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Author Topic: ***Documentary looking to speak to sex workers***  (Read 11913 times)


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Re: ***Documentary looking to speak to sex workers***
« Reply #30 on: 04 April 2013, 05:31:25 pm »
Whilst I've no doubt that there are people (and some 'escorts' are male) who would like to give it a go, what I don't understand is how appearing on television will benefit them in any way? Very few people showing themselves on TV in any identifiable way as a prostitute are going to remain in business for long once they start getting recognised, and I'm not convinced you are in any position to explain the potential repercussions of doing so to people who may contact you, because I don't think you fully understand them yourself.

Leaving aside the fact that designing, manufacturing and selling a product is poles apart from providing a paid professional service, there is help out there for anybody who wishes to start a business, whether or not they do so alongside continuing sex work or not. To the best of my knowledge, waving the 'I'm a prossie' flag on television isn't part of any exit strategy I've ever heard. Out of interest, which other occupations made your shortlist?