Well I think everybody's concerned and it shows itself in different ways - I'm tetchy because I'm knackered and I'm as guilty as anybody else of maybe not being as supportive as I could be because the fact it that things happening to Adultwork don't really affect me that much, particularly at the moment because I'm not in the UK.
As everybody has said, it's a good time to start sprucing up other ads or try something new - it doesn't take long to knock a page together on select an escort or My Local Escorts or some of the others, there's the template sites for anybody who fancies a go and hasn't tried it or there's even the newspaper ads for those feeling really brave

(get a new sim for that, though).
We've got nothing to lose by having a go, and whilst it might not have paid off as well in the past, punters are going to have to start looking elsewhere at some point if they want to punt, so let's make sure we're all there with our hair done
