary of 15k a year. Wether you work on aw or not makes no difference to me. Not everyone who works with these sites earn a % of performers earnings.
Anyway. I will try not to post any post hyping up AW.
Thank You for the advice.
thanks for that link, it does allow me too access my profle but i can do directcam so i imagine i wont be able to do that until my profile works normally, at least i can cover the escorting side for now so cheers x
To activate directcam put this link in your Server box:
And what you earn is of no interest to me - I was referring to the continual promotion of the site itself here, previously without making your position and agenda clear. We do not allow owners, employees, interested parties of any advertising site to promote it here outside the Spamming Section and this ought to be extremely clear to anybodywho has spent more than a couple of minutes on the forum - apart from else why would we bother with the Spamming section otherwise?
If anybody has anything relevant and on topic to add to this thread, please do. Otherwise, assuming the site is or will soon be up and running as normal, it will shortly be locked.
Talk about a harsh forum. Is everyone locked up in chains here by you?
Do what you want to my account here and lock whatever thread you want.
I simple tried to help in all my posts but if my help is not wanted and your gonna be some kind of dictator to me then its your forum.
Wind your neck in.
You have joined and posted on this site with the cynical intention of promoting an advertising site you work for, under the guise of being 'helpful'. You have offered little if any information which has not been an exercise in telling us all how wonderful AW is (even defending the ridiculous Verification system in some of the most risible attempts at spin and damage limitation we've ever seen here - people working as prostitutes should all be made to show their faces on public directories or be penalised for it? Really?) and the only reason you are still here is because you have posted links which may help others with the problems they are experiencing today. Keep living up to your name and you will not be here much longer.
Locked. Anyone else wanting tips from our resident publicity machine can get them via PM.
Hi is anyone else having problems with accessing adultwork on the net. It's not a logging problem I have just that the site can not be found. All other websites are working etc so know my connection is working.
Regards TammyNewman
hi tammy
no its down hun i have been trying to get on since 5.30 am this morning!!!
no idea why hope its up again soon,
hazel xxx
Well it's working fine here - been on and off couple of times this morning and no problems. It's generally about as reliable as the weather forecast though, so who knows.
Thank you Escorthazel I was sat in direct cam last night for over an hour thought it was quiet lol. What ISP are you with Escorthazel I am with Virgin and in hampshire uk
hi hun
my internet is with virgin media still not working here:(
Thank you Hazel .Hmmmm Is there any other Virgin users who can get on or any none Virgin users who can not. Hope Virgin have not blocked the site. Have been on hold for 25 min to virgin and getting no where.
Tammy xx
It's now up and much faster. 1 hope it stays up & 2 bet it slows down lol. Hope all is ok your end Hazel and thank you.
Tammy xxxxx
Yeah something had to be up last night, i was on cam all night and got zilch, should have had a night off!
No specific sites but virgin have been utterly rediculous connection wise for the past few weeks!
It was fine earlier but now i just have the white screen of death as it spends ages loading... I can load other web pages as normal except this one... Darn...
Its not loading from my smartphone, yet I can get on here...was ok this morning, could be a hiccup
Soph x
Aah good! Its not just me then!
I was just coming on to ask the same question lol
Must be AWs fault... wonder if they will compensate me for the booking I may miss...
slow for me too! ???
Loaded fine for me 45 mins ago, but not loading at all now.
EDIT - it's up and working fine now (as the actress said to the bishop)
Not loading for me either. It was okay this morning.
Jas x
Edited to add, It's okay now, I've just logged on.
yes was ok for me this morning at 7am. they could just being do updates but they normally let you know!
Panic over! Its back!
Its been very flakey this morning, I use ( to check its not just my computer.
No Mine wasnt working this morning either, seems to be working ok now tho.
Only 26 hits today because of it!!!
Yes working for me now...
i have tried to bring it up but it keeps dont get anywhere just want to know it was ok a midnight last night
thanks ladies
It's working for me. (You can use this page ( to check without having to ask people.)
When I can't access a site that other people can, clearing my browser cache and restarting the browser often fixes it. If it still doesn't work, rebooting your modem and router might help.
thanks its ok now i think it was pc i rebooted it and then left it for a bit and cleared the caches ect
They did have a little red text box top right corner of the site last night saying: Site will be offline 06:00 - 07:00 8/9/11.
Maybe they overran a bit with the downtime.
I can't seem to get on to adultwork ? When I click on enter it's coming up service unavailable ? Anybody else having this problem
Jade xx
I can't seem to get on to adultwork ? When I click on enter it's coming up service unavailable ? Anybody else having this problem
Jade xx
Everything ok here. I did have problems last weekend though. :'(
It's working for me now :-)
...which is also affecting camming as punters can't get onto the site to look at the norty ladies, and the norty ladies can't log on...
Wondered why it went quiet. 8)
Bums. And I wanted to upload some new pics too. Oh well.... *goes for comfort break*
....Annnnnd we're back in the room.
Back online folks. As you were.
Is anyone else having difficulty getting onto aw tonight ? xxx
Yes I am. I wonder if they're having trouble and have taken it down. I cant even load the login page. Grr.
I can't even get the first page to load, hope it isn't the same as a couple of years ago when the whole site crashed and I lost loads of photos!!
It won't load for me either! Been checking to see if it's just me but apparently not. Kind of! Pleased to know it's not just my profile xx
I thought it was me! Restarted puter and everything :D
Working fine for me now! :)
Working fine for me now! :)
And me! ;D
I couldn't get on AW last night either. Finally started working around 11.30 pm, by which time I was too tried to do much camming :(
After a diabolical weekend this is all I need. Does this happen a lot at night?
It has happened a couple of times that I know of,just had a major panic attack not being able to get on there,thought it was my laptop.Hopefully will be back on asap ???
I am booked in to a hotel today as well and wondering if I need to cancel. :'(
An error occurred on the server when processing your page request/submission. Please contact the Site's admin team via the Help Center, citing the URL of the page you were on and the action you were attempting. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. (Server ID: 24)
This is what I get, looks like AW is off the rocks today girls.
And for me as well ;-(
Oh me too, that's why I came on here to see if it was just me!
I am due to check in to my hotel at 12. If its not back on soon it won't be worthwhile going in.
I hope they get up and running ASAP i cant log in either!
I dont think its ever been down for this now getting concerned!
Major panic for me too.
OMG.... cant believe this....we cant even find out whats happening with it....and when its expected to be up!
Same for me, it's down and am getting the same error message.
Gay swap working all right. May end up going on there just so I can contact AW.
how long as it been down for i couldnt log in last night dose any one know when it went down
It was down at 4am at least. I got on it at 10ish last night.x
I got on at 12.30 last night ok
flippin eck I'm on tour in london :FF
Not working in Scotland either.
Could be another hour or a day .................... no one ever knows. This has happened quite a few times over the 6+ years I have been on the site.
Its a bank holiday today so many places may be quiet anyway, especially with the weather being so nice :(
This is not a bank holiday. Next week is bank hol Mon and Tue.
When I click the enter link at the welcome page it doesn't work. It's just said this on adultwork :
Unexpected System Failure
We have encountered a catastrophic failure with some essential hardware during the night. We are working as quickly as possible to have the situation rectified. Progress is being hampered by the fact that it is a public holiday in the country where the hardware resides.
We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
yes thats just come up for me too x
Yep I'm getting that one now too, looks like it could be a long one .............................. bank holidays ............... who would have them ............ only bankers methinks. :FF
The message is now saying they are trying hard to get it back up but are being hampered as it is a public holdiay in the country the servers are in. Looks like a day off work for some
Not a good sign.
thank goodness I am not the only one experiencing this problem. :-\
not if you have a lot of credits in your adultwork
I know its been down before, but has that particular message appeared before, seems ominous to me.
A first for me. Am just glad I can cancel my hotel. I feel for those on tour already.
Well trying to be more sensible about worklife balance I took the weekend off!!! Goddam typical that this now happens. If they somehow manage to lose my profile and all my feedback/credits I will be furious, unless its more sinister than that and its been closed down or something (sorry paranoia working overtime here)
i know Mellow I was trying not to think that too.....but definately am concerned....and yes i did the same too amazing weekend in the sun etc etc....and lost loads of work...but felt had to have a break....and then today!!! Sods Law innit xxxx
Lets hope its not as sinister as it sounds xx
Its down here cambridgeshire also and silly me woke up full of energy and now angry:@ wasent enough that they managed delet my werified profile and didnt give no warning or reason why even plus they took from me 150credit
arghh what a nightmare, I feel for those who have paid ?100 odd quid to be on the front page today, I have paid for featured today-only a fiver though lol but I wonder if there will be any refunds?
However it shows there is room/need for a rival to adult work as so many of us rely on it for the majority of our work, what would we do if it was down for a week or longer?
Anyway I hope its up sooooooon!
I've been on AW for 6+ years and in the earlier years this happened a lot ....... not at a bank holiday and this could be the crux of things. I wouldnt go worrying unnecessarily as I'm sure it will be up again as soon as they can.
It is a curse if you have hotels etc booked and cant cancel but with luck some guys may have taken numbers down so femmes may still be able to work.
Fingers crossed for everyone. I didnt intend working today due to the bank holiday but feel for those that did. Perhaps you time could be spent getting yourself out there girls and getting on to other free sites. Don't waste that time fretting ...... use your time constructively.
Lesson = Don't put your eggs all in one basket = especially AW for it could end up as omelette :(
The majority of my bookings come from AW.......I did have other paid advertising for a few months (2 or 3 different places), but usually only got 1/2 bookings a week max from it so I stopped it.......wnen, well you've guessed it, earlier this month!
Yep agree with -Not putting all your eggs in one basket- I just wish there was another site as busy as AW to use.
Well today I guess I will go enjoy the sun complete one advance booking and do my webcamming (through another website) and keep half an eye on AW to see if its up again before I clock off.
Still cannot get on,panic! x
I imagine it will be down all morning if it's a hardware issue.
I think it may be offline all day. Its not as if they will be able to get software/hardward - sorry I'm a technophobe - if everywhere is closed for bank holiday.
Take the time to investigate other avenues.
Calm down ladies, they always try there best to get it fixed asap. not alot you can do. if you have a hotel booked but no bookings confirmed any way you know what to do. x
Could always try muff diving. Gayswap is ok.x
I've been on AW for 6+ years and in the earlier years this happened a lot ....... not at a bank holiday and this could be the crux of things. I wouldnt go worrying unnecessarily as I'm sure it will be up again as soon as they can.
It's NOT a bank holiday today in UK - the bank holidays are NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday.
Aghh this is soo frustrating, as I was waiting for some important emails, but on the other hand I had planned to take the day off to rest, and having AW down will really help me to switch off properly. But I agree, it is worrying, and I hope they sort it out ASAP.
I think it may be offline all day. Its not as if they will be able to get software/hardward - sorry I'm a technophobe - if everywhere is closed for bank holiday.
I thought it was Bank Hol too, but I was speaking to my friend earlier and he put me's not today, it's been moved to June due to Queen's Jubilee.
The 28th is normally Spring Bank Hol but this year public hoiday dates are as follows:
Spring Bank Holiday Mon 4 June*
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Tues 5 June
* substitute day
(Just checked on Directgov website)
Just read on another forum that the last time it was as serious as this, AW lost everyones profiles. Not sure if this is just scare mongering, but I'd be more than p***** off if I lost my profile and credits.
I've been on AW for 6+ years and in the earlier years this happened a lot ....... not at a bank holiday and this could be the crux of things. I wouldnt go worrying unnecessarily as I'm sure it will be up again as soon as they can.
It's NOT a bank holiday today in UK - the bank holidays are NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday.
Yeah, but it is a bank holiday today where the AW server is hosted. That's what I think LL meant in THAT post lol
Just my luck too, got a new work phone and number up on AW and it goes down. I think I'm being told something here: Beautiful day out there so get into the bikini, get some beer and snacks, head down to the park and do some studying in the sun! Think I'll do as I'm told ;D
I've been on AW for 6+ years and in the earlier years this happened a lot ....... not at a bank holiday and this could be the crux of things. I wouldnt go worrying unnecessarily as I'm sure it will be up again as soon as they can.
It's NOT a bank holiday today in UK - the bank holidays are NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday.
AW say: "Progress is being hampered by the fact that it is
a public holiday in the country where the hardware resides."
Which is not the UK,
or in Europe, for that matter.
It back up
I've been on AW for 6+ years and in the earlier years this happened a lot ....... not at a bank holiday and this could be the crux of things. I wouldnt go worrying unnecessarily as I'm sure it will be up again as soon as they can.
It's NOT a bank holiday today in UK - the bank holidays are NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday.
Yeah, but it is a bank holiday today where the AW server is hosted. That's what I think LL meant in THAT post lol
LOL, yes, but LL did mention bank hols 2 or 3 times before, such as:
Its a bank holiday today so many places may be quiet anyway, especially with the weather being so nice :(
...this is talking about bank hols in UK :)
adultwork is not based in the uk its based somewhere with a funny sounding name cant remeber where though
I've been on AW for 6+ years and in the earlier years this happened a lot ....... not at a bank holiday and this could be the crux of things. I wouldnt go worrying unnecessarily as I'm sure it will be up again as soon as they can.
It's NOT a bank holiday today in UK - the bank holidays are NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday.
It's working now. It's running a bit slow, but is online.
It's working now. It's running a bit slow, but is online.
Probably as everyone is logging on at the same time lol
It's NOT a bank holiday today in UK - the bank holidays are NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday.
Sorry I've been away again and just back in Scotland. Didnt know they had changed it to next week and added on to Jubilee thingy.
Don't matter really but it aint going to get AW any quicker.
Think AW is based somewhere like Belize - wherever that is.
Didnt find out about NO bank holiday until my doctors called me and explained. :-[ :FF :FF :FF
Sorry if i caused confusion. You must all be thinking im a ditz - and probably right - I've had 5 months of having blond days ::)
Back again for me now but still slow. A friend was saying how they've removed part of the SMS service due to it being seen as soliciting so we were stressing that they'd been pulled full stop for something along those lines!
Back again for me now but still slow. A friend was saying how they've removed part of the SMS service due to it being seen as soliciting so we were stressing that they'd been pulled full stop for something along those lines!
Hmm, SMS service all showing as normal here...
Back again for me now but still slow. A friend was saying how they've removed part of the SMS service due to it being seen as soliciting so we were stressing that they'd been pulled full stop for something along those lines!
Hmm, SMS service all showing as normal here...
I also saw that last night. To do with the SMS notifications for escort bookings only. It's that service that the service providers see as soliciting.
Back again for me now but still slow. A friend was saying how they've removed part of the SMS service due to it being seen as soliciting so we were stressing that they'd been pulled full stop for something along those lines!
Hmm, SMS service all showing as normal here...
I also saw that last night. To do with the SMS notifications for escort bookings only. It's that service that the service providers see as soliciting.
AH! OK, I don't use that, thanks :)
relieved its up and running again now !!!!
its not on for me, very strange
ps. take that back its just me having a thick moment lol
Just a quick one, and I appreciate its very very late, and hopefully the problem will be resolved by the time anyone gets back to me but for the last hour or so, every time I try to log into AW it seems to take ages to load and then chucks up the "HTTP Page not available" box.... ?! ???
Thanks!!! :D
Its back up and running now, probably just my connection... !!
Is anyone else having problems getting onto AW today?
I logged on this morning to return some feedback and update my profile and since then I?ve not been able to get back on.
I know the site?s working because I checked on my phone and on my lappy i can access loads of other site just not AW.
Tried clearing cookies and cache but still no joy.
What am I doing wrong please?
Thanks x
I keep getting error messages.....then I can sign in........then next time I try I get the error message again, must be the site.
Thanks Mellow, managed to logon but can?t see any pics on profile now or any other on the site for that matter. Perhaps not a bad thing eh? ;)
Same for me today,everytime i log in,it just keep giving me error
AW have posted this
We are aware that there are some issues with the Site at the moment, specifically seeing pages about not being able to connect to the database or not being able to connect to the Site at all. If you click the "try again" link, the Site loads up again in good time. Larger pages seem to be taking longer to download and the Site feels "clunky".
Most annoyingly this will be affecting your ability to upload large files, potentially receiving timeouts.
We are investigating this issue and apologise for the inconvenience caused in the meantime. Traffic is low on the network but things are behaving like it's very very busy.
Having removed about 1000 fake or fraudulent profiles this week it is likely we have attracted a DDOS by a disgruntled crime gang, which is not breaking our equipment but hampering it's ability to work as efficiently as normal.
So AW tidying house has upset some criminals. Sorry for being clueless but is DDOS the same as denial of service?
Is it only me who is having problems accessing AW?
So glad I'm not working but I do like to update profile for touring soon. :(
Is it only me who is having problems accessing AW?
So glad I'm not working but I do like to update profile for touring soon. :(
it's not working for me either :( and I am working today!
It's working again now for me! :)
Yep same here. Glad I got my profile updated before I went out for lunch.
its been fine for me since this moring i.e. 7am ish but i will double check again now
Anyone else having probs this morning,cannot even get to their home page :FF
I've been trying to list as "available today" but even the mobile app is down so... I'd say yes!
Good job I've already confirmed my morning appointment! hope they get their act together for midday!
Yup it's down here as well "Your request could not be serviced because the Site's database could not be opened. An administrator has been notified.
Please accept our apologise for this temporary loss of service.
This may be a temporary error, you should try your request again."
Good job I'm taking the car in for it's MOT this morning! :FF
Wonder if that's why I was sending my pictures to be verified and I keep getting e-mails saying it's rejected because I've not sent photos when I know they uploaded?
Dont think that is your problem Lyra.
You wouldnt get a connection if it was down.
To the best of my knowledge it aint been down for a couple of weeks now.
I just went to go to the site on Aw, it keeps saying service not available. Is anybody else experiencing this or similar?.
Yes! I thought it was my hotel having adult sites blocked... It says Service unavailable.
No not for me. I just logged on after reading your post with no issues.
It's working now hmm.. not sure what was up with that one.
I can't log in, im putting in the correct details then getting the message -->
The following problem(s) were detected:
Sorry, your 4-digit number is no longer current. Please reload the login page to continue.
Can someone check if they can get into the AW site please? I haven't been able to since late last night, it just keeps timing out on me.
its working for me .
Are you on a dongle ?
I am , and ive disabled all BHOs ( browser helper objects) / add on's.
I use chrome which is fast . Forget internet explorer if you use that ( winner of the slowest piece of crap browser in the world ;D ) . used to use Firefox but now chrome is better/easier/faster for me.
BHOs and Add ons slowed sites down for me , plus they use more memory than necessary .
You can swtich them off in "Browser settings" or get a BHO remover tool online to get rid of them :)
Hi KinkyVixen
No am on regular broadband, no dongle lol, and I use Firefox, cant abide chrome personally, but all my other sites working fine
I'm on Firefox, and it's fine for me :).
Thanks Amy
I'm on safari and it works fine for me as well
have you tried rebooting your laptop completely
Fine here too.
LOL thank you lovely ladies, i gave up n fecked off out for a few hrs, came back n its fine again, I am in Ireland not UK, so maybe there was issues that you werent experiencing, or maybe my lappie fancied a rest haha
Thanks again xx
Good morning, ladies!
Is anyone else finding it difficult to get onto AW this morning? I've been trying for the past half hour but keep getting the message that the connection to was interrupted. At first I thought it was time to smash up my VM super-hub as I have a long running feud with VM (since moving they can't seem to give me a reliable connection) but for once it doesn't seem to be connection problems for me.
Most frustrating. :FF
Hi holly, also can't get on getting same connection message x
It lives! *sigh of relief*
And dies again!
And dies again!
My fault... I spoke too soon.
is it still dead - I've tried on 2 laptops and a phone
Yes its down in Leeds. I hope it is back up soon
This website checker will tell you, whats going on:
Yes its down in Leeds. I hope it is back up soon
It will be down worldwide. Too early to panic though.x
Yes it's not working today, never mind ::)
Yes it's not working today, never mind ::)
Don't think it's ALL DAY is it? :-(
It looks to me as though AW could have been the target of a malicious server attack, which I imagine happens often so they should hopefully have it fixed soon.
Have they said anything on twitter? I would look if I knew how.
Have they said anything on twitter? I would look if I knew how.
They did confirm, dos attack...
Hopefully aw will be up and running soon. That's me taking my time now getting ready instead of rushing.
This is one of the reason why escorts should have more ways of advertising I feel for those that only advertise on adultwork and adultwork only
I cant get on at all and had paid like many other ladies for today , tried loads of ways :FF
I cant get on at all and had paid like many other ladies for today , tried loads of ways :FF
When they are down there is NO WAY of getting onto the site.
This is a good time to get listed on some of those free directories and work a bit on advertising or on our profiles.
Hi ladies,
Yes i have checked twitter, it seems they are working to get us back up and running !
Still annoying though...Wahhhhhhhh :FF
Thanks Emily , yes we will be very put out by this today, unless they get it sorted fast...
Oh I wondered why my Vivastreet phone was so busy this morning (picked a good day to have a day off if AW is down).
Really hope they fix it soon.
Leaving the site, reported my reply to the moderator looking for it to be removed. Good Luck in the future All X
See other posts here - they're officially having problems.
Hello leaving the site have request the site moderator removes my posts/replies. Id like to wish you all Luck in the Future XX
I can't seem to gent to AW, today, am I the only be having this issue?
VioletteUk, please read previous posts, everyone is having the same problem. x
i reckon they are overwhelmed with complaints...knowing them they probarly wont reply. although i do wonder if they will compensate everyone who has paid to be featured front page, avalible today, local escorts etc?? seriously messed up my tour either way :-(
i reckon they are overwhelmed with complaints...knowing them they probarly wont reply.
From what I can gather , there has been a hack on the website - check Twitter for progress - hope this helps ! :)
i reckon they are overwhelmed with complaints...knowing them they probarly wont reply.
I hope they're not and I hope they don't. It looks like a malicious attack which can have devastating consequences for both SP's and SU's, so they probably need to put all their resources into getting it fixed.
In the meantime... not that many clients will be bright enough to have thought of it though lol.
Ive tried on my phone on my laptop, the page just wont open its Thurs 11th April 2013. Anyone else got the same problem? Ive tried deleting the history, using a new browser, emptying the cache, clearing the cookies...Theres nothing else I can do?!
It's an attack on the site you cannot do anything and are just wasting your time, energies and telephone batteries trying. Needs to be left to them to sort out.
I bet lots of guys aren't confirming appointments because some rely on looking on the site for their number on the day.........already seen one person struggling with this on another forum.
does anyone know how long it will be down for?
Seems ok now. When I type in the www it diverts to www2. Very slow.
Right I need someone to make me a good website as this is a wakeup call!!!!
[/quote]In the meantime... not that many clients will be bright enough to have thought of it though lol.
Seems ok now. When I type in the www it diverts to www2. Very slow.
Right I need someone to make me a good website as this is a wakeup call!!!!
Ive always said that even though its down those that have there own website and other forms of advertising will as a rule be ok or better than those that only rely on aw If you have your own website and other advertising guys can always look for you in other places or google your escort name to find you
In the meantime... not that many clients will be bright enough to have thought of it though lol.
Lol, you're very welcome! Always value your geeky friends... :D
They just tweeted: @AdultWorkcom 6m
Please use ( for now.
which is nice as I can access my profile and stuff. But useless for clients as they won't know about this.
If AW's owners/server company could point AW to the backup site, it would be a useful temporary fix.
to do it robustly, all of AW would need to be mirrored on the backup site. This would not be practical for a site like AW because of the resources needed (large ongoing costs). This usually only happens for "critical sites" like banks or google or betting companies; where the sums of money involved in a loss of service are so large, that placing backup resources are justified. The revenue generated by AW is just too small, relatively speaking. The problem is one that AW's service provider should address, rather than AW.
Though I'm glad AW are doing stuff too.
In the meantime... not that many clients will be bright enough to have thought of it though lol.
Lol, you're very welcome! Always value your geeky friends... :D
Thanks that helped, managed to log in.
Why won't the guys find it? All you do is type www and it redirects anyway to www2
Why won't the guys find it? All you do is type www and it redirects anyway to www2
I'm not sure that all browsers will redirect. Mine doesn't.
My I phone does. But spoke too soon. It's gone again.
didn't work at mine all day..not on laptop nor on the phone... :FF
Why won't the guys find it? All you do is type www and it redirects anyway to www2
I'm not sure that all browsers will redirect. Mine doesn't.
Not all browsers redirect.
Ive got it back up but Ive emailed them asking when Ill be reimbursed for monies for telephone number display and AT which were not working during the hours I was working.
Still down for me.
Just to let anyone else know that Ive already been reimbursed for services paid for today. Only took a couple of hours so quite happy. AW going down was only one of the things that went wrong with me today. Think I should have stayed in bed ...........
Oh I dont know if they are reimbursing automatically, I emailed them and within 90 mins I got an email with apology and refund.
i still cant get on but clients have been emailing me grrr
Compleat nightmare :FF can't even get on to ask for a reimbursement lol!
And now I realise why I spent money to be available today and feature number and local escort and didn't get a single phone call or email. :FF
Here's me thinking I just wasn't pretty enough for anyone today.
Still, bad week for me now, I desperately needed a client today :'(
Awww chin up Kirsten ((((hugs))))
xx :)
I was able to use the www2 site earlier, but now even that isnt working :-\
Tried to check twitter again too - but thier account has been suspended..... :o
I've checked the official page on FB....this is what they say ......
"Our attackers are moving as quickly as we do, please bear with us as we try to take alternate steps to combat them. Thank you for your support and patience."
Hope its back up tomorrow !
Night y'all xx
I got reimbursed :)!!! managed to get on for a while but it down again now..xxxxx
AW is suffering a DDOS attack at the moment - see their twitter feed
They recommend at the moment using
Iv'e been trying all day whats going on????
I can log in to adult work.
I can log in to adult work.
I can't.
I can't neither! They recently updated on Twitter - We're still trying to find a workable solution. 200,000 connection attempts per second from thousands of different IPs.
Woah! that sounds really bad, lookslike they are going to be working on this solution through the night! God I hope they get it sorted! Sounds like a bad attack
I can log in to adult work.
I can't.
I am using the app' not sure if that makes any difference. This afternoon when my phone became busy, that was when tried again. It was around 4pm. A few emails was answered. So during the quiet morning I went hairdressers for about 4 hrs making the most of the quiet. My phone kept vibrating on silent there. The hair dresser commented for me to answer lol. A few days ago at the nail bar she said oh you're very popular. I just smiled in embarrassment, switching phone off discreetly.
I wonder then why some can and others can not log in to aw. Because if it was a website problem. Surly nobodies ISP would be accepted.
Managed to get on for an hour this afternoon but down again if you manage to get on DONT log off my buddy managed to get on and stayed on gutted! :FF
I was on at 3pm and it worked, cammed off and on till 7pm then it decided not to work :'(
In the meantime... not that many clients will be bright enough to have thought of it though lol.
I can't even get on using this link :/
I don't get it.
Has it been hacked?
I would hazard a guess at yes
I lost my ID 4 years ago! ::)
Folks, it's been posted by several members at various points in the last few pages that AW is dealing with a DDoS attack, and this information came directly from their Twitter page. They'll be trying to fix it, but the cause has been made clear and there's no need for the thread to go round in circles.
If anybody wants to post a link to the relevant twitter page, go ahead this once.
News here:
Also aw seem to be reluctant giving refunds because of this from what I read on twitter.
i wonder if they will refund my featured profile available today and display phone number credit???? x
well they should do if you have lost work today. But they are unlikely to give out refunds plus they never respond to emails.
i chose the wrong time to do a tour......hope sites up and running tomorrow because at the moment i cant even log in to change my next stop tour location. made nothing today
I didn't realise it was down and wondered why it was so quiet today. I also sent two punters there to read my profile as they were asking loads of questions and they both said they couldn't get the links to work. I thought they were just being idiots! :o oops!
both said they couldn't get the links to work. I thought they were just being idiots! :o oops!
Hahaha I thought I was an idiot when I couldn't get on. Rebooted everything even JCI before I checked twitter!
what is everyone doing about advertising while we are waiting for it to come back? I'm touring at the moment, does anyone know which other sites guys have been looking on while it has been out of service?
What annoys me is I has a really busy start where I am. So know I would have been busy. Due to go different hotel tomorrow but likely have to cancel.
I was able to access aw yesterday,I should have left my mobile up , was optimistic as I thought it was fixed via twitter but this morning its not connecting yet again. :FF
still down today. there must have been hundreds of thousands of pounds lost. so glad i found this forum however, as I thought it was my computer and internet!! I am totally reliant on it for work as I like the feed back system.
What is interesting is that the adultworkforum is also offline, now that could be due to the amount of traffic from folk wanting to find out what's going on but to me it indicates despite them saying they don't run it, that they share some provision somewhere and are experiencing the same attack?
i dont understand clients have been able to message me on adultwork, but i cant get on ???
I am gutted, i have taken a week off from my normal job to escort!
I'm lucky I have followed advise from ParisB with regards to advertising, so I still have calls coming in, but with adultwork being the main source of work I think I shall be going to the salon today to be pampered, :)
had 4 bookings lined up and just lost 78 quid for cancelling hotel!and come on, so it was doomed.
I'm lucky I have followed advise from ParisB with regards to advertising, so I still have calls coming in, but with adultwork being the main source of work I think I shall be going to the salon today to be pampered, :)
Yep, I too have been advising girls for years to get onto as many free directories as possible and not wait till AW goes down and then start moaning about it. It's when it does go down that you find out that these other sites are invaluable.
AW being attacked like this is a common occurrence so it's not like it is not expected. We have had quite a spell free of these attacks but they won't stop because we ain't happy.
Use your non working time constructively and find out what other sites work in your area and get listed on as many as possible then when the next attack does come (and it will) then you won't be so badly affected.
i wonder if they will refund my featured profile available today and display phone number credit???? x
I got mine reimbursed within a couple of hours of contact.
well they should do if you have lost work today. But they are unlikely to give out refunds plus they never respond to emails.
If you follow the route given on the thread in this section you should always get a response. I normally get one within 20 to 30 minutes, sometimes a little longer.
Re refunds see above response.
Also aw seem to be reluctant giving refunds because of this from what I read on twitter.
Like I said above I got my refund quickly, I don't see why they would refund some and not others. I think I was lucky because I got in early but there will be thousand upon thousand wanting refunds, it's not something that can be done in two mins. I think the others are probably being a bit impatient.
They would probably be quicker just giving everybody some credits.
Am giving it till 12 then will have to decide whether to go next place.
Lots hotels will be getting canceled today.
I really feel for those ladies who are far from home.
They would probably be quicker just giving everybody some credits.
That wouldn't really work as some girls may have paid thirty odd pounds for being featured, some a fiver for AT and some just for their phone number display. The girls who paid for being featured would be up in arms.
it is still down here...i didnt manage to log in since yesterday morning...and i got txts from customers telling me the site is down as well...
had 4 bookings lined up ........
It is always best to take a note of any bookings you have somewhere separate from AW as we just don't know when AW is going to go down. At least you can salvage bookings if you can still contact them and not all is lost.
had 4 bookings lined up ........
It is always best to take a note of any bookings you have somewhere separate from AW as we just don't know when AW is going to go down. At least you can salvage bookings if you can still contact them and not all is lost.
I keep my bookings somewhere they can be accessed from, err anywhere without it being something I can put down, lose or have anyone else accidentally read either.
I think it's down again :FF
I couldn't even get it to come up !!! pardon the pun! :FF
had 4 bookings lined up ........
It is always best to take a note of any bookings you have somewhere separate from AW as we just don't know when AW is going to go down. At least you can salvage bookings if you can still contact them and not all is lost.
I keep my bookings somewhere they can be accessed from, err anywhere without it being something I can put down, lose or have anyone else accidentally read either.
Even just keeping the name, time, date and telephone number in your work phone is enough. If you want to put it in cryptically then do that but no one else sees my work phone.
With new phones there is memo section/diary which can be deleted once booking is over.
Yep... its down again :FF
i am new to this site so hello everyone. i have a question to ask does anybody here happen to no why Adultwork site is not opening i received an email telling me there was a message from a client but tried all day Thursday to get into the site with no luck. it's so annoying have been a member of AW for a few years and had no problems before, i would appreciate any feedback from anyone Gina xx
i am new to this site so hello everyone. i have a question to ask does anybody here happen to no why Adultwork site is not opening i received an email telling me there was a message from a client but tried all day Thursday to get into the site with no luck. it's so annoying have been a member of AW for a few years and had no problems before, i would appreciate any feedback from anyone Gina xx
Basically their site has been attacked, and they've not been able to fix it yet. It's a major thing that's going on, and they'll be losing revenue themselves so rest assured they'll be running around like blue-arsed-flies at the moment.
All we can do is wait it out, oh and use the time to get your other advertising up to date.
I haven't a clue how to make a website or submit to free sites. So until I find someone to do it do me I'll just have to wait for AW and be glad I'm not on a big tour far from home.
I cant log in either. They need to sort it out
I haven't a clue how to make a website or submit to free sites. So until I find someone to do it do me I'll just have to wait for AW and be glad I'm not on a big tour far from home.
To be fair Lottie, there are dozens of threads, posts and ads here from people which contain all the information needed to do this, and a comprehensive article on the main site with advertising advice; there are sites you don't need a website for at all, and template places (like the 'escort book' one that's down in Spamming somewhere along with the one Dani's been trying and seems happy with) plus the stalwart pay ad sites like PN.
If you (and others) can't be bothered to do anything constructive to boost your profile then that's your prerogative, but given that this will likely happen again (and we had a spell of these attacks at SAAFE as many will remember) then continuing to rely solely on one ad is probably not going to bode that well. I didn't even know it was off until I saw this thread yesterday (I'm in Ireland where it isn't that widely used) and if I'd been at home I could have pottered on as usual for days without it making a blind bit of difference.
You are right Amy. Am getting on to it.x
Well, fingers crossed it gets resolved soon!
Right, I've temporarily moved this onto the main board, where hopefully a few more people will be able to get some information about whatever's going on. Everybody note the date of the first post in this thread and the fact that it's nothing new.
Can we try to keep the 'I just tried to get on again and I still can't!' posts to as minimal a level as is realistic, please?
have had trouble accessing aw for the last 24 hours.
need to turn off my credits for a few days - argh how annoying!
anyone else having trouble?
I can't access either. Is driving me crazy :FF
have had trouble accessing aw for the last 24 hours.
need to turn off my credits for a few days - argh how annoying!
anyone else having trouble?
:FF ::)
have had trouble accessing aw for the last 24 hours.
need to turn off my credits for a few days - argh how annoying!
anyone else having trouble?
:FF ::)
Right, I've temporarily moved this onto the main board, where hopefully a few more people will be able to get some information about whatever's going on. Everybody note the date of the first post in this thread and the fact that it's nothing new.
Can we try to keep the 'I just tried to get on again and I still can't!' posts to as minimal a level as is realistic, please?
does anyone have any idea who is targeting them?will they be able to access people's information or their IP address?Somebody on twitter was saying it's something to do with the government?sorry if these are stupid questions,I don't know much about computers lol
does anyone have any idea who is targeting them?
No, despite lots of speculation from those who like to appear to be in the know.
will they be able to access people's information or their IP address?
Unlikely. Your IP address doesn't tell anybody anything about anyway, only which computer you're on.
Somebody on twitter was saying it's something to do with the government?
There are a lot of very stupid people on Twitter.
Aw have told me this could go on for several days on a punters forum. When you think about how complex the problem is likely a week or even longer. So have decide to set up over here on Escort Ireland. Because anything is better than slow days. Then adult work can keep having stool days because at the end of the day will be smiling all the way through it. Like am lucky really because have got a good flow of bookings from viva street and a regular today reaching my target.
What if E-I was to go down and you're stuck in Ireland!!!!! :o
What is interesting is that the adultworkforum is also offline, now that could be due to the amount of traffic from folk wanting to find out what's going on but to me it indicates despite them saying they don't run it, that they share some provision somewhere and are experiencing the same attack?
The whole of adultwork is going to be down even including the sister sites.Their servers have been affected, meaning doom and gloom with this big online attack in America. That is why they're struggling getting back up and running.
Its a nightmare! Miss not being on there.
What if E-I was to go down and you're stuck in Ireland!!!!! :o
I know what you're saying here. But it is all about trying to explore different avenues, rather than worrying about aw. As I see it like this... The time spent worrying or panicking, can be put into something constructive positive resolution. That is what I'm doing before it gets too late. As time goes on the bookings from aw newbies will show a loss in my earnings.
Ei dose on occasion malfunction but its never really that bad in that its normally up within a few hours
Hopefully this is a wake up call to everyone that only uses adultwork not to keep there eggs in one basket
Im touring at the moment and yes its a lot lot quieter but because i have my own website and advertise in plenty of places not just adultwork I'm still ticking along nicely
What if E-I was to go down and you're stuck in Ireland!!!!! :o
I know what you're saying here. But it is all about trying to explore different avenues, rather than worrying about aw. As I see it like this... The time spent worrying or panicking, can be put into something constructive positive resolution. That is what I'm doing before it gets too late. As time goes on the bookings from aw newbies will show a loss in my earnings.
With Escort Ireland i would recommend using a different phone ( just so that you see its working ) also register on the main forums so that you can post stuff and get known
once you have a message board id and your advertising is set up PM Samlad or one of the other mods and ask them for access to the private area of the forums There you will have access to all the stuff on various hotels /apartments working in other places in ireland and general stuff
You will have access to ugly mugs where you can check all your client that call you its worth checking number that even call you via viva st and adultwork back pages ect on it ( its saved me from seeing bad clients ) Even when your not advertising you get access to it for 3 months after your advert has finished i think
Once you have paid for you advert and its set up email/contact them exactly when you want it to go live ect and make sure that its up and running as they can make mistake like putting you in the wrong areas blah blah
Also if you call them you can only call them of the number that is on your profile if you want to make changes other wise they wont make any changes to your add
Hope that helps
Paris B
Thank you.x
this is a bummer for me as i only take bookings online through the site in advance. i dont take telephone bookings.. i used to.. i dont really want to put my self on loads of random sites and have people ringing me at all hours... hmmm re-think...
this is an eye opener though!
Just in...
It will be hours, early evening best case. We cannot beat the attack we have to upgrade and absorb it.
Does anyone know whats going on?
For those who have questions about DOS attacks, what they are here's a very useful guide:
My feeling is that Adult work is going to be one of those high profile sites that used to be. A denied access attack sure sounds definite to me. Hopefully am wrong, but my gut instink right from the stalling of aw down, told me some thing major wasn't right. Aw said they will be up and running on a few occasions yesterday via their twitter feed but didn't for fill. So looks like they are just going to carry on stalling people until they turn around realizing their bluffing us.
what,you think the site is finished?I wondered that...
What is the longest they have been down? I'm thinking this is.
Yep I would be happy to suggest your most probably wrong.
As Amy has already mentioned, we have them here occasionally, and from xmas onwards we had a spate of them, and were still here.
The attack will in time burn out, but as it is difficult if not impossible to cut it off at source you just have to wait it out, while trying to limit damage, as for AW bluffing you, its more a case of they can only guess how long its going to continue for.
My feeling is that Adult work is going to be one of those high profile sites that used to be. A denied access attack sure sounds definite to me. Hopefully am wrong, but my gut instink right from the stalling of aw down, told me some thing major wasn't right. Aw said they will be up and running on a few occasions yesterday via their twitter feed but didn't for fill. So looks like they are just going to carry on stalling people until they turn around realizing their bluffing us.
Adultwork could easily just abandon the site and retire on their millions!
Seems the Site is being subjected to a Distributed Denial of Service attack, which is having the desired effect. Working to resolve now.
Adultwork posted this on twitter :(
i hope its not, its the only site i use. built a really good reputation on there!
if we do get it back i dont think it will be OK, i reckon they might loose alot of stuff/data etc
its like the film hackers!
Hardware arrives 19:30 UK time. If all goes well we could be up by 20:30. Again, please accept our sincere apologies for this outage.
Hi I am sure AW will be back up and running soon. They have the hardware so fingers crossed it will be ok. Escort Ireland had a similar problem a few years ago and the site was down for 2 days. But once they got it sorted it was fine and there were no more problems xxx
I've been on there as an escort since 2008, and been using the site since 2006, in that time there has been a number of hacking attempts, and it has been down for short periods previously (eg around a day) so it's just one of those things, as much as hackers constantly come up with new ways to attack, there are new ways to defend, it's an ongoing battle between the two, so I really would not worry.
Natalie xXx
I've been on there as an escort since 2008, and been using the site since 2006, in that time there has been a number of hacking attempts, and it has been down for short periods previously (eg around a day) so it's just one of those things, as much as hackers constantly come up with new ways to attack, there are new ways to defend, it's an ongoing battle between the two, so I really would not worry.
Natalie xXx
Thank you for posting this. I've never experienced one of these attacks before, so was confused!
Ugh... they really need to sort this out soon. Its the only place I advertise (because I like to be able to check out feedback before I arrange bookings), and its costing me work :/
I may be naive not to know , but are there any simliar sites about....? Adultwork is the only one I've used since I started escorting in July last year!
I've been on there as an escort since 2008, and been using the site since 2006, in that time there has been a number of hacking attempts, and it has been down for short periods previously (eg around a day) so it's just one of those things, as much as hackers constantly come up with new ways to attack, there are new ways to defend, it's an ongoing battle between the two, so I really would not worry.
Natalie xXx
Thank you for posting this. I've never experienced one of these attacks before, so was confused!
No problems! I had a total meltdown the first time it happened! lol! Around 2008 - 2010 it used to be really slow, but then they upgraded the server and that was a nightmare too, as it didn't quite go to plan! lol! There was quite a bit of downtime then too.... It seems this is the worst attack so far, but they have always pulled out the stops to get things fixed before, so even if they get a temporary fix, I'm sure they'll find a work-around in future.
Adultwork are also always making tweaks and improvements, it seems to be a constantly evolving thing so I don't think it's going to disappear any time soon. This attack is just bigger than before and has taken them by surprise no doubt.
Natalie xXx
girls, boys and all.
unbelievable today.
Please pray in your religion ( or in Faith)
stuck in new place ( it was my first visit here (place )
hopefully they can sort it out.
but where are they owners of adultwork?
Who runs this site?
Does it run itself ? oh God.
i do not know.....................................
This was just posted -
FRIDAY 12 APRIL Our engineers are continuing their efforts but hardware is required that cannot be sourced overnight. Hoping a for mid-morning resolution.
LATEST UPDATE It will be hours, early evening best case. We cannot beat the attack we have to upgrade and absorb it.
Yep I would be happy to suggest your most probably wrong.
As Amy has already mentioned, we have them here occasionally, and from xmas onwards we had a spate of them, and were still here.
The attack will in time burn out, but as it is difficult if not impossible to cut it off at source you just have to wait it out, while trying to limit damage, as for AW bluffing you, its more a case of they can only guess how long its going to continue for.
My feeling is that Adult work is going to be one of those high profile sites that used to be. A denied access attack sure sounds definite to me. Hopefully am wrong, but my gut instink right from the stalling of aw down, told me some thing major wasn't right. Aw said they will be up and running on a few occasions yesterday via their twitter feed but didn't for fill. So looks like they are just going to carry on stalling people until they turn around realizing their bluffing us.
That is just me dreading the worst over reacting. :)
Going as fast as we can, site is effectively untouched since Thursday morning, everything intact.
their latest tweet..
i reaallllly hope it gets up and running soon
hmmm I bet they will work through the night!
hmmm I bet they will work through the night!
I think America are 6hrs behind us.
I really hope they'll work through the night too! :)
hmmm I bet they will work through the night!
I think America are 6hrs behind us.
Adultwork is based in Europe though.
hmmm I bet they will work through the night!
I think America are 6hrs behind us.
Adultwork is based in Europe though.
I google adult work it was showing America on the map. Where ever it is hope for the best.
Hmm I am sure too they are in Europe.
Cheques were from Canada. Never understood. And cheques are from natwest. Who knows......mine hasnt cleared have been asking around if anyone payment has cleared yet.
Wonder how long it will be /-:
Just to let you ladies know I've just managed to get on adultwork so I guess its up and running again xx
Ditto. YAY.
Just to let you ladies know I've just managed to get on adultwork so I guess its up and running again xx
Yep, me too.
Posts unrelated to Adultwork removed (including mine). Now we're back on topic, this is the final warning to stay put, although I daresay there'll be something of a stampede over there now anyway ;D.
Down again lol. :(
I got back online for about 5mins then its gone again!!! :FF hopefully that's some sign of improvement though
It seems to be going again now??? dare we hope :-X
Gone again lol.
Back though redirected to www2. Have requested credits refund but guess there will be big queue.
I've just been able to log on - hopefully the problem is permanently fixed and it's not a temporary ray of hope.
This is killing me. I advertise elsewhere, but I've had nada since this cyberattack thing started.
woooo im back on :D
Gone again :'(
hmmm... still on here but is slow
Hmm offline again for me and i tried two different browsers. :o
yeah im off now.. ah short lived!
Im off again now :FF
Was up again now down again lol. :FF
Basically they've tried to fix it and failed. I'd leave it alone now there's nothing we can do until they find a permanent fix and I'm not sure everyone rushing to check the site all the time, trying to log in if they are running helps them.
ALRITE calm down! >:(
I am getting emails from clients, how are they getting on and i am not lol
The 'app' could be working...? I dont use it tho.
But remember we have been told off for touching it... :FF
Basically they've tried to fix it and failed. I'd leave it alone now there's nothing we can do until they find a permanent fix and I'm not sure everyone rushing to check the site all the time, trying to log in if they are running helps them.
Think about it...
Adult work is up against the biggest attack ever and they still keep giving people hope. I would begin making other plans just incase as a back up. If it was me the owner of aw. I would only put on twitter progression not digression or just staying at the same place. Aw have made all those tweets with no progress. Only using words like should or may. I am sticking to aw is up for a challenge being day three. Maybe on day seven people will realise aw is chatting bull. So they most likely will give people more hope today then that time will pass. Then aw give more hope for the following day. What a joke this is becoming. If I don't see progress in any thing in my life, it sure tells me to move on. Just being realistic here.
I even have stopped trying to log on to aw while this attack is happening. No point stressing myself out, what will be sure time will show like it always does.
Something isn't right compared to all the other attacks. In my opinion they're going down.
Think about it...
Adult work is up against the biggest attack ever and they still keep giving people hope. I would begin making other plans just incase as a back up. If it was me the owner of aw. I would only put on twitter progression not digression or just staying at the same place. Aw have made all those tweets with no progress. Only using words like should or may. I am sticking to aw is up for a challenge being day three. Maybe on day seven people will realise aw is chatting bull. So they most likely will give people more hope today then that time will pass. Then aw give more hope for the following day. What a joke this is becoming. If I don't see progress in any thing in my life, it sure tells me to move on. Just being realistic here.
I even have stopped trying to log on to aw while this attack is happening. No point stressing myself out, what will be sure time will show like it always does.
Something isn't right compared to all the other attacks. In my opinion they're going down.
Ok, first point to make is that this is NOT the biggest attack ever. Yes, it's likely that it's the biggest and worst that AW has experienced but no - think about it. Anons managed to get into N. Korea's Intranet which is a much much bigger feat than a DDoS attack on an escort directory website.
I've not seen any tweets that show digression. Could you please point these out to me?
When it comes to only using words like "should" or "may" it shows that you have absolutely no confidence in what you are doing and is a very poor communication technique, but that's just my opinion.
But you're right, something isn't right - AW are losing a lot money because of it. They worked tirelessly to try to fix the problem. Does anyone really think that sitting around complaining that things would be different if someone else owned the site is going to achieve anything? Yeah, if diversity (sorry hun, but you said it) owned the site we'd have lost it a long time ago - you need to know your stuff when it comes to server security etc if you want to run such a profitable operation online while keeping the bad guys at bay.
I suspect MD meant the biggest attack so far on Adultwork, which as far as I know it is, and since any shenanigans at non-sex work sites are irrelevant for the purposes of the forum, we may as well stick with it.
I would also point out that not everybody here has English as a first language, so what may be poor communication to you is not necessarily just a deliberately lazy post or bad choice of words. Whilst I do agree with some of these points, picking each other to pieces isn't helping anybody so let's sack it for the day, please.
it reminds me of the ash cloud which grounded all the airlines a few years ago. The airlines kept saying that they would let you know in six hours time, but I'm reality no one least of all the airlines knew what the fuck was going on and were just trying to keep everybody calm
:FF why is not work adultwork???????????????? :FF
Hi Amy (and MD), I'm really sorry if it seemed like I was playing devils advocate. Not my intention at all! And I completely didn't think about the language barriers. I keep forgetting that while I wasn't really born in Europe and didn't live here until I was in my teens, I have a better grasp of English than many who were. :FF
The question I asked about the tweets is what's getting to me though... as I feel like I'm completely missing something!
Anyway, sincere apologies if I didn't come across so well here or if I've offended anyone.
Does anyone else think that this could be the end for adultwork? :(
I suspect MD meant the biggest attack so far on Adultwork, which as far as I know it is, and since any shenanigans at non-sex work sites are irrelevant for the purposes of the forum, we may as well stick with it.
I would also point out that not everybody here has English as a first language, so what may be poor communication to you is not necessarily just a deliberately lazy post or bad choice of words. Whilst I do agree with some of these points, picking each other to pieces isn't helping anybody so let's sack it for the day, please.
Yes the biggest attack so far on adult work.
Think about it...
Adult work is up against the biggest attack ever and they still keep giving people hope. I would begin making other plans just incase as a back up. If it was me the owner of aw. I would only put on twitter progression not digression or just staying at the same place. Aw have made all those tweets with no progress. Only using words like should or may. I am sticking to aw is up for a challenge being day three. Maybe on day seven people will realise aw is chatting bull. So they most likely will give people more hope today then that time will pass. Then aw give more hope for the following day. What a joke this is becoming. If I don't see progress in any thing in my life, it sure tells me to move on. Just being realistic here.
I even have stopped trying to log on to aw while this attack is happening. No point stressing myself out, what will be sure time will show like it always does.
Something isn't right compared to all the other attacks. In my opinion they're going down.
Ok, first point to make is that this is NOT the biggest attack ever. Yes, it's likely that it's the biggest and worst that AW has experienced but no - think about it. Anons managed to get into N. Korea's Intranet which is a much much bigger feat than a DDoS attack on an escort directory website.
I've not seen any tweets that show digression. Could you please point these out to me?
When it comes to only using words like "should" or "may" it shows that you have absolutely no confidence in what you are doing and is a very poor communication technique, but that's just my opinion.
But you're right, something isn't right - AW are losing a lot money because of it. They worked tirelessly to try to fix the problem. Does anyone really think that sitting around complaining that things would be different if someone else owned the site is going to achieve anything? Yeah, if diversity (sorry hun, but you said it) owned the site we'd have lost it a long time ago - you need to know your stuff when it comes to server security etc if you want to run such a profitable operation online while keeping the bad guys at bay.
I am just realistic here show me any sign of progression then?. Exactly my point still stands. Also don't get mad at me when all am doing is stating what's happening geez woman. Like I said time will tell the truth of adult works future. Then if so will say with a big smile told you so. Now how could I have had an idea in the first place. Like I said give it until day 7, then maybe people will realise moving on from aw.Because once on EI I delete my profile if it ever works again. If not laughing all the way as my regs and vivastreet is popular with me still.
Well I think everybody's concerned and it shows itself in different ways - I'm tetchy because I'm knackered and I'm as guilty as anybody else of maybe not being as supportive as I could be because the fact it that things happening to Adultwork don't really affect me that much, particularly at the moment because I'm not in the UK.
As everybody has said, it's a good time to start sprucing up other ads or try something new - it doesn't take long to knock a page together on select an escort or My Local Escorts or some of the others, there's the template sites for anybody who fancies a go and hasn't tried it or there's even the newspaper ads for those feeling really brave ;D (get a new sim for that, though).
We've got nothing to lose by having a go, and whilst it might not have paid off as well in the past, punters are going to have to start looking elsewhere at some point if they want to punt, so let's make sure we're all there with our hair done :).
I am just realistic here show me any sign of progression then?. Exactly my point still stands. Also don't get mad at me when all am doing is stating whats happening geez woman.
I'm not mat at you at all, and have apologised in case I have offended you. I just thought that the tweets were showing progress and showing what they're doing to get it working again is all. Well, I guess it comes down to different perspectives at the end of the day... and I'm good with that 8)
Amy its true we all need back up from now on & we never know what's going to happen, with sites like aw :)
have created a few new profiles on escort sites quite quickly over the last few days!!! ..
good luck ladies keep going use twitter to keep updated with adult work itself & their current developments.
Link in and get seen as lots of clients do notice too,....
fingers crossed we are all back on track very soon
O x
I am just realistic here show me any sign of progression then?. Exactly my point still stands. Also don't get mad at me when all am doing is stating whats happening geez woman.
I'm not mat at you at all, and have apologised in case I have offended you. I just thought that the tweets were showing progress and showing what they're doing to get it working again is all. Well, I guess it comes down to different perspectives at the end of the day... and I'm good with that 8)
I read your post after put one up. Aw are saying this and that but is there really any visual things backing up their claim?. I believe it after seeing progression. What they've been doing is painting a picture to everyone. I can see past that. That is why am saying the these things.
It was only a matter of time unfortunately the best thing to do is to try and build your own site and set up profiles on other large escort sites.
I think maybe we should forget about it for a couple of hours as the amount of traffic trying to get through will be immense. I don't work at weekends usually so I'm ok but I appreciate that a lot of you girls do and you're missing out big time. If you can afford it go and do something else today and try later. I'm not going to start worrying again until Sunday night/Monday morning, then I really will be concerned. It will be such a shame if it goes down as it's been great for me and lots of others I imagine. Fingers crossed ladies and try and chill out. :-*
Think I'll be heading for the shop windows!
Think I'll be heading for the shop windows!
Big Chest For Sale? ;D
Think I'll be heading for the shop windows!
Big Chest For Sale? ;D
French polishing! ;D
On their Twitter account they are saying the have been hacked, and trying to deal with it but the last update was 12 hours ago.
Their lastest post on twitter 1h ago....
''Work continues and the goalposts are continually moving, more experts being drafted in ATM. We will get there.''
These tweets are humouring me now. That's me not even going to bother looking any more. Because am sure if so, a post on here will tell me if aw are up and running again or doomed. :)
Is A Record aw down for 3 days?hahaha serious what a joke they make so much money and they are attacked easy like this?Is not the first time but this time the people you did are well good.Not good for us
Does anyone know what has happened to Adultwork, its been down for 3 days now :FF
Ellen, I think it would be easier if you simply read the thread.
Scaremongering and negative thinking is doing no one any good. I think girls would be best to get on to those other directories and getting themselves listed instead of continually posting negative thoughts. At least if you do that you may get calls from other avenues. You definitely won't get calls if you are not listed anywhere.
Now lets think positively instead of all this doom and gloom. Life is too short. If we are not prepared to do the legwork on other directories then we should say nothing.
^^^that :)
I would be more concerned if AW weren't saying anything at all on Twitter. At least we know they haven't ran away.
In a way it was nice the other day to take a couple of hours off and not worry about missing calls.
www2 working at moment.
this is how i could get to the site and log chrome cannot really open it,was successful with opera...
Yes this is definately the time to think about alternative ways to advertise. Even update ads on sites that you don't get a lot of work from (if AW is gone then these sites might become really busy).
It's on for me too! Although they have still taken my credits for display number and local escorts, how will they refund it do you think? Right now I'm just pleased its back on:)
It's on for me too! Although they have still taken my credits for display number and local escorts, how will they refund it do you think? Right now I'm just pleased its back on:)
Think a load of people will be requesting refunds. Best to be patient.
At long last....
Lets hope they are all extra horny and gagging for it ! :o
Could log in this morning but its gone down again!!! This is really annoying me now
- @AdultWorkcom Twitter
We're not out of the woods yet. There are many issues to resolve and are still under attack. Please bear with us. Thanks for support.
One that doesn't look like the last day of Judgement at the smear clinic would be nice!
;D ;D ;D
Funny thing is Ive had more clients than i can count comment to me on the horrendousness of the homepage and how scary it is. Its made newbies think that the whole website is just full of scary ladies offering BB and giving us views of their anatomies that only their gynaecologist should ever see. Then they are surprised when they find profiles of lovely ladies such as ourselves and wonder how we stumbled onto there.
I can concur with that experience.
+1 :)
Anyone who's got any greviances , complaints . or is just generally unhappy with the direction AW is taking , please see my post at the end of this thread and comment.
What is interesting is that the adultworkforum is also offline, now that could be due to the amount of traffic from folk wanting to find out what's going on but to me it indicates despite them saying they don't run it, that they share some provision somewhere and are experiencing the same attack?
Ooh , interesting !!
It's down again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh nooooo!!!!
Down for me too, really hope its not for too long this time xxx
AW is down again guys! :FF
Oh nooooo!!!!
Down for me too, really hope its not for too long this time xxx
I was beginning to think that it was fixed.
and me! must be site mantience!
It was almost like when adult work started working again, the nightmare was over of not knowing.
check Twitter !!
Log into gmail
Click link through to new booking request
Really it was working all day with me fine then just now after i went to reply to emails.
i assumed it might of just be my internet atm but everything else is working
Is it still down or r u still having problems too?
sucks :( xx
quote from twitter
'We're investigating outage now'
hmm.. pleeeeease dont be out long! my tour has been so disrupted by all of this and i know its been a nightmare for so many others too (including i imagine the owners)
Twitter are :
'Checking out outage now'
bloody'ell, hope it aint for long this time !
been hacked again?
been hacked again?
Is so we're in for another long ride oh dear.
Their tweets imply it's a problem with their new hardware. I'd sleep on it and not panic.
yes just read, if this keeps happening im going to join another site, it seems too unreliable
Deleted (isn't there still another thread about this?)
Really it was working all day with me fine then just now after i went to reply to emails.
i assumed it might of just be my internet atm but everything else is working
Is it still down or r u still having problems too?
sucks :( xx
Yeah me too. Pity as had started off okay on webcam this evening. Starting to wish there was a better alternative to the site...
oh man!
been hacked again?
Looks like the opposite this time! ::)
I don't know any more other than am starting to view this as a positive now. Vivastreet will be used more I hope now aw is down. :)
I don't know any more other than am starting to view this as a positive now. Vivastreet will be used more I hope now aw is down. :)
Whilst it is by no means my only source of advertising and should not be for any lady, it is a very user friendly way to dip a toe into the industry. Vivastreet for me has been a stream of constant hagglers and time wasters, tried for 3 periods of time now.
For those using AW, hope it gets sorted soon, I was cursing that it went down moments after a booking request hit my email. Fingers crossed it is a quick fix, I'll probably not check again till morning though, or it will do my head in :)
H x
Whilst it is by no means my only source of advertising and should not be for any lady, it is a very user friendly way to dip a toe into the industry. Vivastreet for me has been a stream of constant hagglers and time wasters, tried for 3 periods of time now.
For those using AW, hope it gets sorted soon, I was cursing that it went down moments after a booking request hit my email. Fingers crossed it is a quick fix, I'll probably not check again till morning though, or it will do my head in :)
H x
I didn't mean to sound snarky but this is getting beyond a joke now with aw being flumbsy. So this is just my way of getting very annoyed with them.
Its still down oh well such is life Life a bitch and then their is adultwork
I am going to join Vivastreet, can't be doing with losing any more dosh due to AW...
Whilst it is by no means my only source of advertising and should not be for any lady, it is a very user friendly way to dip a toe into the industry. Vivastreet for me has been a stream of constant hagglers and time wasters, tried for 3 periods of time now.
For those using AW, hope it gets sorted soon, I was cursing that it went down moments after a booking request hit my email. Fingers crossed it is a quick fix, I'll probably not check again till morning though, or it will do my head in :)
H x
I didn't mean to sound snarky but this is getting beyond a joke now with aw being flumbsy. So this is just my way of getting very annoyed with them.
No, you were 'just sayin'', same as I was, all good :)
I feel like getting annoyed, but am settling on frustrated as I think they are doing all they can, after all they lose big money when the sites is down. They wind me up with other things though, now they are only accepting passports as ID etc x
I am going to join Vivastreet, can't be doing with losing any more dosh due to AW...
You might want to read their terms and conditions before uploading photo as this is where I went wrong didn't do. But finally got it right a year later. Also the photo needs to be a certain size for the site to accept the photo they told me after pleading with them like a helpless sheep. Dealing with VivaStreet you will need to have lots of patience and always try to be polite when things go wrong. I communicate via email composing myself politely to them when really behind the scenes am steaming.
Whilst it is by no means my only source of advertising and should not be for any lady, it is a very user friendly way to dip a toe into the industry. Vivastreet for me has been a stream of constant hagglers and time wasters, tried for 3 periods of time now.
For those using AW, hope it gets sorted soon, I was cursing that it went down moments after a booking request hit my email. Fingers crossed it is a quick fix, I'll probably not check again till morning though, or it will do my head in :)
H x
I didn't mean to sound snarky but this is getting beyond a joke now with aw being flumbsy. So this is just my way of getting very annoyed with them.
No, you were 'just sayin'', same as I was, all good :)
I feel like getting annoyed, but am settling on frustrated as I think they are doing all they can, after all they lose big money when the sites is down. They wind me up with other things though, now they are only accepting passports as ID etc x
Things seem to be getting ever so tight in every thing. They did say it will happen in 2013.
I am going to join Vivastreet, can't be doing with losing any more dosh due to AW...
You might want to read their terms and conditions before uploading photo as this is where I went wrong didn't do. But finally got it right a year later. Also the photo needs to be a certain size for the site to accept the photo they told me after pleading with them like a helpless sheep. Dealing with VivaStreet you will need to have lots of patience and always try to be polite when things go wrong. I communicate via email composing myself politely to them when really behind the scenes am steaming.
Ohhhhhhhhhh...THANKYOU !
I am going to join Vivastreet, can't be doing with losing any more dosh due to AW...
Use a different number for it You can get some nice genuine clients from it but its like working from the papers
I am going to join Vivastreet, can't be doing with losing any more dosh due to AW...
You might want to read their terms and conditions before uploading photo as this is where I went wrong didn't do. But finally got it right a year later. Also the photo needs to be a certain size for the site to accept the photo they told me after pleading with them like a helpless sheep. Dealing with VivaStreet you will need to have lots of patience and always try to be polite when things go wrong. I communicate via email composing myself politely to them when really behind the scenes am steaming.
Ohhhhhhhhhh...THANKYOU ! is free photo editing software.
Left click the cursor on the photo you want to use.
Then click on Image top left.
Click on by absolute size so is highlighted
Untick Maintain aspect ratio
Then type 290 in the width box
500 in height then 72 in resolution
Click Ok then file at the top
Save as so you choose where to save.
These are the settings viva sent me. Ever since my photo has stayed up but be carful as they are very strict from my experience.
I would just like to add for those using viva street for the first time to regularly check to see if your photo is still showing. Especially during a quiet day as nine times out of 10 this is the reason for me.
I am going to join Vivastreet, can't be doing with losing any more dosh due to AW...
You might want to read their terms and conditions before uploading photo as this is where I went wrong didn't do. But finally got it right a year later. Also the photo needs to be a certain size for the site to accept the photo they told me after pleading with them like a helpless sheep. Dealing with VivaStreet you will need to have lots of patience and always try to be polite when things go wrong. I communicate via email composing myself politely to them when really behind the scenes am steaming.
Ohhhhhhhhhh...THANKYOU ! is free photo editing software.
Left click the cursor on the photo you want to use.
Then click on Image top left.
Click on by absolute size so is highlighted
Untick Maintain aspect ratio
Then type 290 in the width box
500 in height then 72 in resolution
Click Ok then file at the top
Save as so you choose where to save.
These are the settings viva sent me. Ever since my photo has stayed up but be carful as they are very strict from my experience.
I would just like to add for those using viva street for the first time to regularly check to see if your photo is still showing. Especially during a quiet day as nine times out of 10 this is the reason for me.
Noted ! many thanks xx
It's down again noooooooooooooooooo
Yep-was just about topost the same thing :FF, down AGAIN.X
A useful tip if you ever wonder if its just you/your computer....
Type in the site (in this case - click 'or just me'
Lets you know if its just you or anyone. You can also set up alerts that will email you when the site is up or down.
Yep, they aint having an easy time of it. Must be costing them (or should that be "us") a fortune in engineers (or whatever the right word is). :(
Christ in a handbag, it's broken again. It was working I have not long logged out, went to log in again and the wheel is turning for me,
Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)
And it's back!
Down again...? ???
Folk are paying for AW.
Apart from being hacked (yawn...not our problem) has any explanation or compensation been mentioned?XX
Folk are paying for AW.
Apart from being hacked (yawn...not our problem) has any explanation or compensation been mentioned?XX
1. They weren't hacked, it was a DdOS attack, which is amply explained on the site if they haven't taken it down yet.
2. Most people have received a credit refund for the features they had paid for on the days the site was down. I was only using the phone number display because I wanted my tour ad to show, but I got them back. There's thread about it on the AW board, where this thread will shortly be returning, and if you haven't been refunded I'd take it up with the admins there asap.
I haven't noticed aw down since the big attack. Aw might need to early hours in the morning update its site, just like banks do. The latest if anything I log on at 12am to update my last login showing today.
When Kayci posted the other night I know I was online using AW, so it could have been a dip in her bandwidth. Sometimes that happens and one site loads fine, another does not. helps when that happens.
Folk are paying for AW.
Apart from being hacked (yawn...not our problem) has any explanation or compensation been mentioned?XX
1. They weren't hacked, it was a DdOS attack, which is amply explained on the site if they haven't taken it down yet.
2. Most people have received a credit refund for the features they had paid for on the days the site was down. I was only using the phone number display because I wanted my tour ad to show, but I got them back. There's thread about it on the AW board, where this thread will shortly be returning, and if you haven't been refunded I'd take it up with the admins there asap.
Fair enough if we want to be spot on the terminology 'hacked' may not be the correct term but DDoS (Denial Of Service Attacks)-appear to be quite old school!!!
It's down again:-(
I have just checked and its running ok at the moment
It looks like more than likely that adult work updates its servers, just like when banks do it goes off line.
sorry to ask but is adultwork down or is my mac playing up
Mine is too at moment :FF
hilarity... mine too.. except ive just been on cam with a reg for the past two hours and as we got to the much awaited end of the session the site disappeared!! :P
fuck sticks
yep here too, thought it was me ::)
aw your lovely the lot of you thanks thought i was fucking go nuts
Yes it's down here too grrrrr!!!!
Balls >:(
Just checked their twitter page and they have tweeted "sit tight 1 minute" 20 mins ago and then " Investigating issues, please bear with us" 3 mins ago xx
It's working now.
Anyone else having problems logging into AW this evening?
There's nothing on their twitter feed about it, seems to have just turned into a go slow, half pages coming up and then nothing at all.
Working again :D xx
Down again! :FF
Connectivity issues being investigated according to their Twitter feed. At least I know it's not me!
twitter says it worse than the last big problem :FF
Yes, just seen it too
'unprecedented - another DDOS attack - so large it's consumed network'
Oh dear
Oh great, here we go again... not brilliant when you're broke and its the only place you get work through!! :-[
it's totally dead!!! no sign of life
Oh great, here we go again... not brilliant when you're broke and its the only place you get work through!! :-[
What about advertising on Viva Street?. It could help.
While I do advertise elsewhere AW is my largest source of income most days. I have a room booked somewhere and had loads calls today. But don't know if the guys save the numbers. I have one guy booked in advance but that job would just pay the daily rent so definitely not enthusiastic at all.
Oh noooooo.. Not again!! hotel booked and paid for away from home for the entire week!!!
Sorry for you Miss B :'(
It's bad enough being plonked on my sofa ready for a cam session! I really hope it works out for you lovey.
Mimi x
Another thought...I hope that in taking 35-41% of our earnings, the site managers are looking to invest in more robust anti-malware software!! It's getting a bit daft now. You can't be a big business acting like a small one...
Don't know what to do. Am scheduled to rent a room from someone new today. He charges 70 a day. I have one job booked that will pay 100. Leaving me with 20 quid after paying him and fares. Don't know if I should call him and ask him to take less if Adultwork doesn't go back up or if I should cancel today. Don't want to let anyone down but no way am I travelling an hour just for 20 quid and that's assuming the guy doesn't cancel. I put advert there in advance and had lots of calls but don't think all guys save the number. Would it be cheeky to ask the guy to just accept 40 if the site doesn't go back on? The guy advertised the room on Adultwork so am sure he will be aware of the situation.
Just tried logging on to adultwork. Looks like it's not working again!
Anyone else having this problem? Hopefully it's down for an hour or two for maintenance and not been hacked.
Yeh it seemed to be back working last night around 9pm (for me anyway), then today the page just won't load at all.
[Edit] According to their latest tweet they are saying unless things go well mid morning is the best case scenario to get things back in order....
Don't know what to do. Am scheduled to rent a room from someone new today. He charges 70 a day. I have one job booked that will pay 100. Leaving me with 20 quid after paying him and fares. Don't know if I should call him and ask him to take less if Adultwork doesn't go back up or if I should cancel today. Don't want to let anyone down but no way am I travelling an hour just for 20 quid and that's assuming the guy doesn't cancel. I put advert there in advance and had lots of calls but don't think all guys save the number. Would it be cheeky to ask the guy to just accept 40 if the site doesn't go back on? The guy advertised the room on Adultwork so am sure he will be aware of the situation.
He might view it as like we do when clients ask us for a discount.
Don't know what to do. Am scheduled to rent a room from someone new today. He charges 70 a day. I have one job booked that will pay 100. Leaving me with 20 quid after paying him and fares. Don't know if I should call him and ask him to take less if Adultwork doesn't go back up or if I should cancel today. Don't want to let anyone down but no way am I travelling an hour just for 20 quid and that's assuming the guy doesn't cancel. I put advert there in advance and had lots of calls but don't think all guys save the number. Would it be cheeky to ask the guy to just accept 40 if the site doesn't go back on? The guy advertised the room on Adultwork so am sure he will be aware of the situation.
He might view it as like we do when clients ask us for a discount.
I think this is a bit different. I wouldn't hang around all day. I would stay and do that one then leave if not fixed. If adultwork was working and I made no money I would be happy to pay, but this is different.
It's not his fault your advertising has failed. He may have overheads too, and be feeling as you do.
I'd either cancel full stop, or do the job at breakeven - which may retain the client for the future. Is there a chance some guys may have your details saved and you pick up another booking?
That's just the name of the game, it's nothing to do with him that the site is down he is still trying to earn a living like the rest of us, different if its a hotel reservation that you can cancel.
We all take risks, just some bigger than others, i take the risk with having my own separate working flat to my home,(like I'm sure other girls do too) so double everything every month, I cannot get my rent reduced if aw is down or I'm sick or on holiday etc etc... KEY is advertise, advertise, advertise...yes AW is the main percentage of the work traffic, but when its down you'd be surprised that men search other avenues too and that's when it kicks it.
when its down you'd be surprised that men search other avenues too and that's when it kicks it.
Yes they do, and if you use the same name wherever you advertise they will usually find you.
its been down for a few hours as i have been chatting to friends of mine in Australia and its been down for a few hours
I can't log in either ... Keeps coming up with a error msg !! X
Just a question how long has it been down for??
Cant seem to get into it...
Ash xx
I have been told it because they are deleting profiles.....
They have a list every monday telling to shareholders who has been deleted and who is being watched.....
i have been told they are shut down due to "cleaning up" the site...
dont know if this is true or not???
you can go on to twitter and speck with them direct...
Ash x
according to their twitter looks like around 12 hours :( ...another DDoS attack. Here's hoping they can sort if quickly!
latest says 'We're still working on things, unless something goes well it will be mid morning best case before we're back. Sincere apologies.'
It wasn't running right for part of the evening last night - completely went down for me close on 9.30pm, tried again periodically up to 11.30pm and no luck each time. The same this morning. So yes, down getting on for 14 hours I think.
Well I checked it at about 6pm yesterday and it was fine, then at 11pm I checked again and it wasn't working so somewhere between then.. Bit inconvenient but hey Ho, just have to rely on other advertising methods untill fixed
I love this comment on their twitter account
'the Site is up, you just can't get to it'
Has anyone else had problems getting onto the site? I can't even access the log in page?x
Merged. I know I'm banging my head against a brick wall here, but can we not have another day of people starting endless panicky duplicate threads when we already have one here? Ta :).
Merged. I know I'm banging my head against a brick wall here, but can we not have another day of people starting endless panicky duplicate threads when we already have one here? Ta :).
Thanks Amy. I noticed. We can't talk about guys not reading our profiles and then do exactly the same on here. Thanks.
Something I'd like to add is that although they tweet estimated fix times, it is difficult to predict how long an IT problem will last or take to be fixed.
Instead of numerous "They've tweeted they'll be back online by this time" posts, "they say it's a DDOS attack wassat?" I'd advise sitting tight, getting on as best you can until it's back online - which could be in 1 hour, or 1 week. I'm guessing AW don't actually know any better than this either, and are simply trying to do their best thinking it might appease folk.
Something I'd like to add is that although they tweet estimated fix times, it is difficult to predict how long an IT problem will last or take to be fixed.
Instead of numerous "They've tweeted they'll be back online by this time" posts, "they say it's a DDOS attack wassat?" I'd advise sitting tight, getting on as best you can until it's back online - which could be in 1 hour, or 1 week. I'm guessing AW don't actually know any better than this either, and are simply trying to do their best thinking it might appease folk.
Yes and how long will it take the guys to get on, browse and then contact. Sounds like another holiday Monday.
Something I'd like to add is that although they tweet estimated fix times, it is difficult to predict how long an IT problem will last or take to be fixed.
Instead of numerous "They've tweeted they'll be back online by this time" posts, "they say it's a DDOS attack wassat?" I'd advise sitting tight, getting on as best you can until it's back online - which could be in 1 hour, or 1 week. I'm guessing AW don't actually know any better than this either, and are simply trying to do their best thinking it might appease folk.
Yes and how long will it take the guys to get on, browse and then contact. Sounds like another holiday Monday.
Yes, well I know many don't even take down your number until the day............even when they've booked days or weeks in advance, then when it goes off line it's like "Oh what do I do?". Last time I actually googled a lady's name for a guy on a local forum who'd posted asking how he was going to confirm his booking with her. From the info he gave I guessed she'd have a web presence elsewhere.
So many people just don't know how to get off their bum, use a bit of common sense and do a little bit for themselves.
Most I'm guessing will just hang up their boots until the site is back online going without or nip to their local parlour.
Meh, I'm on several sites but about 95% of my work comes from AW. Luckily had a few regulars booked in today so I'm ok. Enjoyed a nice hour shopping this morning as well!
I don't mind it as much, do hope it's back up today tho!
You are defo not Going nuts Paris.I have been texting girls to see if I was going nuts!!
New on this forum but an established lady.
So just a Hi to all the wonderful ladies who are registered here.
I have been told it because they are deleting profiles.....
They have a list every monday telling to shareholders who has been deleted and who is being watched.....
i have been told they are shut down due to "cleaning up" the site...
dont know if this is true or not???
you can go on to twitter and speck with them direct...
Ash x
Deleting profiles won't break the site, nor is that anything to do with a DDOS attack (basically their servers are being hammered by millions of site hits generated by *someone*). The shareholders would NEVER want anything affecting the site's useability and it's ability to generate income.
Never known them to shut the site due to cleaning up lol, profiles get delete daily... And I'm sure this is costing them thousands so not sure I believe it due to cleaning!!
its so annoying AW is taking the piss lol
Is there any other web site where is good to advertise
for west midlands??? xxx
its so annoying AW is taking the piss lol
Is there any other web site where is good to advertise
for west midlands??? xxx
They are not 'taking the piss'. They, their shareholders etc will lose a lot of money. It is VERY simple to bring down a site and quite frankly if US Defense Agencies and Blue Chip companies have issues stopping Ddos attacks, then AW does not stand much of a chance.
I am actually impressed with the speed (yes, 3 days) that they dealt with the last major attack.
The main site has a lot of information on other forms of advertising. Additionally it is helpful if you google what a punter would when looking for you as alocal escort, you can then advertise on sites the google search brings up.
My phone and email has gone NUTS today due to AW going down, due to a few simple adverts elsewhere. So certainly, not having your eggs in one basket will help when ANY site is attacked.
I am unable to login to AW-rather annoying as I have a notification saying I have an email! I have been trying all day but all I get is a blank screen....
It's not his fault your advertising has failed. He may have overheads too, and be feeling as you do.
I'd either cancel full stop, or do the job at breakeven - which may retain the client for the future. Is there a chance some guys may have your details saved and you pick up another booking?
The guy actually offered to take less but by the time I met him and saw the place I found there was no way I couldnt pay him so I did.
The guy showed and yes he is likely to be a regular.
A couple of guys did save my number like you said.
Have had another from gumtree lol.
Hope AW back soon.
How long has adult work been down for?. I reckon sooner or later aw will run out of resources for a major attack. That is my prediction. Think about it... AW is going out of service more frequently as time goes on. That is why am predicting this could happen. AW seem to be loosing a battle slowly fading away bit by bit. It's just a matter of time.
It funny how AW does not come up on "escort directory" search...
if you type in adult work the web address appears
I think there is more to it then what they are letting on....
They have had alot of publicity recently..
Hiya tried to have a look on adultwork today and it seems the site is down any one tried to browse or log in today?
Adult work is accessible again ladies, check their twitter page for the link it starts ww3. Xxx
Mimi xx
Thanks for sharing this. Life saver!
Mimi xx
As far as I'm aware its only accessible to those that know that link i.e. escorts so you can log in and edit /update your profile
If you google adultwork and try to get on the site its still not working
So punters still wont be able to find you unless they use that particular link which isn't actually advertising anywhere its not as if you click on adultwork and then its redirected to that site either
Total fuck up for those that don't have other forms of advertising
Mimi xx
I am so glad that adult work doesn't affect me when they go down any more. Most of my traffic comes from else where. For me this is a sign for me to spread my wings before being forced to when adult work messes up completely. It all began with a good photographer some one kind told me about. So if reading this thank you ever so much. :)
As far as I'm aware its only accessible to those that know that link i.e. escorts so you can log in and edit /update your profile
If you google adultwork and try to get on the site its still not working
So punters still wont be able to find you unless they use that particular link which isn't actually advertising anywhere its not as if you click on adultwork and then its redirected to that site either
Total fuck up for those that don't have other forms of advertising
Mimi xx
I am so glad that adult work doesn't affect me when they go down any more. Most of my traffic comes from else where. For me this is a sign for me to spread my wings before being forced to when adult work messes up completely. It all began with a good photographer some one kind told me about. So if reading this thank you ever so much. :)
As far as I'm aware its only accessible to those that know that link i.e. escorts so you can log in and edit /update your profile
If you google adultwork and try to get on the site its still not working
So punters still wont be able to find you unless they use that particular link which isn't actually advertising anywhere its not as if you click on adultwork and then its redirected to that site either
Total fuck up for those that don't have other forms of advertising
only a life saver if clients know its changed!
Any recommendations for any other good free sites to advertise on ?
I googled adultwork and it took me straight to ww3 x x
I can only access the US site??
It's working but running very slowly. If you can't get on with www then go on with ww3
I'm still getting email alerts from adultwork with the ww3 link alerting me of messages from clients x
Im getting this now on the ww3 -
An error occurred on the server when processing your page request/submission. Please contact the Site's admin team via the Help Center, citing the URL of the page you were on and the action you were attempting. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. (Server ID: 22)
I've just logged on aw main site fine now.
I cant work out how to log in to just cam :FF can anyone please help me?
In the login box i have changed the www to ww3 but still no joy ???
I cant work out how to log in to just cam :FF can anyone please help me?
In the login box i have changed the www to ww3 but still no joy ???
you need to change it to:
:D oo cat i could give you a big kiss,i saw something about that but couldnt work out were i had to make the changes ,didnt get i had to put that into server box i was just changing the www bit,so huge thanks :-*
:D oo cat i could give you a big kiss,i saw something about that but couldnt work out were i had to make the changes ,didnt get i had to put that into server box i was just changing the www bit,so huge thanks :-*
No probs! I wouldn't have known myself if I hadn't clicked through to check the status of the site issues! :D
Is it working now. I have a dongle so sometimes a bit sceptical
Is it working now. I have a dongle so sometimes a bit sceptical
Working for me, but a little slow in parts. Useable though :)
Since adult work has gone back online, my ratings and feedback wasn't showing, my number wasn't displayed, my field reports weren't showing and neither were my tours. (These boxes are always ticked and I have sufficient credits)
You may have to go back into your profile and double check that the display my num box is ticked, same with field reports and show ratings and feedback boxes are ticked.
At present my tours aren't showing, but hopefully now I've clicked show my number they will show up soon.
Holly xxx
Well I don't have those problems but suddenly I'm getting no email notifications if I get a message, however I am getting notifications for booking requests so I don't know whats going on there as obviously my email set up is ok.
I mean its no big deal but just a bit of a pain having to log into AW all the time to check for mails, rather than just check my email inbox first to see if its worth the bother.......
Down again.
Running here though slow.
Down although I'm getting emails
Mine slowed down and just seized up and I noticed it'd gone back to default
Then I typed the and its working fine.
I stopped paying attention now to adult work but still see that it's not up to scratch yet. Finding other sources makes adult work less desirable.
Seems to be working absolutely fine now .... thing is they have to work behind the scenes as they have tweeted to get it back to the way it was before the attack, so a bit of slack is in order, it's still a good site ... but lessons should be learned to never put your eggs in one basket, but some never do :FF
Is anyone else having problems getting on AW site. I can't get on it x
Everything ok. Can't get on it with iPad but van with iPhone xx
Is anyone else having problems getting on AW site. I can't get on it x
I do wonder about adult works near future as it keeps going out of service.
I haven't been able to get on for the last 20 minutes or so.....Anyone else having problems?!
I haven't been able to get on for the last 20 minutes or so.....Anyone else having problems?!
Yes me too, I can't seem to get on either , have just checked Twitter but as yet, no update !
Same here :/ That is really annoying ( uh, English grammar ;)
Doesn't appear to be working here either.
Oh not again, now seriously considering setting something up myself.
Still nothing on Twitter tho.
I thought my internet connection messed up again thinking dam my router lol. Then tried a few more times but can search other sites. I so need to change some touring dates hopefully it will work soon.
Yep it's down again folks. Tedious isn't it. It's not fully recovered from the last attack.
It looks like AW is slowly fading away in to dust....
Dont think AW will be lasting very much longer
2013 has certainly been the worst year for AW with regards to things going wrong, but I think it will be a long long time before (if ever) they go down the tubes. Too many other sites have tried and failed. AW has weathered the storm even on the bad days.
2013 has certainly been the worst year for AW with regards to things going wrong, but I think it will be a long long time before (if ever) they go down the tubes. Too many other sites have tried and failed. AW has weathered the storm even on the bad days.
It looks like had a lucky escape about a mouth ago moving to other sources that bring me good interest. More than what Adult work ever did at a ridiculous time waster price.
I don't think AW is going to go under but clearly things are not going well there and it seems they are not really cut out to fix it. I'm not sure I buy the under attack thing that they keep putting it down to. All sorts of weirdness with the site I think they have more serious problems than they are letting on.
I just had this text from Escort England:
AW is down. Get more reliable advertising on {thier site}, sign up today its free.
Umm I have been signed up with them for ages and only yesterday got this text from them:
Hi, you have been great and loyal customer of {their site}. We appreciate it and this is why we decided to extend your advert for 6 months.
??? ::) ???
This is a nightmare.... :FF :FF :FF
Today is my first day in a new location and going on holiday next week, I just want to cry... Does any one know how long the site will be down for?
Stargirl we never have any way of knowing how long it will be down. The worst this year was in April and I think it was for 3 days but that was exceptional circumstances but it seems to be getting more frequent since then, they are certainly a target now.
Best to get listed on as many free directories as you can and some paying ones too. Maybe too late this time but maybe when you get back your holidays.
I get more work from my website than I do AW, but today have just realised my own site and blog are down as well. Plus the freezers on the blink. FFS!!!! :FF :-\ ???
Talk about stressed out.
Best to get listed on as many free directories as you can and some paying ones too. Maybe too late this time but maybe when you get back your holidays.
I move about so much that I've always been told that makes advertising difficult.
Can anyone give any recommendations
Thanks ladies
Look at the advertising on the Main Site.
Bloody hell !!!!!!!!
I wish they'd get their act together - it's quiet enough as it is, without this (again) >:(
I do wonder exactly what it is they are facing, but I cannot see them giving up without a big fight, can you begin to imagine the revenue they make from webcamming, escort featuring etc?
Let's all keep our fingers crossed x
Bloody hell !!!!!!!!
I wish they'd get their act together - it's quiet enough as it is, without this (again) >:(
If you found other sources then it wouldn't matter when AW are down. I am still getting bookings from my other sources as learned that AW are going down. It's only a matter of time. So would start preparing for when it does go under or many will panic in to devastation.
why did i spent my credit today at all:( hopefully the site working again soon
They are saying it is another Ddos attack .............................. ::) :FF
Which I find rather confusing. How is it they can overcome the attack, only to be faced with another? Surely they have someone who is placing far better protection in place on their servers when this happens?
Mind you, I have absolutely NO CLUE to the correct ways to protect servers etc. I'm completely inept at IT !
Someone mentioned in a blog on adultwork not so long ago that she was convinced it is an insider who is doing this to them. Very convincing argument she had too.
We can only speculate !
i find it funny how they r quick to take money but dont bother protect their site as surely its costing them more money especially if its so frequent.
also do they refund u if you stated available today?
also you lose out as men stop going on adult work even if its returned ive noticed
If you look on a tube site about 'DDOS attack', it really isnt that hard to do. So if its a number of people doing it i can understand the trouble but other sites have managed to overcome the attacks so i dont understand why they cant as its happened a few times.
Can anyone recommend any other GOOD webcam sites ? I make most of my week's "meat & potatoes" income from camming - so I don't "have" to see clients, I always have set minimums I make on cam and then mix it in with just a handful of clients so I don't get bored..... with no cam function I'm not well off :-( :-( :-(
Might be working...? Just loaded site am trying to login now.
Nope not working again now. :FF
It is letting me get on the site but not log in ARGHHHHHHHHH :FF
It is letting me get on the site but not log in ARGHHHHHHHHH :FF
Me too, well for a second anyway......maybe if we all stopped trying to log on every 5 seconds (including myself in this) and go off and pour a long cool Pimms instead ;D
If you are able to get on the site, even if only for a second, this is a good sign tight? Means problem is nearly fixed???? Or is this just wishful thinking hahah ??? ??? ???
Bloody annoying!
It is letting me get on the site but not log in ARGHHHHHHHHH :FF
Me too, well for a second anyway......maybe if we all stopped trying to log on every 5 seconds (including myself in this) and go off and pour a long cool Pimms instead ;D
Ooooh Pimms....stop putting ideas in my head ;D
It is letting me get on the site but not log in ARGHHHHHHHHH :FF
Me too, well for a second anyway......maybe if we all stopped trying to log on every 5 seconds (including myself in this) and go off and pour a long cool Pimms instead ;D
Ooooh Pimms....stop putting ideas in my head ;D
An excellent idea if you ask me ;D Currently practising as I preach.
Actually I got bored went to Waitrose where I felt compelled to buy lemonade (for Pimms of course) and a very sinful chocholate torte.
It is letting me get on the site but not log in ARGHHHHHHHHH :FF
Me too, well for a second anyway......maybe if we all stopped trying to log on every 5 seconds (including myself in this) and go off and pour a long cool Pimms instead ;D
Ooooh Pimms....stop putting ideas in my head ;D
Im treating my self to some wine and a takeaway...hopefully it wil be sorted by tomorrowat least
An excellent idea if you ask me ;D Currently practising as I preach.
Actually I got bored went to Waitrose where I felt compelled to buy lemonade (for Pimms of course) and a very sinful chocholate torte.
Ladies! It appears to be working now..........
{Edit} grrrr well it got as far as webcam/phone settings and gone again now :FF
[Double Edit] Just got on! but very slow.......
Cant get on it at all. My browser just doesnt do anything, although fine with every other website. Its really fucking me off!!
it don't let me log in also:( tired of that already:S
Ladies it's working....
I'm in and receiving emails and bookings xxxx
always the same problem!!!!!
Grrrrr I still cant get on >:(
nope,i still cant log in:(is it just me?
Nope, i cant get on the site at all
No it keeps going up and down.
AdultWork is a bit of a flaccid cock recently, i.e not performing as expected.
hopefully can soon,like some of us :)
it seems ok now...
still not working for me also:(
it is dead again.... for a moment it was ok
If you went to your local Tesco and found it closed a lot you would start going elsewhere. Same will happen with punters giving up on adultwork.
Let me get in enough to view and reply to two clients. gave them my phone number and explained the problems AW were having today. Hopefully will get refunded for my available today and still manage to get some bookings in for the weekend! :-\ this is just not funny anymore
I can get on the site now but cant log in. Raging!
They must be in the final stages of fixing it because i can get into everything but if i stay on one page too long and try go into something else it freezes up again! lets hope its sorted properly by the morning ladies!
Not loading again. Was loading but up and down but now nothing again. No more updates on Twitter for time-being think last was 5hrs ago.
I can log on but cant go to anything else grrrrrrrrr
This is a nightmare.... :FF :FF :FF
Today is my first day in a new location and going on holiday next week, I just want to cry... Does any one know how long the site will be down for?
It's one if the reasons I'm reluctant to tour anywhere in the uk adultwork going down can cost tourers a lot of money
I'm in and have managed to update my profile. It's taken several attempts and it's still a little tempermental, but I'm in.
This morning I managed to get to the log in page but wouldn't log in and now it wont even let me get to the home page grrrr
@ paris
Me too. Meant to be touring up north today. Cant cancel hotel either so got to go regardless. This is the 3rd big tour this has happened to. Im advertised in other sitess however adultwork does the best, in regards to tours.
@ paris
Me too. Meant to be touring up north today. Cant cancel hotel either so got to go regardless. This is the 3rd big tour this has happened to. Im advertised in other sitess however adultwork does the best, in regards to tours.
Oh dear, that is really nervous situation. But think positive - it usually takes them 2 days to manage the problem, and I bet you won't lose more than half day. good luck !
can you guys log on as it keeps logging me out
wondering do they give us back credit from yesterday?
They will when they get the site back up and running. Usually takes a couple of days.
wondering do they give us back credit from yesterday?
Do they do it automatically?
Because I shelled out a lot of money to be on the front page, and have sent a request for a refund via the Help Centre....
(and just received the usual wait for 48 hours auto reply so the site is working in some ways at any rate)
It's rather hilarious watching the adultwork girls who are sucking up their backsides, compared to those girls who are hating them at the moment.
I would love to say to all the girls who are protecting adultwork if they actually went down - "WHAT GOOD DID THAT DO YOU?".
Some girls are saying it's all our fault for relying on the site too much, and we should have our fingers in many pies etc. Who in the business world gets an opportunity to have multiple incomes? Even my hubby relies on his employer to pay him at the end of each working month, as we who trust in a reliable site do too.
Adultwork have been the only site to generate such a worldwide interest, and income and girls DO have a right to be angry when they continue to let them down !
Help help!
I'm really new to this but given it a lot of thought.
So going by what's said on here AW is the only way forward to get myself out there?? X
Help help!
I'm really new to this but given it a lot of thought.
So going by what's said on here AW is the only way forward to get myself out there?? X
It's not the ONLY way forward but it is a good start and then you can take baby steps and get listed on as many directories and sites as you can.
Through time work will drop off from guys on AW as newer girls go onto the site. You can usually get one or two years out of AW though before anything starts faltering, so it gives you more time to GET OUT THERE.
Good Luck.
For some reason i cant get myself on Vivastreet (for example) so i pretty much rely on AW. Thank god some regulars have my number stored. This is getting really annoying!
I had plans for Glasgow and Aberdeen but have cancelled them. Am reluctant to travel far until AW can prove to be reliable. Though tempted to try Ireland where AW not essential.
i am sorry to hear that you are cancelling your tour to Scotland due the broken AW
there are some parts of Scotland that clients does not use Aw.
you should not worry
Many thanks times in Scotland i have received few clients from Aw. some time i did not get even one.
look for different advertisements..... example the newspaper
i understand that AW is let girls down.
we have to pray hard to appear again.
It's rather hilarious watching the adultwork girls who are sucking up their backsides, compared to those girls who are hating them at the moment.
I would love to say to all the girls who are protecting adultwork if they actually went down - "WHAT GOOD DID THAT DO YOU?".
Some girls are saying it's all our fault for relying on the site too much, and we should have our fingers in many pies etc. Who in the business world gets an opportunity to have multiple incomes? Even my hubby relies on his employer to pay him at the end of each working month, as we who trust in a reliable site do too.
Adultwork have been the only site to generate such a worldwide interest, and income and girls DO have a right to be angry when they continue to let them down !
Well yes your right, but if you have all your eggs in one basket then you have to expect that sometime the basket will drop and you will break all your eggs and get eggs all over your face which is what is happening at the moment
However its not reliable any more and hasn't been for a few months now so you do really have to rethink advertising or suck it up when the site goes down
adultwork is just a platform to advertise nothing more or less . If its working great and wonderful if not well then its tough shit and not nice but shit happens and it seems to be happening more and more lately
You will get your money back that you have paid out from them ( well i did last time ) but if people continue to use adultwork and not broaden there horizons with other forms of advertising then they cant moan when AW goes down and it seems to be going down frequently more and more
There are plenty of cheap and free advertising out there that can be used
And its not international in the real sense Yes it covers the whole world in its directory but it only seem to work well in certain countries in some countries adultwork wouldn't even get looked at from escorts /punters
Totally agree Paris.... in business we must always be looking for new advertising and not sit on our laurels !!!! AW can and will go at any time!!!! and today its here and tomorrow it may finally go for good!!!
I bet whoever is targeting A.W is reading every single post we are writing. An internet protest my arse. I hope A.W launches sufficient investigations with the police or this will keep happening.
Without the internet girls will go back to the streets, I hope the perpetrators understand this...
@ paris
Me too. Meant to be touring up north today. Cant cancel hotel either so got to go regardless. This is the 3rd big tour this has happened to. Im advertised in other sitess however adultwork does the best, in regards to tours.
Oh dear, that is really nervous situation. But think positive - it usually takes them 2 days to manage the problem, and I bet you won't lose more than half day. good luck !
Thanks hun . Hopefully tomorrow will be better x
I bet whoever is targeting A.W is reading every single post we are writing. An internet protest my arse. I hope A.W launches sufficient investigations with the police or this will keep happening.
Without the internet girls will go back to the streets, I hope the perpetrators understand this...
Girls are still on the streets with or without adultwork Girls will simply have to get a website and spend money on advertising on various sites and possibly newspapers might make a comeback with girls advertising in them (shudders and thinks fucking hope not - to newspapers)
I do have fingers in many pies, but yet to experience a proven site generating even near the responses I get from adultwork!
Just saying !
Each and every site is all about popularity and adultwork presently hold top.
If they drop, we will simply all flood to the next top favourite - simple !
I am on 5 other sites and I notice a drop in my business when AW goes down so even if you have other sites to advertise on they are still not as good as AW. I would like to know what other sites there are which are good. X x
I am on 5 other sites and I notice a drop in my business when AW goes down so even if you have other sites to advertise on they are still not as good as AW. I would like to know what other sites there are which are good. X x
I don't think there are any but I think adultwork is dying.
AW seems to be down at the moment. Anyone else having problems??
Carrie xx
I agree completely with the fact you cant rely on just AW. Im on about 10 sites at the moment but I have over 50 more to add to, as the more Im on the more likely guys will find me when AW is down. Then I will start looking at paid advertising. Only thing Im wary of using is Vivastreet or the papers.
AW seems to be down at the moment. Anyone else having problems??
Carrie xx
I can get to login page but no further, really annoying as I have a message.
AW has suffered another DDoS attack (according to the Admin of DailyPay).
Does anyone know how long its going to be like this?
:-\ :-\ ???
Does anyone know how long its going to be like this?
:-\ :-\ ???
How long is a piece of string? It will be down until they manage to get it back up again.
Can I remind everybody that their twitter thing is supposed to be a good place to get updates? I've no idea whether there's anything on there now, but there are links posted on this very thread for anybody who wants to read back a few pages and it'll make a change from posting endless running commentaries about how it still doesn't work :).
Indeed last tweet 3 hours ago .......
Techs worked through the night & are continuing to try and resolve issues. We will update again when we have more news. Sincere apologies.
{Edit} My intention was to update, but probably have just added needlessly to the thread; go check for yourselves later this afternoon ladies.........
its the second time in 2months. probably back tomorrow or saturday when we hit the hottest day of the year!
Well, just finished at the office and after spending hours dealing with paperwork I thought I would spend some time relaxing in the garden whilst catching up on emails on aw... no can do as unfortunately the techs have still not won the battle :FF
Apologies to all those who have messaged me in the last few days.... I did manage to get into emails last night and read a message then got kicked out before I had chance to reply ???
Fingers crossed service is resumed soon :D
Alana, this isn't a punting site and nobody who has 'messaged' you is likely to be here so there's little point in using the forum to try and communicate with them. If you want to post links to your ads, please put them in the appropriate space on your profile.
Alana, this isn't a punting site and nobody who has 'messaged' you is likely to be here so there's little point in using the forum to try and communicate with them. If you want to post links to your ads, please put them in the appropriate space on your profile.
Apologies, that wasn't my intention...have removed mention of twitter :) x
We don't get refunded our credit that is wasted on their down days do we?
We don't get refunded our credit that is wasted on their down days do we?
Yes. As soon as the site is back up email and ask them. They normally do it automatically but last time they forgot to refund the phone number credits.
Anyone still having problems?
Anyone still having problems?
Hell yeh, nothing new on Twitter for 12 hours, it seems worse if anything. Yesterday it was difficult but I could get on there after a few tries, today the site won't load at all.
Mighty pissed as despite the fact I advertise everywhere I can (paid & unpaid) and have a website AW has always been the place that gets me the most work.
In the past when it has gone down theyve never fixed it during the night.
A few of my clients are complaining that aw doesn't work so knowing this they might look else where. Especially hard being sexually frustrated and that. One told me his not bothering with aw again. Thought I will say. AW looks like it is gradually becoming extinct.
A few of my clients are complaining that aw doesn't work so knowing this they might look else where. Especially hard being sexually frustrated and that. One told me his not bothering with aw again. Thought I will say. AW looks like it is gradually becoming extinct.
In the last few days I've advised a couple of guys who found me elsewhere how to find my website if they can't remember or workout the domain name. Stuff like using google. All I got in reply was the phone version of a blank look "Eh?".
I've not been able to load it at all since Wednesday morning, Tuesday evening it was verrrrry slow.
hopefully it's back up soon..
I don't see AW doing anything over the weekend. Likely Mon or Tue.
I don't see AW doing anything over the weekend. Likely Mon or Tue.
I just got all excited as I finally got a AW Available now text thro and thought well if thats working maybe the rest is!
But no, I agree and latest tweets not encouraging.
This is ridiculous AW is one of the few sites that lets you put a lot of detail in your ad and doesn't compress it into one huge sentence.
They seriously need to fix the problem.
Does anyone know of another decent site to advertise on? As this is the third time within a month Adultwork is down..
Whitney x
I am on selectanescort, escort, vivastreet, my-local-escort, blondes, occassionly northern angels. Eros when in London. Unfortunately they are still not as good as aw on a whole. If anyone can add to this it would be helpful x x
I will have a look at these site, thanks for the help. x
Use the "Search" button on here too, you may come up with some more.
Yeah I'm with Colwhit69 on this... The problem is a lot of advertising places need you to have a site and some of us are not so good at Interneting.. Wonder if someone in the know could start some sort of "AW alternatives" thread with like places which don't need a website, region specific places, etc...
I'm sure I'm not alone in my frustration at this friggin website- when it works, it's amazing, but now that its so unreliable, I've lost a lot of potential income, as have others.. It sucks, because its impossible to plan a tour, or even a normal working day! My last tour's takings were at least a third less and most of the people I saw (in fact, aside from 2, ALL the people I saw!) were regulars..
Guess its time to look elsewhere and maybe try to make a site.. Eek! Hope it gets better soon, although I doubt it. Even thinking of giving bloody Adultway a try (only joking, not that desperate...Yet.)
Have either of you tried googling "escort directories" to get sites to advertise on.
Many are free and many are not but you only get what you pay for.
Guess its time to look elsewhere and maybe try to make a site.. Eek! Hope it gets better soon, although I doubt it.
I'm fed up with reliability of AW and given my husband the task of building an AW type site, I thought there was a thread on here with the perfect booking site or something but can't find it now.
it's back on,only still didn't recive credit back
its back on,but still didnt recive my credit back
Jessie, for goodness sake give them time. There will be hundreds of thousands wanting their money back. It will be in your account as soon as they can. Don't expect miracles.
its back on,but still didnt recive my credit back
if u look at it, no pictures are showing or anything, they still working on it. u wouldnt recieve any credit back until next week anyway. they have to give it back to lots of girls. keep calm!
Hello guys is back or not??Cos I am login but I can t see any pictures,they said that they take 30 minutes more,now is not important the credit is important to work in good way to make some cash ;) ;) ;) ;)
Back on but cant see pictures.xx
Update 1: The main Site is up but content and other items may be another 30 minutes, please bear with us.
The Site has been subjected to a Denial of Service attack. Whilst the attack was mitigated quite quickly one of the providers of access from our DDoS system to the Site is having technical issues opening up the routes through. Two incidents are currently open with them, having been lodged 24 hours ago, and we are working with all parties to get things back up and running ASAP. We are leaving no route for a quick resolution unexplored and are committed to getting things back online as quickly as possible.
Thank you to those members who have offered support and reassurance to other members. There are no grounds for any of the scaremongering currently circulating. All data is safe and refunds will be effected as previously.
We sincerely apologise for this outage but yet again are the victims of cyber criminals/bullies, who we will never give in to, and unprecedented technical hurdles that we are determined to get over.
Have either of you tried googling "escort directories" to get sites to advertise on.
Many are free and many are not but you only get what you pay for.
I'm one of those people who likes to bitch about stuff but doesn't do the elementary exercises to try and sort the situation out... Having done what you just suggested- wow! Thanks ;D time to get doing.. XxX
it's back on,only still didn't recive credit back
We will get our credits back give them time to make sure everything is working fine.
Have either of you tried googling "escort directories" to get sites to advertise on.
Many are free and many are not but you only get what you pay for.
I'm one of those people who likes to bitch about stuff but doesn't do the elementary exercises to try and sort the situation out... Having done what you just suggested- wow! Thanks ;D time to get doing.. XxX
Its all down to basic common sense Sonya, something that is sometimes lacking (even with myself).
A good saying is just to say, "If in doubt, google it"
is it down again?
Here we go again :(.... cant get on to Adult work.. 12m ago on Twitter ..outrage being investigated :( Just got ready for my camming seesion.. More loss of earnings could badly do without this
i just checked too. not working. this is way too often happening now!
its mot even a months since last time...
bloody hell, i replied to an email about an hour ago.. meant to be touring later for two days.. pay day weekend.. fook sake.
Feel a right prat sitting here at a blank screen in my little black number and full make up lol.. may try another camming sight.. any ideas? tried jasmine once loads of idiots hardly made takings didnt touch AW..oops im waffling on excpect this is not the right area but right now pretty ppppp off !
This is ridiculous. I was on here after a few months and was reading away and then I saw this thread and I went :" why would someone post on this one now, as aw was working 10 mins ago!" nice one....ugh
Posted few mins ago on Twitter
is not another DDoS, a networking device has failed and it's hot spare has not come online properly.
Whatever that all means to us... all we want to know is How long ?
wtf not again great I'm on tour.
I feel I have the AW curse - wherever else I advertise be it Pnet or Plink or any other paid advertising I just do not get much work that way. My webiste is not generating much atm either. So if AW is down or slow I really suffer.
So theres been 3 significant periods of time AW has been down this year, plus other shorter periods, other sites don't seem to have these problems, they need to get their act together.
Add to that my profile was deactivated in January and I had to fight for a week to get it back, I've had enough I really have.
Its pants, i know everyone says to advertise other places. I have tried for example Vivastreet and maybe its my computer but it doesnt let me set up my advert.
Looks like it will be a skint weekend!!
This is a nightmare.... :FF :FF :FF
Girls I know it's 'how long is a piece of string' but don't know if I should head to work which is a 2 hr drive or just call it a day today....
Any advice?
according to the Aw twitter feed it is not another DDoS attack , but a network problem ...... Im presuming this is 'good' news and should be quicker than an attack ? Fingers crossed girls .... stay positive ! :)
Probably a few hours then before it is back.... unless the technicians have already finished for the week...
Not convinced it will be back before Monday.
Its working now ladies.
Its working now ladies.
Too late for me. I had originally planned to work but went pub and had a few when site went down. Site back on and phones now ringing. But am in no fit state to work now. So on these grounds am going to request refunds!!!
well well well what a surprise - aw is down again
that bloody site goes up and down like my knickers and i don't even wear any ffs
Seems up and working for me at the moment.
well well well what a surprise - aw is down again
that bloody site goes up and down like my knickers and i don't even wear any ffs
It goes down a lot, soon it will become the norm when aw goes offline. It will be like oh here we go again.
Wonder if we should all write on our profile "take note of my number now. This site is unreliable!"
Wonder if we should all write on our profile "take note of my number now. This site is unreliable!"
Ive noticed a few have already written something similar on their profiles.
It's down again!!!!!!!
sadly it's really down again:(
working in manchester, or at least for me...
Appears to be down again.
Working in Scotland.
Anyone else having problems logging on? I have been struggling to get on past half hour then I only get so far before the page cant be displayed on my laptop but on my phone and ipad, I cant get on at all x
Neither can I!!! :-(
i cant either but i was on it within the last hour, im not working till friday so hope it sorts its self out x
Here we go again.,,, :'( :'( :'( :FF :FF :FF
Yeah I know I just started another thread about this, total shit :'( xx
just logged in so hopefully it's all fine ???
Ive just got on ok but ive been sleeping so perhaps its just on.
Its been fine for me so far?? I hope so iv got to cam hard for next couple days to pay my huge phone bill as cant take bookings at the moment :FF
It seems to be working for me too again but we'll see how long that lasts for ::) xx
I've not been able to log into my profile since Friday 28th Feb when there appeared to have been some problem with AW.My profile is still showing up in search but my password is not letting me sign in. I have contact AW asking for them to send me my password or to rectify the problem to know avail.Hopefully things will get sorted soon. I do use other ways of getting work but for me AW has always got most of my work compared to the other sites.
aahh I cant get on to aw :FF
anyone else having probs getting on the site? was fine half hour ago...
I'm on it. For now any lol.
aahh I cant get on to aw :FF
anyone else having probs getting on the site? was fine half hour ago...
There could be a fault with the site.I know this sounds silly but check you are logging in correctly.I continued trying to log in and found out I had used the wrong password which had then cancelled out my original password that I usually use to log on to AW.It is a good thing I sorted it out yesterday as to date the so reliable AW has not got back to me. ::)
at first i thought it was internet connection
but it seems not
anyone else having probs
Not working for me either.
Working fine for me for the past half an hour
it was down then working, now down again
dag nabbit I was all up for some camming!
turns out it might be just effecting those girls with virgin media
i did actually ring virgin media to see if they block adult sites
and he said no unless i request for the them to be blocked
then i would get a warning 'stating vm has blocked this site'
other adult sites are working fine, its an AW issue
Speaking to Virgin media they advised it is not thier fault but the website is down through virgin media unless you use a proxy server. Should be back up in 2 - 3 hours... :FF Im going to make a fuck tonne of clips tonight instead.
its true, I just acces it through a proxy and its working, with my normal virgin ip its not.
Also on virgin media and it's still down. Just when I wanted to feature my profile for the new date...
I don't want to use a proxy because last time I did that they made me re-verify :FF
anyone else having problems tonight or just me? :FF
grrrrr!!!! im a virgin media girl. just got off the phone with them. nothing they can do. what is this about? can anyone contact aw without being on there? i cant log on im losing money boo!
It's a problem with the DNS - the internet's equivalent of a phone directory, that says 'oh, you want AW, it's really at this address' - on VirginMedia for some reason. If I try looking at, I get a 'never heard of it' error, but if I test the link between me and its real address, it's fine. (This suggests to me that AW is not the only site that's affected.)
Use Google to find how to do this (e.g. but if you use their DNS servers rather than Virgin Media's, it works...
... mostly. I have had a variety of problems this evening with the connection to the outside world, including stuff taking ages to load, so I wouldn't hope to do any webcamming.
I don't want to use a proxy because last time I did that they made me re-verify :FF
.. and the advantage of doing it this way is that you're not using a proxy and the site(s) you are visiting neither know nor care which DNS servers you've used to look up their IP address. Your IP address will appear to be the same as ever.
Thanks, that worked perfectly!
Is anyone else having trouble getting on to the site tonight? Have not been able to access for about the past hour
Worried as touring!
Can't get on it, won't load just says connecting!!!!!
Is anyone else having trouble getting on to the site tonight? Have not been able to access for about the past hour
Worried as touring!
Yeah, quite a few people - it seems it's not just a Virgin Media issue again either as the DNS fix (above) has been working fine for me but now I can't get on (tested with 3 different computers, two browsers and two ISPs (Virgin Media and 3, via my phone)). A lot of people are on Twitter talking about it at the moment but no official reply from AW as of yet.
Update 00:49 - Just got an official reply from @AdultWorkCom - "Site outage is being investigated, thank you for your patience. Apologies for the inconvenience."
Update 01:02 - And another one: "Outage is upstream of the Site. Network provider quoting fix time before 02:00 UK time." - fingers crossed!
Twitter post from adultwork saying the site should be back up by 2am uk time, fingers crossed xx
Its back TG lets hope it stays that way x
Adultwork is back up and running, I logged in etc but when I tried to pay for my 'Available Today' it redirected me to the login page without doing it, message on login page says "you are trying to view a page that is restricted to members only" and "you are already logged in"- and despite redirecting me to the login page, it doesn't actually log me out. Tried turning on the 'Available Today' it does the same thing. Anyone else having this problem? Hope that this is the only glitch, and its resolved soon! I don't use twitter so can't inform adultwork, can only read their updates and not contribute as I don't have an account.
Yeah I'm trying to update, but everything I click on redirects me to the login page then tells me off for trying to log in when I'm already logged in. Ahhhh AW you're a pain in my backside but you make me lots of pennies. Glad it's not just me, I was about to start shouting at SKY again for having rubbish internet.
Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.
They said 2am but its 2:15 and I just keep getting redirected back to login page and same as previous posts have said it tells me restricted members area and I'm already logged in?????? Giving up now, try again when I get up!!
Is anyone else having login problems on AW
I can login but when I go to change stuff it's says I'm not logged in
It was working fine around midnight last night
Tried on 3i iPhones iPad and a laptop
Agh just posted elsewhere it's not working at the moment 7 am just has a sign saying login problems are being investigated so it's not me being stupid
No sure what to do as I'm on tour but I can't change my profile so may just go home
The app is working fine just not on a pc so if you have the app on a phone or iPad you'll be ok.
It's working now
Rang my friend to check and she was having the same problem
It's a login problem they ( aW ) put it in twitter
On the plus side I got featuring for ?4 cheapest ever I think
Try to login in and get 'Service Unavailable' :FF
Yep same here
same here
I'm using a iPad
What's every one else using
I've not seen this response before from trying to log on... Usually the page refuses to load, this is strange...
I have messages to retrieve and nothing has been mentioned on twitter ;/
I tried on an imac, macbook pro and an ipad ... safe to say its down or it just has issues with apples evil empire lol
I tried on an imac, macbook pro and an ipad ... safe to say its down or it just has issues with apples evil empire lol
Lol yeah I've with iPad iPhones and a Samsung mini so defiantly down
Definitely down. No update on their twitter neither x
Someone metioned it depends on your internet provider and that it was working fine for them, maybe click on this
That site said it was just me but it wasn't! :FF
This was a couple of hours ago when it was tits up; now it's fine! ;D
I clicked on it a few times but all good now.x ;D
Anyone else having problems with AW today??
Taking forever to load pages and I've been trying to load pics all morning!!!!!
There's been a note on the site saying that they're doing maintenance this morning, and that it'll slow things down for a few hours. It was there yesterday, anyway; when you go on the site it's as well to glance up at the top right of the page where the announcements normally go, or check the Current Status page :).
Thank you had loads probs loading pics.
Thank you had loads probs loading pics.
When you are loading pics you are better to do two or three max at a time, then if you are timed out with them on the site you haven't lost that much.
Ok thanks. I was having trouble just loading one earlier it was driving me insane!!!!!!
Is anybody else having problems getting onto adultwork. I have been trying to get on for past hour and having no luck xxx
Working fine for me x
Working fine here too.
Hi is anyone else having problems on justcamit tonight, really annoying I am so busy and it is cutting me off constantly, twice t has happened during sessions arghhh i wanna tear my air out, I have found the only way to get back on is to reboot laptop but even that gets me up to 10 minutes maximum before it does it again? :FF
According to the AW twitter feed, the current outage is being investigated. It's thought to be a "network glitch".
I just tried to log on.. No joy.. :( :(
I logged in about 15 minutes ago and answered one email, then was unable to answer another and haven't been able to log in, since.
Pfff... Murder >:(
It's back I think!
Yep it is ;)
I can't get in :-\
It was working until about 20 mins ago, and then I clicked to see something else on the site and it just times out for me.
Anyone else?
Is anyone else having probs replying to e mails on here this evening? Everything else seems to be working. x
Not working for me at all. "This page cannot be displayed" :FF
Not working for me at all. "This page cannot be displayed" :FF
I'm the same. Just in and online and thought it was my iPad .. ::)
It was ok 20 min ago because I logged in and checked something
No it just says service unavailable and its a blank white pg
But a few minutes ago the site was there
Twitter says emergency maintenance
Just managed to log in and it' seems to be back to normal
Is it down for anyone else?
Still down for me.
It tells you at top right hand side of their page that they are down for some kind of work.
I get invalid hostname
It was working this morning. But it's down now
It tells you at top right hand side of their page that they are down for some kind of work.
Its down for emergency maintenance. It went down at 11.30 am
Its always best to look at top right hand corner where you will get updates. Saves you from panicking.
Yes I also got invalid hostname.
Twitter always gives good updates.
Hopefully the Christian evangelists won't go mental over the Easter and mess up the AW site even further :(.
April Easter holidays are pretty pants where I live to start with.
Help lol!
Down again at moment arrrgggghhhh
I can't get on AW either, thought my phone had been dead all morning, wonder how long it will be down for
Same for me , i did not know why nobody call, i just realise AW is down
Same for me , i did not know why nobody call, i just realise AW is down
Its only been down for an hour, it wont make that much difference.
It tells you at top right hand side of their page that they are down for some kind of work.
Its down for emergency maintenance. It went down at 11.30 am
Its always best to look at top right hand corner where you will get updates. Saves you from panicking.
Its now gone from "emergency maintenance" at 11.30 to "Performance problems are being investigated."
That's twice this week now it's gone down
That's twice this week now it's gone down
It goes down a lot more than twice a week, bit is, we only notice it when its during the day or when we are logged on.
It's back up, but my phone still isn't ringing :D
Seems I picked the wrong day to finally put my number up. ;D
Its not working at all atm!
Its not working at all atm!
It's been working for me since 1pm
Its back on again :)
Adultwork site is up and down more than my knickers lately.
Adultwork site is up and down more than my knickers lately.
:) :) :) :) :)
That just made me chuckle ! It's these funny one liners on this site from us girls that brighten my days when they're not such good days. :)
The site may be 'up'.... but it's loading super s l o w pages taking a long time to refresh and been sitting here for ages trying to get to my emails. Great if you have client emails, have read them through the 'notifier' service then can't actually get in to answer them on AW itself!! FML.
It looks like a traffic overload for aw servers issue hence it goes down.
It seems fine for me at the moment
I saw mention of it being down this morning on some other site. So I think they're having issues in general.
This makes me think that I had better look into advertising on BackPage the next time I go to London. I can't bring myself to do Vivastreet. *shudder*
Viva st is ok as long as you use a different number I've had some lovely clines from Viva st
It always pays for itself
Viva st is ok as long as you use a different number I've had some lovely clines from Viva st
It always pays for itself
I have never actually lost money from VS, but the handful of clients I did get were pretty grim. I think two of them were scary (one tried to steal the money back, the other demanded his money back and I had a hard time getting him out) and I think there were maybe one or two others I've seen and didn't enjoy.
It may be different in London, though. That said, my friend used VS when in London a couple of weeks ago and none of the callers were people she'd like to see. In her words, "foreigners asking for bareback and/or haggling."
I think I may have thinner skin than you (no disrespect meant to you in any way, Paris - I think you manage these guys very well and keep them in line) and I am more easily unsettled if I go outside my comfort zone.
Viva st is ok as long as you use a different number I've had some lovely clines from Viva st
It always pays for itself
I have never actually lost money from VS, but the handful of clients I did get were pretty grim. I think two of them were scary (one tried to steal the money back, the other demanded his money back and I had a hard time getting him out) and I think there were maybe one or two others I've seen and didn't enjoy.
It may be different in London, though. That said, my friend used VS when in London a couple of weeks ago and none of the callers were people she'd like to see. In her words, "foreigners asking for bareback and/or haggling."
I think I may have thinner skin than you (no disrespect meant to you in any way, Paris - I think you manage these guys very well and keep them in line) and I am more easily unsettled if I go outside my comfort zone.
I find in my experience of using Viva st works well In certain areas like Birmingham Leeds & certain parts of london other areas not as much of a response
Yesterday I did 8 clients and 3 of them came from Viva St I had no problems with them haggling / or being undesirable
The day before when AW was down fur a bit I got 2 clients both from Viva st
So I find it worth while overall
When I advertised on VS I had an awful experience as well, in London. Some blatantly asking for dates as well as the general undesirables. I did get some decent ones though but if it ever got so quiet and I wanted to advertise on there again I think I would leave out my phone number. They can email me only.
Still finding AW loading very slow, I'm logged on cam but wonder how this is affecting custies. A slow page and an impatient hard-on can't be good for business. ;)
When I advertised on VS I had an awful experience as well, in London. Some blatantly asking for dates as well as the general undesirables. I did get some decent ones though but if it ever got so quiet and I wanted to advertise on there again I think I would leave out my phone number. They can email me only.
I didn't have my number up and didn't get one booking from it. A handful of timewasters who couldn't even write an email and one who claimed he'd never booked an escort before and was shocked he'd still have to pay if we had a few drinks first ::) I lost my temper with him (he sent maybe 10 long winded emails, one asking me if the shower in a hotel was big enough ???) told him it was my job and that no professional gives away free time. So yep, complete waste of time/money.
My adultwork is very slow but working. Not that I care right now as I'm not working this week ;D
It looks like a traffic overload for aw servers issue hence it goes down.
They are being DDoS probably.
I notice more aw is down more frequently it must be a nightmare for those who just use aw. I can log in using the app when the website is down. But doubt it makes a difference. Be careful ladies with your credits being secure as errors with it going down might happen there is that possibility.
Thanks for the heads up Alice as it's quite expensive to advertise in London plus it's not like I got enough last time that I thought makes it worth putting up with the tws. It was just ok. I did use it about 3 years ago for the very first time and it was really good for a few months then.
I'm having real trouble with the site over the last couple of days or so.
It's painfully slow to load every single page, it's never ever been this bad for me.
I've never had an issue with connecting to the site, unless it's down for everyone, and this is first real issue I'm having.
I can't upload new pictures either as I'll leave it for about half an hour uploading and still nothing so I give up.
Wondering if it's just me or if other's are still having this problem??
My phones dead not a call yet i can get on aw on my phone don't know if its down.
Its no loading on my PC at all, was really slow this morning and now just freezes.
Its not my wifi as everything else is working as normal.
AW on my mobile is working fine. Odd.
Yes i can get it on my phone ok not had a call yet a client texted yesterday too say it was down.
I can't get online on my laptop. i can occasionally get something but even if i do it takes forever. no issue on my phone so i tried clearing cookings and browsing history, but i still can't actually get into the site.
had a look at their twitter but nothing really there other than updates on maintenance on the 29th. aarrgghhhhh. was about to go camming as well :(
It's ok on my iPad.
I can't get adultwork on my phone or desktop. Is the website down?
It's ok with me.
It's slow, but working for me.
I think it was something to do with my broadband because it worked when i took my phone off wifi. I restarted my computer and router and was able to connect again. Weird because other websites were not affected.
its been fine on the laptop this last couple of days. there was some issue with DOS attacks or something? there was a message screen when i finally managed to get online on the laptop, but no such message on my phone?
strange. hopefully there will be no more issues though
Escort Ireland are also getting new attacks it looks like a target of adult sites.
Sorry- daft question alert!!
Adultwork - just google??
It's, and it's a directory site which is popular because it's free. Ish :).
You can Google it, but it doesn't rank that highly (or at least the individual pages don't). It also feels a bit poorly/falls on it's arse with astonishing regularity, as you'll see if you read the rest of this thread.
Is anyone else having trouble loading the page?
Fraid so miss Bentley x
Here we go again :FF
Anyone have any luck with it yet
Working fine here, Im with EE broadband.
Seems AW is having problems again
hi abbey
i to am having trouble getting on to it aswell???
no idea whats wrong?
hazel xx
hi abbey
I ve not been able to log in for a week don't no what wrong. I even requested a password reminder. I got it but still don't work good luck hun
No problems here logging on.
I haven't been able to log on to aw has anyone else noticed this?
I know there is a thread on here for aw being down but I can't find it
Can anyone get on or is it just me
Can't get on either
Thought it was one laptop but tried my other and no good :FF
Yeah, me too, I wonder what happened ::)
Just seen this on twitter: "Site outage is being investigated. Upstream network issue."
The whole website is down now
I hope it will be up and running soon ..really pisses me off as it happens relatively often :FF
Just as well we can check with each other
Most frustrating but what can we do = typically I was hoping to do some chat and direct IM!
Take the time to get yourself listed on other directories/sites.
It will pay in the end.
Up again!
I AM SOOOOO PISSED I HAVE COME ALL THE WAY TO BIRMINGHAM payed to feature in this area and available today for this to happen LIKE REALLY????
Is anyone else having problems with AW today? Trying to work in Watford. Can't get it to display phone number at all. Keeps timing out. Tried from home before I set off. Wouldn't work. Tried again when I got here from different internet and still won't work. So bloody peed off right now L(
Is anyone else having problems with AW today? Trying to work in Watford. Can't get it to display phone number at all. Keeps timing out. Tried from home before I set off. Wouldn't work. Tried again when I got here from different internet and still won't work. So bloody peed off right now L(
I can't seem to buy available today :(
There is a problem it keeps timing out If you are trying to buy Availible today
You can edit profile ect but not but I think not buy anything
My number shows as I permanently show it
Just checked the webcam side and although 80 webcammers are available not one of them are in a cam session. First time I've ever seen that and thats been years.
yep, problem here too. Can't display "available today", it keeps timing out, so there's a server problem.
Seems there is a "Website Error" I cant log in at all now.
It's down totally atm just get an error screen on twitter it says it's been like this since 4am ( the available today thing )
It's working now...
just checked my profile and the credits I got from webcamming early this morning (only a few to pay for my available today) have not registered as being in my account so if anyone else has earnt any credits earlier today check your profile to make sure you have them.
If you check in the right hand top corner it explains any probs they have. Today it is the credit system mechanism so nothing is being credited/debited so no one will be able to use Dc or anything else for that matter until it is resolved.
If you have any probs with things, always check that right hand top corner as it usually explains there .... that's if you can get on site. If not there, then their Twitter account.
Think it's sorted now re number. managed to get on and get it working. Seems v slow and keeps crashing though. Fingers x sed!
Is anyone else having problems with AW today? Trying to work in Watford. Can't get it to display phone number at all. Keeps timing out. Tried from home before I set off. Wouldn't work. Tried again when I got here from different internet and still won't work. So bloody peed off right now L(
AW has had some glitches this morning!
Down for everyone?
I logged in with no problem. But can't get my phone number to show so my tour can appear. I click save to show number but nothing is deducted and the number still doesn't show.
Why won't adultwork let me display my number this is the third day that it won't let me show my number? It will let me pay for "available today" but won't let me show my number, 3 days with nothing and paid for hotel, I haven't had any regulars yet as just recently moved......
I just noticed that the "accept SMS" box was unticked and now my number is showing lol thank you all xxxxx
Hello Girls,
Is it only me or is not accessible atm?
Adultwork is down
It's only a maintenance issue and they are working on it. It says on their front page plus on twitter.
It's only a maintenance issue and they are working on it. It says on their front page plus on twitter.
Yes I've seen it had my eye on their twitter from from 6.30am this morning well lets hope they get it fixed soon or my day will be over before it
I've logged on but it's very slow :/
And it's down again!! :FF pphhhfft lol x
is adultwork down now? anyone else?
It's working for me...
hey girls
everytime i go to log onto aw it is saying i need to verify my email address/sends me a link to do so. Is this a problem for anyone else? not sure what i can do but verify it every time i log on xxx
hey girls
everytime i go to log onto aw it is saying i need to verify my email address/sends me a link to do so. Is this a problem for anyone else? not sure what i can do but verify it every time i log on xxx
This happened to my friend this morning. I don't know if it happened again or not.
Is anyone else having problems with AW today? Seems to be running too slowly for the pages to load? Trying to add credits and failing.... Sigh...
Yeah me too, there twitter page is saying there are connection problems :FF
"Connection problems are being investigated. Thank you for your patience."
"We know problems are continuing, our investigation and resolutions are too. Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience"
Just logged in ok.
Yeah, seems to be working but not on the buy credits page! Have tried 4 different cards, all verified with visa etc, all in credit and not 1 of them is being accepted! Frustrating !
Perhaps that's why I have had not a dickie bird from the site in the way of business today then!
Just as well my other advert generated some interest and custom.....
I use my iPad to login to Adultwork and check my emails...
Didn't they think of having a phone number in case of such a problem?
It's always something not working, either I can't access the site, or photos wouldn't upload... so frustrating
I use my iPad to login to Adultwork and check my emails...
Didn't they think of having a phone number in case of such a problem?
It's always something not working, either I can't access the site, or photos wouldn't upload... so frustrating
It was working fine this morning on my phone, although I haven't looked since then.
SJ, could we give the banging on about a phone number a rest now? Posting about it three times in a row isn't going to make it happen and I think they'd have to be nothing short of insane to even consider it. Why do you think we don't have one?
I have tried two browsers and AW is isn't loading is any one else experiencing this?. I am stuck at the loggin page even after entering.
I tried to log on the mobile app and its not loading
It's working but I'm finding it INCREDIBLY slow today, pages are taking forever to load. :FF
Its been like it all day here too. Bloody thing x
It states on twitter they are having technical issues.
Very strange I put a blog on 20 minutes ago as I had logged in fine and now I can't get back in ....
Perhaps they will rectify shortly anyway.
its been ok for me, up until just now and Im getting a warning saying something about security certificate, maybe they are under cyber attack
its been ok for me, up until just now and Im getting a warning saying something about security certificate, maybe they are under cyber attack
Same here from several different browser
I got a warning saying that a different device had tried to access my account. But I looked at the login history and they were all me.
I got a warning saying that a different device had tried to access my account. But I looked at the login history and they were all me.
It's a new thing AW have just introduced. They say in their help section -
I received an email about a new device or location
On Friday 19 August 2016 we started to send out emails when a login to your
account is unrecognised or appears to be from a new device or location.
You can turn these notifications off via your Email Preferences page.
These emails work in conjunction with your Login History
A few things work against the simple principles of establishing whether
your details are new or previously seen, they are:
Device/Browser Upgrades - when you upgrade to a new version of Chrome,
Firefox etc., you will appear to be using a new browser, this will trigger
the notification. The same is true for some PC or smartphone upgrades.
Same device, different operating system version results in a notification.
Accessing via 3G/4G - Most providers vary the IP addresses you access
from depending on where you are, their own proxy server configuration and
how frequently you login. It is conceivable that you will get an email
every time you login when using your mobile data network.
We only go back 3 months - If you don't upgrade your device or browser,
or get reassigned a new IP by your ISP, you may get another email when you
login after a three month absence.
If you are suspicious of email authenticity always visit the Site by typing
the URL in your browser's address bar, never click on links in emails
unless you're 100% sure it's bona fide.
Members that are in Groups or that are under Advisor control may encounter
emails when your group manager or advisor logs into your account to perform
tasks on your behalf. You should check with them before becoming alarmed,
or change your password anyway, no harm will come of it.
Remember, if the notifications become too frequent, are annoying or simply
not required, you can turn them off here.
So there's the potential for lots of annoying messages but at least you can turn them off!
That explains it! I was on tour.
I can't get on the site at all tonight. Anyone else having trouble? I reset my PC this morning but was able to get on after that...
I just logged in fine.
Yeah looks like server problems. Pretty annoying that I didn't find this out until AFTER I put on all me makeup ready to cam!
It's been happening on and off all night >:(
I had a really busy hour on cam, after an exceptionally quiet week. Now I'm sitting here in stockings and a corset, and can't access the site.
I think it's time for me to get into the leggings, have a glass of wine and cuddle the furbabies.
Its down again! X
Yeah, I just tried to log in.
Aha, just posted about this. Glad its not only me. I thought someone had got my password.
I got privacy error.....?
Couldn't log in.
Considering the sites been down at some point for at least 3 days this week, does anyone know if its possible to claim phone number/available today/direct cam positioning back off them? X
MrsTomHardy has it really been down that often my God! I noticed last Sat it was playing up. Luckily I am not working today nor was I last Sat but I like to check my credits, update profile etc.
It wasn't on twitter this time unlike last Saturday .....
If you google search twitter adultwork you can get their up to date messages. You dont need to be on twitter as I am not either.
But this time they haven't mentioned anything!
I get a privacy error but depending on your browser (I use Chrome) you can just click on 'advanced options' and proceed to the site anyway it seems.
I got privacy error.....?
Couldn't log in.
yes, me too. But with AW we have to be really careful with hacking. My friend was hacked twice and now is off it. x
Hey. Has anyone else got this issue? It's just started this morning, the page won't load.. I have no idea why!
One other thing, I am sure I've seen this on a post somewhere but some guy called eddie_21 asked me if I would be interested in a local paid film shoot for, I am assuming this is fake? Has anyone else had this?
Thanks :)
yes its just happened I cant get one
Always check their Twitter Account - any issues are on there and they said this morning they were having problems but should be fixed within a few minutes - actually took an hour.
Any good big popular website will always update you on their twitter.
...... As I am getting a server error. Anyone else or just me?
Me too.
Still can't get on.
...... As I am getting a server error. Anyone else or just me?
I got that to so no not just you, I am not working until wednesday so i hope its back up properly by then in the past its been down going off an on for days :-\
Oh crap. Thanks though Gizzi as at least I know it's not a fault my end.
yes me too, ffs they better sort it! I've fucking paid for available today!!
Yeah, I've got featured and AT so hopefully it won't be down for long.
There's nothing on their Twitter feed to acknowledge the problem as yet and I don't want to tweet them as I only have my personal account.
Really frustrating.
I've just checked into a hotel for three days with by availability starting at 2 today. Thanks AW!
I hope it's not going to be one of those instances where it's down for days, lets hope they get it sorted quickly.
mines just come back on girls..
Still down for me I'm afraid
Mines down.
I just managed to log in ok.
I'm on, but if not everyone is that means not all customers will be able to either..grrr!
I'm on. If you're having trouble, try pressing Ctrl+F5. Or if using your phone, go into the browser settings and delete the cache and history for AW.
It seems to be back up now.
I can't access from any of my devices. I assume it's a technical glitch, their end.
It had better be back up soon ::)
Seems to be working fine for me ???
All good for me too
It's up and down for me. 5 mins ago I had "could not find DNS" and now the page it up but no images are loading.
It's been playing up all day. Am thinking it might be my hotel's Internet connection. :-\
Anyone else having problems with the mobile site in the last hour or two? Its as if they are upgrading/changing things about but have left the site open.
Been fine for me.
Been fine for me.
It now has pictures available on the main page of the mobile site and even when you login that's what you see rather than the emails and bookings, availability, local search etc.
I've not been able to get online since last night!
Hi everyone.
I've been trying to access adultwork and seem to keep getting a server message. All other sites seem to be fine. Is anyone else having problems?
No problems for me. 😀
It now has pictures available on the main page of the mobile site and even when you login that's what you see rather than the emails and bookings, availability, local search etc.
Caledonia, is the mobile version of Adultwork working for you now?
It doesn't work at all on my new phone! :(
I can get on the site on my laptop and on mobile when at home with the wifi but when i go out it says ''safari cannot open the page because it could not establish a secure connection to server''
very annoying!!!
Nope works great on Safari. Love a Mac!
Is anyone else having trouble loading aw today? I can't even get to the log in page it's taking so long to load it times out and internet is working fine :FF really don't need this today.
I had problems getting on. It was slow but on now.
I was having problems just now but seems to working okay again.
I had problems with logging as well but now is fine.
Mine was fine this morning now it's saying the domain is unavailable. Anyone else get this? Xx
Hi just tried to get onto aw but i cant get on is everything ok woth everyone else?
Anyone having trouble getting onto site today??? I haven't been able to get in since 10am
Fine for me all day!
Thanks for the reply! I'll just keep trying
Anyone having trouble today?
This is seriously the quietest 2 days on AW since i opened up my account on there in July. Nothing since 9.55am this morning. It's unheard of.
Wondered if people are having trouble accessing profiles etc?
Anyone having trouble today?
This is seriously the quietest 2 days on AW since i opened up my account on there in July. Nothing since 9.55am this morning. It's unheard of.
Wondered if people are having trouble accessing profiles etc?
you are working very short period of time. Believe me, there will be even more silent days.
Anyone else getting the website unavailable message?
Cant log in
Yes me too, fcking outage error :FF
It's still down. First the UK payments card not working now this. Good thing I am going home tomorrow tour ends. Still wanted to pull in night time dudes. :FF
I just tried to enter aw and I could not access my profile either.
Hiya is anyone else tried the AW website ? :FF no warning about this
Can someone pm a good other site to advertise on ?
Aw is down. Hopefully is back up by morning.
wont let me into my cam room either or into my profile
Working OK for me
Working Okay for me
Hey ladies can any one log into there profile right now I cant nor can I log into cam just checking its not just me ?
Hi all, anyone else experiencing this today? it's been slow all day for me but particularly bad tonight. I don't think it's my connection cos all other sites are fine. ???
Lol, I've literally jut posted a similar post. Yeah, it must be down then. :(
Me too... :FF :FF :FF
Having the same issue. :'(
Working fine for me ???
Same, it's not just you x
I just tried getting on. Is it down?
Working fine for me. Try login from a different device, restart your computer etc. x
Unable to access it via 4G or WiFi.
Not coming up on mates phone either. Infuriating me! :FF
If it's GiffGaff being cautious re age it always says so, so I don't think it's that.
I also don't think AW's down as there'd be a thread on here already, I'm sure.
Advice please?
Fine with me and I'm with Giffgaff.
Unable to access it via 4G or WiFi.
Not coming up on mates phone either. Infuriating me! :FF
If it's GiffGaff being cautious re age it always says so, so I don't think it's that.
I also don't think AW's down as there'd be a thread on here already, I'm sure.
Advice please?
Its totally fine on my Three phone babe. Not sure what to suggest even...
Unable to access it via 4G or WiFi.
Not coming up on mates phone either. Infuriating me! :FF
If it's GiffGaff being cautious re age it always says so, so I don't think it's that.
I also don't think AW's down as there'd be a thread on here already, I'm sure.
Advice please?
Something similar was happening to me, the pages just weren't loading but internet was fine (and I can access adult sites). However out of the blue yesterday evening I thought I'd try again and when I opened the site on Safari on my iPhone it redirected me to a mobile-version of the site, which i'd never seen before :o
I knew it existed but always wondered why my phone defaulted to the browser version - so maybe it was some sort of redirect/change regarding that? Hope it's working for you now!
I have a problem with AW. While ago people started to telling me that they can’t call my number. They will click , and there is message that number is unknown. Asked few my friends . Some was able to call me , some don’t . I spoke with aw , but they said it’s nothing wrong there . But it’s not if so many people can’t call me ! Asked them to try other girls and they had the same issue . Ask your costumers to try ladies . I have 100 people entering my account and no call all day . It was never like this before !!!
I have a problem with AW. While ago people started to telling me that they can’t call my number. They will click , and there is message that number is unknown. Asked few my friends . Some was able to call me , some don’t . I spoke with aw , but they said it’s nothing wrong there . But it’s not if so many people can’t call me ! Asked them to try other girls and they had the same issue . Ask your costumers to try ladies . I have 100 people entering my account and no call all day . It was never like this before !!!
First thing to spring to mind is that the people having trouble haven't given their phone browser permission to make calls.
Hmmm .... i will check with my regs ... but before was no problem, nobody ever told me that they can’t call me . And since they told me barely getting calls from aw .
It could be them trying it on. Occasionally I get some regular guys who claim they cannot get through either calls or IM. They then want to go off AW and contact me directly. Sure, I tell them, and I ask how they want to pay - either bitcoins and give my rate for this, or do they want my cashapp details. They tell me they will try again, and low and behold suddenly AW's system works.
Well , why my regulars will confirm that then. ?
Is anyone else getting an error page when going on to AW?
I have been unable to access AW past couple of hours. Is it just me or anyone else having same issues?
Yes. They are aware and trying to fix according to their Twitter page
None of mine or loads of girls profile pictures are showing on AW
It's fixed.
It's fixed.
Sorry delete
it was playing up last night about 11.45 very slow!
It's been down for like few hours now :
''We’ve been in discussions with our internet providers in Europe & they have a major outage affecting 100's of customers. They’re actively working on a solution & will update us soon. We’ll pass on any updates. We’re working on alternative options to get the site back online ASAP''
Ohh boy looks like it could last for a while.
For the past hour I have tried, and failed to get into AW via Safari, Chrome & Google, it gets to the AW results and then when I go to login then all search bars just will not go any further than a quarter the way along, you know the line that each search engine has and it gets longer the closer it is to your result, well I am getting really pissed off and want to know if anyone else is experiencing this and if not, then have you had it before and what happens eventually? I could really leave it until tomorrow morning but it’s annoying me now and I have an email from hours ago that I want to read! Help! Many thanks!
Yep, it's very annoying but hopefully they'll get it back up soon. I was on a roll for the first time in ages as well, grrrr.
Has anybody else had problems logging in?
Has anybody else had problems logging in?
for me same.. I Hope, they fix it.. But i been in finland and There se.xwork finished.. :(
I have checked on the site 'Is the site down or just me' and it confirms adultwork is down right now.
No doubt it will be up and running in a few hours they are generally quite fast.
I know the Christian evangelists used to attack the site this time of year and because it is Easter it may be that again this year but hopefully it won't be that. As I believe it took longer because of that reason in the past.
It's been down all night 8)
I can't get on it either...been trying since 7am :FF
yes, me too!
lol..hopefully got booking without it!
no cam this morning! some holidays! yeseeeessss!
Neither can I. This is bad. I know of ladies who are on tour right now and this will hit them hard.
Hi is Aw down this morning I can't log in at all :FF
The first weekend in I don't know how long that I'm child free and able to do bookings....absolutely frigging marvellous :FF
Wow, that's amazing, got a chance for few a days for bookings and AW is down.. Does anyone else is thinking it's shut down? Well I hope not but it's doesn't look good :-(((
Dosnt help that Aw site is down this morning :FF
Is it still down?
Yes unfortunately I'm checking on it regularly . :'(
For ladies who use that site only its going to be a headache.
And it's Easter break
Still we probably could do something else instead.
If ladies have paid for advertising today or on tour what a pain.
Hope they credit back costs for advertising
Can anyone else get onto adult work ? Me and my friend can’t get onto it since half 9 last night xx
Sorry just seen the post at the top :( not sure how to delete this either xx
Can anyone else get onto adult work ? Me and my friend can’t get onto it since half 9 last night xx
From the reports I've seen the site is totally inaccessible, no one can get on it.
According to adultwork twitter, the internet providers have a major outage, affecting not just AW, but their other sites. They’re working on it.
AW is still off air, could be it is down updating stuff or has had a cyber attack called denial of service, where someone external brings the site down. But been off air now for 10 hours or so....
According to adultwork twitter, the internet providers have a major outage, affecting not just AW, but their other sites. They’re working on it.
It'll be up and running soon, hopefully. I've got an hour at 10.30 so maybe we will be live by lunchtime, fingers crossed.
it still off air, who knows if problem on their servers or access to internet, or attacked by denial of service morons, or some other legal issue.....
Yes unfortunately I'm checking on it regularly . :'(
For ladies who use that site only its going to be a headache.
And it's Easter break
Still we probably could do something else instead.
If ladies have paid for advertising today or on tour what a pain.
Hope they credit back costs for advertising
I paid for advertising I better get it back!!!
Slightly relieved that it is Adultwork and not my supplier, however they usually send an e-mail, or put something on Twitter!
Hopefully they resolve the issue soon, they'll be owing quite a bit of money to girls.
it still off air, who knows if problem on their servers or access to internet, or attacked by denial of service morons, or some other legal issue.....
They have already stated what the issue is
Can you imagine the "surge " when we can all get back on it lol....
They have already stated what the issue is
What is it, Wishlist, I'm not on Twitter.
What is it, Wishlist, I'm not on Twitter.
Aw internet provider has gone down, i was in bed for 8:30pm last night, apparently it went off at 9:30pm so its nocking on time wise now, i really hope its not going to be days again like when they had that DOS attack, AW was offine for 4 days :( :o
I'm mid- tour (as I'm sure a lot of ladies are) so I'm stuck. I've also paid for my next two hotels so I'll be relying on other advertising.
Luckily I've got my hour this morning and a pre booked for my next destination tomorrow when I arrive but it just shows how we are right royally fucked without AW.
Praying to the goddess of whoredom to sort it all out!
Aw internet provider has gone down, i was in bed for 8:30pm last night, apparently it went off at 9:30pm so its nocking on time wise now, i really hope its not going to be days again like when they had that DOS attack, AW was offine for 4 days :( :o
I just read about that. God I hope it's back up and running soon.
What is it, Wishlist, I'm not on Twitter.
Someone posted this a few posts back in the thread, I've just copied it from twitter but it is above for those who don't have it;
We’ve been in discussions with our internet providers in Europe & they have a major outage affecting 100's of customers. They’re actively working on a solution & will update us soon. We’ll pass on any updates. We’re working on alternative options to get the site back online ASAP
We are aware that problems are ongoing and engineers are working tirelessly to restore all services.
This is not a problem with the AW Platform but with connections to it.
Thank you for your patience.
Lol Modesty xxx
Hi girls !
Didn’t think my first post on here would be so stressing but this outage better not last long ! I’ve done some digging and it seems to be a temporary problem but then when I hear about a 4 day outage in the past I can’t help but be freaked out !
Really hope this is resolved soon is anyone else stressed the the max :( xx
its working now ;)
Yup, thank fuck.
That goddess of whoredom is a miracle worker!
Knickers off at the ready, ladies! ;D
Working again for me. Twitter deleted the tweet where I tried to spread the word.
Yes thank God its working again now! Has AW posted a twitter update to confirm that everything should be fine again ? (I'm not on twitter but just wanted to check)! Either way we can get back to work yay!! ;D
Our telephone numbers are not showing :FF
It's back on now Praise the Lord lol
Did I speak too soon? I can see my profile but can't see any others?
It’s back on but not showing local escorts or anyone’s profile photos for me , I’m starting a tour tomorrow so praying to this goddess of whoredom lol xx
Pictures, phone numbers not showing so today is a bit of a write off.
Yep, same here. My pics are not showing and I can't see anyone else's either. Thankfully my credits are still there!
I’ve gone on to edit profile, taken phone number off and press save then gone back in to show number and it’s now showing. Hope that works for you girls too 👍
Yes go to phone number, take it off, save, put it back on, save.
I’ve gone on to edit profile, taken phone number off and press save then gone back in to show number and it’s now showing. Hope that works for you girls too 👍
Thank you, really helpful x
Yes thank God its working again now! Has AW posted a twitter update to confirm that everything should be fine again ? (I'm not on twitter but just wanted to check)! Either way we can get back to work yay!! ;D
Nope AW haven’t updated on Twitter
Looks like it's back for Cardiff.... No feature escorts. But no credits taken for today .. yet??
On now!!
Nope AW haven’t updated on Twitter
Give 'em chance.
I’ve gone on to edit profile, taken phone number off and press save then gone back in to show number and it’s now showing. Hope that works for you girls too 👍
Yup, all sorted and bookings coming in. Hurrah!
Snap had to go back in re click to display phone number and available today and one on his way pray for the inner whore in me to work little more today to play catch up for what I was hoping would be a busy morning
hi have any of you ladies been able to see your profiles on the first local escort page( the one we have to pay for) My numbers showing now so that helps
thank you x
I stupidly removed my number off the profile... keep trying to verify it... I reply to the verification text but it still wont register my number for some reason!
anyone else been hacked today? someone spend over 60 0ff my credits on videos today !!! also i cannot for the life of me get my number to show!! tried removing it etc but no showing!
Sorry to hear about the hacking, that's awful. Have you reported it to AW? In better news, I just looked on AW and can see your number is displayed on your profile (assuming it's you with the same name who is featured today!) :)
hi mimi yes firgured out the number , contacted aw but they never reply!
Is adultwork down again for anyone else or is it just me?
Server not responding again ::)
fukd...Ohh nooo not the HTTP Error 503!
Their twitter has already updated on the connectivity issues being investigated :FF
Thanks...its back now ???
Down again for me too
works for me.
It was down for about 30mins it's fine now x
Is adultwork down again for anyone else or is it just me?
There was a momentary blip.
I tried to log in to AW and a message came up saying the site is down. Has anyone else seen this or is it just me?:(
Hi Just logged in ok here.
Hi Blossom, tried again just now and it’s now ok
Down again ...
I didn't notice....working now ;D
I update every 20 mins so maybe it was a short time. lol
Yeah, its back on now :D
Few days ago stopped working on my iphone (7plus) and today stopped working in my android.
I already verified all permission and restrictions and can’t find solution. Help me!
Has adultwork stopped working again or is it just me?
Works fine my end. :)
Is anyone having trouble with aw today?
Yes iv just tried to get on to no avail it wont download.
Thanks thought it was just me.
Working fine for me!
Fine for me too
Hi I'm on a mobile still cant get on aw.
Just got back on aw so it should be working again now.
It seems to be fine for me.
When I try edit my profile or put Available Now up I get this error message and can’t proceed:
Website Unavailable
2147467259 - Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers - [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
Node ID: 100001
They’ve just tweeted about site issues. Should be fine soon?
They’ve just tweeted about site issues. Should be fine soon?
Thanks it’s now resolved
Hi iv just tried to get onto aw but its saying the sites down?
Yep same
They are providing updates via Twitter
Any update as I am not on Twitter
nothing in the past hour hun
It’s back on but not letting me log on. Saying about session credentials
It’s back on but not letting me log on. Saying about session credentials
I’ve got in
I had to exit my browser completely then was able to log back in
Yes iv managed to get onto aw I was worried then.
I managed to get back in now
Getting a white screen of death :/
Same here, it’s been like that for over an hour
It's weird not working on one phone but ok on another.
Was off for a while but back in the last 40 minutes, the AW twitter states back up now.
They said on Twitter 30 mins ago there was a problem and they are working on it. X
They said on Twitter 30 mins ago there was a problem and they are working on it. X
I was flicked out for a moment just over 30 minutes ago, then saw the status update whilst submitting a form re transfer (see other thread). Hopefully will settle down, had a power cut here earlier although wasn't using AW at the time so all happening!
Anyone else got issues logging into AW at the moment?
Does anybody know how long it's been down?
Does anybody know how long it's been down?
It hasn't been down for me at all - I haven't logged in but I've just been looking at the terms of use and it's fine?
Checked on two devices, blank white page, does anyone else have this problem?
Yes but I don’t know what is going on ???
It won't open for me
The last hour it's been up and down like a whore's drawers :o
Yes AW is down I have just checked on a site that tells you if a web site is down, it says down for every one, hope they get back up and running soon
Iv really had it with aw since last friday, problem after problem, cam went quiet so was about to change my cam prices and i get this
Anti-DDoS Filter cannot connect to protected host.
Most likely the firewall (CSF?) on protected host blocks filter IP addresses due to a large number of requests.
If you are the administrator, please disable the firewall or whitelist the filter IP's.
anyone getting this too?
Iv really had it with aw since last friday, problem after problem, cam went quiet so was about to change my cam prices and i get this
Anti-DDoS Filter cannot connect to protected host.
Most likely the firewall (CSF?) on protected host blocks filter IP addresses due to a large number of requests.
If you are the administrator, please disable the firewall or whitelist the filter IP's.
anyone getting this too?
I believe it was down for a very short period, perhaps try again now?
I believe it was down for a very short period, perhaps try again now?
yes seems to be ok.....for now :FF
So the very first time in years I display my number and want to take it down again and I can't log on. Site can't be reached :FF anyone else?
I noticed pictures were missing last half hour. So there is a fault.
Yes, me too. I can access the site another way if I manually type in Adultwork and android app ??? Managed to take my phone number down now anyway, that's the most important thing :)
It is always playing up and they should give paid for features a refund or a free day. Not many will call with no pics. Think it's been like this a while.
Hi, It's been a pain tonight every time I go to feature profile, it takes me back to the login page, saying that I am already logged in, what's going on, I will get in touch with AW in the morning, if anybody else is having problems with profile featuring would you let me know so that I know it's not just me and not a problem at my end thanks x
Is anyone else not able to get on the site ? Sat in a hotel room on tour and j can’t get on my page their twitter says the site is live but it definitely isn’t.
Is anyone else having issues ? I need to be able to work today x
Same for me. Not able to access site at all, got same notice page as you.
They need to sort this out now I can’t even get on the bell centre to ask for help.
What shall we do?if I can’t work today I’m stranded away from home x
They were doing maintenance work this morning but should be up by now
Still down for me...
I’m in a blind panic about this I’m ina hotel
Room on tour if
I can’t work
Today I’m fucked x
I can get in using mobile signal on my phone.
Couldn't get in, then turned wifi off so using mobile data and got in. Think it'll be a slow morning, if not, slow day.
Both mobile and desktop site working fine here on wifi.
Both mobile and desktop site working fine here on wifi.
It does seem to be back to normal now, seems to have happened (for me) at around 8.30am.
It's gone again not been able to access it. This has happened several times lately and they do not even give you any credit back.
Has been working fine for me from my IPad and phone on WiFi including first thing this morning
It's gone again not been able to access it. This has happened several times lately and they do not even give you any credit back.
It was incredibly slow at approximately 4.45pm today but it is there.
Hi I've just logged in then I tried to go back to it but it's saying internal server 500.
Hey is anyone struggle to see profile picture? I wanted to replace it one of my profile picture but instead of replacing its gone not even showing the new picture despite its shows on my profile picture menu that it was replaced. At the manage consent show 0 I tried to confirm it. Not even working in the main site.
Hey is anyone struggle to see profile picture? I wanted to replace it one of my profile picture but instead of replacing its gone not even showing the new picture despite its shows on my profile picture menu that it was replaced. At the manage consent show 0 I tried to confirm it. Not even working in the main site.
Profile photos can take a while to show up, even days.
Anyone else having issues with AW this morning.
Couldn't get on it at all earlier, now can get on but it keeps timing out with an error code.
Not working for me either, I've got "server busy" on two different search engines and now I'm getting "SSL handshake failed" :FF, Hope they sort it soon I've paid for available today!
It's working again!
It happened a few times yesterday too with server error and could not get on.
Yes it was down, AW made a tweet about it. Back now.
Down again.
It still keeps going off and on. So not properly fixed.
It wasn’t working most of this morning but I think it’s fine now, hope it stays tht way.
im logged onto direct cam but not had any shows in an hour which is unusual but what is stranger is every time i check the homepage no one at all is in a show. Must be a glitch surely.
as far as I can see no ones phone number is diplayed on aw
I don’t use Adult-Work because I find the site extremely difficult to use. They are so petty and always find faults with my profile to the point I feel they could be discriminating against me for being trans. And the website is so laggy and outdated. I stick with Viva Street and Birch Place and have a much better time with them despite having to pay £30 a week to top my birch place advertisement up to the top!
So I'm aware of a number of outages to PC networks causing chaos for the world at large today but I've been able to access AW just fine until a few minutes ago.
On logging in I get a cloudflare page stating
Sorry, you have been blocked
You are unable to access
Why have I been blocked?
This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data.
What can I do to resolve this?
You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page.
Anybody else experiencing this?
I got the message, refreshed page and I'm back on again
I'm back online too after a couple of refreshes, glad the error was short lived!
keep getting bad gateway all morning
I keep getting bad gateway message?
me too all morning
Same here , can’t open the page
I can access it now.
Hello colleagues, I just tried to sign into my AW and got the message that I was blocked by the website. Anybody else, or just me?
OK, answering my own question here 🥳 Super fast response from AW - technical issue, aware and working on it. Phew. Patience.
Hello colleagues, I just tried to sign into my AW and got the message that I was blocked by the website. Anybody else, or just me?
OK, answering my own question here 🥳 Super fast response from AW - technical issue, aware and working on it. Phew. Patience.
Most people have had a problem logging in this morning, the android url (mobile version) worked best for me.
I have been finding it difficult to log on since yesterday and still having problems today. I hope it’s not causing issues for clients too
Yes i was taking ages to log in not giving aw anymore money until its fixed
Urgh cannot login and keep getting an error page - anyone else?
Edited to add: I couldn't log in for about half an hour but can now.
Anyone having issues? Trying to change location but it won’t let me :(