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Author Topic: Journalist looking for help/ advice  (Read 4791 times)

Kristina Bristol Escort

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Re: Journalist looking for help/ advice
« Reply #15 on: 23 March 2012, 02:09:44 pm »
Danielle and Coty hats of to you, you have my admiration.  Now that is what I call caring parents someone who will do what it takes to provide the best they can for their children.  Why are there never any stories showing the sacrifices made by a parent for a child! A far cry from the crack fuelled, trafficked whores forced into prostitution we are all labeled as!  When will society grow up!


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Re: Journalist looking for help/ advice
« Reply #16 on: 24 March 2012, 04:22:40 pm »
To be fair he did offer to do my story and blank out my face and it is something I am thinking over.  We are no different to any other Mum.  We all do what we can for our children.  Yes it does make life a little harder having a child that will never be able to cope on their own but thats what being a Mum is all about.  Everyone who has a child has to make sacrifices or change the way they live.  Routine is key though and one I have to stick to or it all falls apart as Coty will know.

I have to agree though a story about why non drug addicts go into this job would be nice but I have a feeling it would end up as a 'Mum of disabled kid forced to turn to prostitution' headline as it would probably be made out that because the government wont help with my sons care I was 'forced' to do this job.  They would not portray it as a choice I made as it was easier than working 16 hour shifts like my last job and it makes my life easier to do this as his just stays the same and he does not notice whether I am there or whether a nurse is caring for him.  Somehow I really do think it would turn out this way as no one wants to hear midwife gives up job to be a prossie as it makes her life better and she has more time to care for her son.  Not quite the same headling grabbing news is it
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact