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Author Topic: acceptance from female friends  (Read 4865 times)


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acceptance from female friends
« on: 22 July 2016, 05:42:00 pm »
I would like to know how people have got on after telling female friends about their job. I am really struggling with this as I fear I will be shunned. I am very comfortable with my job but there are some very religious (and just some not so open minded) girls in my social circle who I fear will avoid me if the find out. I am starting to feel very anxious and uneasy in social situations!


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #1 on: 22 July 2016, 05:56:47 pm »
There was a thread about this recently, unfortunately, it pretty much resulted in what you're most worried about. The only people who know what I do are other escorts I've got to know over time, I hate lying but I don't see that my friends would support me in my decisions to do this so I get the feeling of being isolated sometimes.

You could have a look on here and see if there are other women in your area looking to meet socially and then you have a safe social circle where you can be open about what you do?


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #2 on: 22 July 2016, 06:08:59 pm »
You could try opening a general discussion about sex work with your friends to try to gauge their strength of feeling. I would do this one on one though because if someone very vocal starts moralising, others will probably just go along with it.

My sister knows I escort. We are very close and I knew she wouldn't be judgmental.
I don't have many close friends. My closest female friend, I know she would not approve and would probably be anxious for me, so I wouldn't ever tell her.
My closest male (gay) friend, I would tell him if I thought he could keep his mouth shut, but he can't, and we have a lot of mutual friends and ex colleagues, so I haven't said anything to him.
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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #3 on: 22 July 2016, 06:53:09 pm »
You could try opening a general discussion about sex work with your friends to try to gauge their strength of feeling. I would do this one on one though because if someone very vocal starts moralising, others will probably just go along with it.

Fab idea!

Out of all my female friends, only three know. One is super open minded and tried to do it herself but found she couldn't handle it, another is a stripper & very open minded and wants to try it, and the third thinks I only do pro domme stuff... not sure how she'd feel the escorting side of it. She's very supportive about pro domme and dancing so I feel she'dbe ok but I don't really want to risk it.

In my  opinion, it's a need to know thing. As long as you have at least ONE female friend who knows and supports and understands, thats all that matters. I guess it can be lonely, but it's why making friends with other sex workers is so fab. Nobody will ever ever ever understand what being a sex worker is like until they've done it, no other job compares. I have a lot of male friends who know I do it, but I find men tend to be more open minded anyway. I also associate in very open minded, sex positive circles e.g. people who are in to kink & such like, but again, mostly men.


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #4 on: 22 July 2016, 11:05:30 pm »
I have told both men and women friends, most of whom have been absolutely fine. If someone is going to be judgemental, they'll do it regardless of their gender.


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #5 on: 22 July 2016, 11:33:35 pm »
I have a lot of male friends who know I do it, but I find men tend to be more open minded anyway.

This seems to be the common consensus. Both my male and female friends know, but the men were by far less phased.


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #6 on: 23 July 2016, 09:02:09 am »
I have told both men and women friends, most of whom have been absolutely fine. If someone is going to be judgemental, they'll do it regardless of their gender.

All my closest friends know bar one and that's only cos she'd worry too much. I have open minded friends and some not so open minded friends. The trick is to see how people view things in general. Do they accept most things or do they have a narrow minded opinion most of the time?
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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #7 on: 25 July 2016, 12:19:09 pm »
It really depends on the friends.

Hardly any of my friends accepted it. In fact - my friendship group got hugely judgemental.
I think jealousy was a factor because I went from being broke to having my own flat. I would come over wearing nice clothes and bring drinks/food to parties for everyone - the girls didn't like it for some reason but the guys were cool (very curious haha).

The only one that was happy for me was my closest long time friend - usually those that love you no matter what are supportive.

Its better to be open than keep it a secret. There is enough work pressure without having to live a double life on top of that.

And if you loose friends like I did - then its a blessing because you got rid of people prepared to drop you that quick.


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #8 on: 25 July 2016, 02:38:05 pm »
Its very rare to get acceptance from  friends and family.   It's not worth the risk of rejection,  exposure and backstabbing.  Best to keep your escorting secret from them.  Too much hassle


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #9 on: 25 July 2016, 03:37:08 pm »
I think friends who are good friends and on your wavelength will be accepting but people from sheltered lives or people a bit bitchy might not approve.

Most of the few people I have told have been fine.

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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #10 on: 25 July 2016, 03:45:27 pm »
Its very rare to get acceptance from  friends and family.   It's not worth the risk of rejection,  exposure and backstabbing.  Best to keep your escorting secret from them.  Too much hassle
very rare? my friends all know and some of my family also.


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #11 on: 25 July 2016, 06:34:54 pm »
very rare? my friends all know and some of my family also.

Same as you, Roxy. I only had one bad reaction from an ex and he is no longer part of my life. It helped me see what a judgemental prick he was.
Everyone else has been fine.


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #12 on: 25 July 2016, 10:48:52 pm »
The reaction from my friends has been mostly good - many have been supportive and encouraging, and proud of me.

Unfortunately my oldest friend (more like my sister) has had a hard time accepting it. She tries to be supportive but she often says things like 'you can do better' and she won't help me with childcare when I'm working.

It's really hard when you realise that even the people you're closest to might not be open to seeing sex work differently.

Having said that, I'm glad my friends know, I hate lying to people I care about and find it very difficult to do so.  I have other civvie friends who go out of their way to be supportive and to help me in practical, useful ways.  One friend in particular is a huge cheerleader for me and when I'm having weird feels about my work (yay internalised whorephobia), shes the one who tells me that I earned and deserve every penny of my wages, that what I'm doing is real work, etc.


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #13 on: 26 July 2016, 07:19:26 am »
trashbaby when your friend says 'you can do better' does she realise how much we can actually earn!


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Re: acceptance from female friends
« Reply #14 on: 26 July 2016, 08:40:08 am »
Unfortunately its the oldest friends who could potentially have the most problems accepting. Being a more mature escort most of my friends are older ones! So I have my friends and I have my escort friends because I know my friends would have terrible problems accepting. That doesn't make them (or you) terrible people, it just means they are coming from a different place and/or are taken in by all the stereotypical views of prostitution.

If most of your friends have accepted consider yourself blessed!

I would be very interested to know if those talking of a lot of acceptance are in a younger age group?

But to the OP, think carefully before doing so, since once it's out you can't put it back in the tin. We are all in different situations with friends/family so what works for one won't work for another.