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Author Topic: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?  (Read 6951 times)


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A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« on: 06 October 2008, 02:08:26 am »
Everything seems normal, but Im so nervous! Im not sure what to wear or if I should even go through with it, or if he'll even like me. What if I'm awful, nervous? Its an outcall 1.5 hours away. Should I see if he'll spring for a hotel in my area which is a major metropolitan area? Or take a transport bus there? Im willing to take a pay cut if he gets a hotel.


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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #1 on: 06 October 2008, 02:42:35 am »
Its a tough one.  I didnt want to do house calls when i first thought about this work but quickly realised that without an incall place as an alternative, guys will find someone else who has or who will come to them.  Maybe he will be different but i initially turned down 2 or 3 bookings becuase i couldnt do incalls and i wouldnt go to there houses. 

That was before i realised i can do security checks to make myself feel safer about going to someones home.  I still dont think i will like it so much, id take a 1 hour hotel booking over a 2 hour home booking any day but business is business so i jsut have to make sure i do all the security checks possible and if i feel weird about it or feel sus in anyway i can politely cancel and move on.

My first request for a home booking was from a guy who wanted me to get there within 25mins so we would have time before his wife got back... that one i turned down!!!

I also have the benefit of having a car so i can get myself there and back and if i dont like the area or dont feel good about it i can get home no bother.

I dont know what area you live in but where i am its more tourist trade rather than business trade in the hotels so im hoping that by accepting home incalls i will get more enquiries.  In the hope of catching a bit of the business trade i have set my travelling boundries quite wide which again, is something i can do because i have the car.

Now i just need the buggers to call. .  lol



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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #2 on: 06 October 2008, 11:25:52 am »
If you're nervous because it's a home visit, then don't do it.
When is the visit? Is there still time to write back to him and say "look, I really am quite reticent about doing home calls. Would you consider splitting the bill on a hotel room?" Would getting a hotel room make you feel more at ease? Or is there more to it maybe because it's all new to you?

Anika Mae

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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #3 on: 06 October 2008, 11:29:04 am »
Everything seems normal, but Im so nervous! Im not sure what to wear or if I should even go through with it, or if he'll even like me. What if I'm awful, nervous? Its an outcall 1.5 hours away. Should I see if he'll spring for a hotel in my area which is a major metropolitan area? Or take a transport bus there? Im willing to take a pay cut if he gets a hotel.

Everyone's nervous their first time, but he's read what you have to say, looked at your pictures and chosen you. He wants to meet you and most men aren't that hard to please, they're just happy to have you there doing sexy things with them.

If you're willing to drop the price if he goes to a hotel, there's no harm in asking. If you do end up making the journey to visit him, don't do it without confirming that he is where he says he is, if he's at home you can use his fixed telephone line for that.


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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #4 on: 07 October 2008, 01:20:44 am »

 If it counts for anything, I was absolutely petrified! Straight after I was giggling on the phone to Lexie about how easy it was, but the whole 24 hours before I was in a state of 'eek!'


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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #5 on: 07 October 2008, 06:00:41 am »
Everything seems normal, but Im so nervous! Im not sure what to wear or if I should even go through with it, or if he'll even like me. What if I'm awful, nervous? Its an outcall 1.5 hours away. Should I see if he'll spring for a hotel in my area which is a major metropolitan area? Or take a transport bus there? Im willing to take a pay cut if he gets a hotel.

well, if it makes it better for you...for me I see outcalls as one of the most exciting part of the job...


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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #6 on: 07 October 2008, 12:35:40 pm »

well, if it makes it better for you...for me I see outcalls as one of the most exciting part of the job...

 You know I kind of agree- I'd love to do mostly outcalls but know that won't happen. I kind of got a kick out of walking past the concierge an hour later too!


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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #7 on: 07 October 2008, 02:37:47 pm »
I kind of got a kick out of walking past the concierge an hour later too! too. :)


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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #8 on: 08 October 2008, 01:54:38 am »
I finally got an idea about why Im so nervous. I have a fear of being judged, by clients, by family and friends. I do worry about law enforcement, but I can't let that fear stop me. We need this money. Here in the states, you can only get help from the states for 5 years. In my state its only 3. Lots of stuff make it hard to reenter the job market, so Im trying to make this work.


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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #9 on: 08 October 2008, 02:06:18 am »
I think a fear of being judged is just a bit of a something maybe we all feel to different degrees (including clients and everyone else in society probably)? We're all here learning hoping this will all work out ok for us.

I get nervous and excited over things.



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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #10 on: 08 October 2008, 03:17:24 am »
Thanks, I didn't want to come across as a weeney, lol. Lexie, in answer to your question, yes, I do get alot out of this board. There's so much support here, and we deal with the same issues.


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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #11 on: 08 October 2008, 03:25:35 am »
im no expert so feel free to ignore me but i had a booking with a really nice guy tonight.  He was young and inteligent and is in a long standing relationship.  he told me he does love her but just felt the need to fulfill the fantasy of sleeping with another woman.  we got chatting and he asked about how i feel about the judgement of the world on my shoulders and i blagged it saying i didnt care mucj (no need for him to know how i really fee) and then he told me how he felt.  he was worried that I (me the escort) would be judging him because he is the one in the happy fulfilled relationship who is seeing an escort behind his beloveds back.  My point is that he felt worse than me.  he has that 'you bastard you cheated on your girlfriend' judgement to deal with.  there is judgement on both sides of the equation and we are all capable of avoiding hearing it from the 'outside' world.... just dont tell anyone what your doing.  I know the law is different and the system is different but at the end of the day we do the same thing and it doesnt matter what the law says, our conciense and our strength determine whether or not we are here for the right reasons.

You seem to be here because you want to provide for your family... im here because i want to provide for myself.  neither one of us are wrong as long as we keep ourselves as safe as possible and try to enjoy what we do (a little atleast).  you sound intelligent enough to me to know that if you hate it once you start you will stop and find another way.  

Im sure its just nerves.  i was more nervous tonight than i was with my first booking and i hope to god i am always a bit nervous about my bookings so i dont let my guard down.  if you concentrate and feel it really hard, its just the same feeling as excitement just a little more negative.... turn it round and convince yourself its positive.
you dont even have to enjoy the physical side (i imagine its harder when you have a partner) so just try to enjoy the company... makes it easier for me.

Ohh look at me getting all deep... thats not like me!  go out and get laid and paid!! f**k em!



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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #12 on: 08 October 2008, 04:00:22 am »
Lexie, in answer to your question, yes, I do get alot out of this board. There's so much support here, and we deal with the same issues.

In all honesty i thought i was entering a profession where everyone would look after themselves and nonoe else.  i didnt realise there was this kind of support especially for those of us who are new but your right. there is tons of support and alot of it is the same worldover and i definately feel better knowing there is somewhere i can ask my questions without ridicule or judgement.  whats more, lots of the advice given feels genuine and i dont always feel that on other sites.  SAAFE sort of feels specific to helping and advising, and shit... we all need that when we start out.  im pretty sure i will still need it long term. lol



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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #13 on: 08 October 2008, 02:46:31 pm »

In all honesty i thought i was entering a profession where everyone would look after themselves and nonoe else.  i didnt realise there was this kind of support especially for those of us who are new but your right.

I completely agree. I was so happy to find this site, I thought I was entering a world where it would be hard to find support and hard to meet friends in the same boat. If not for this forum thus far I may have got myself taen advantage of with a scam or a timewaster, and I definitely wouldn't be feeling as prepared.

I know I ask a LOT of questions and I rattle on and on, but I like that I can, because where else can I ask about condoms or incalls, security or web design?  :)



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Re: A client wants to meet. Why am I scared?
« Reply #14 on: 09 October 2008, 03:09:53 am »
The client asked what the rate would be for coming to my town and getting a hotel. I told him. Then he asked if he'd be coming to my place. What?