Yeah I'm with Colwhit69 on this... The problem is a lot of advertising places need you to have a site and some of us are not so good at Interneting.. Wonder if someone in the know could start some sort of "AW alternatives" thread with like places which don't need a website, region specific places, etc...
I'm sure I'm not alone in my frustration at this friggin website- when it works, it's amazing, but now that its so unreliable, I've lost a lot of potential income, as have others.. It sucks, because its impossible to plan a tour, or even a normal working day! My last tour's takings were at least a third less and most of the people I saw (in fact, aside from 2, ALL the people I saw!) were regulars..
Guess its time to look elsewhere and maybe try to make a site.. Eek! Hope it gets better soon, although I doubt it. Even thinking of giving bloody Adultway a try (only joking, not that desperate...Yet.)