What if E-I was to go down and you're stuck in Ireland!!!!! 
I know what you're saying here. But it is all about trying to explore different avenues, rather than worrying about aw. As I see it like this... The time spent worrying or panicking, can be put into something constructive positive resolution. That is what I'm doing before it gets too late. As time goes on the bookings from aw newbies will show a loss in my earnings.
With Escort Ireland i would recommend using a different phone ( just so that you see its working ) also register on the main forums so that you can post stuff and get known
once you have a message board id and your advertising is set up PM Samlad or one of the other mods and ask them for access to the private area of the forums There you will have access to all the stuff on various hotels /apartments working in other places in ireland and general stuff
You will have access to ugly mugs where you can check all your client that call you its worth checking number that even call you via viva st and adultwork back pages ect on it ( its saved me from seeing bad clients ) Even when your not advertising you get access to it for 3 months after your advert has finished i think
Once you have paid for you advert and its set up email/contact them exactly when you want it to go live ect and make sure that its up and running as they can make mistake like putting you in the wrong areas blah blah
Also if you call them you can only call them of the number that is on your profile if you want to make changes other wise they wont make any changes to your add
Hope that helps
Paris B