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Author Topic: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites  (Read 31664 times)


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Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« on: 30 June 2018, 09:01:43 pm »
Article copied and paste from "The guardian: today:

Outlaw prostitution websites to protect enslaved and trafficked women, say MPs

Online advertisements accessible in the UK are at the heart of a sex industry with organised crime links, Commons group hears

Ministers will come under intense pressure from a cross-party group of MPs this week to follow the US by banning so-called “prostitution websites” amid mounting evidence that they are enabling a huge growth in sexual exploitation and the trafficking of women to the UK for profit.

Members of the all-party group on prostitution have secured a parliamentary debate during which they will demand that the Home Office acts to make websites such as Vivastreet and Adultwork accountable under law for encouraging and profiting from sexual exploitation.

The websites make money by placing advertisements on behalf of gangs and individuals running networks of women, many of whom are trafficked from abroad. Vivastreet operates in 19 countries and is owned by an offshore holding company based in Jersey. Adultwork is registered in Panama.
We must stop abuse by criminalising punters

A recent inquiry by the all-party group heard evidence from the Joint Slavery and Trafficking Analysis Centre – a multi-agency intelligence unit set up by the police, the government, and the National Crime Agency – which concluded that “adult services websites represent the most significant enabler of sexual exploitation in the UK”.

This was because the sites are at the heart of a money-spinning online industry that allows running networks of women to connect with men who want to buy sex. Investigators believe much of the profit made by those managing the women is then used to fund a wider network under which vulnerable women are sought out abroad and systematically trafficked to the UK.

Amid rising outrage about the use of such websites, US President Donald Trump signed a bill earlier this year that gives federal and state prosecutors greater power to act against platforms that make money out of such advertisements. The bill also enables victims and state attorneys general to file lawsuits against the sites.

The MPs say it is now crucial that the Home Office follows the US and changes the law in the UK to make such websites directly accountable under law for encouraging exploitation and trafficking. They will demand swift action from Theresa May, who made action to stamp out modern slavery a top priority of her time at the Home Office and reiterated the same commitment on entering Downing Street.

Sarah Champion, MP for Rotherham and a member of the all-party group, said she would attend the debate and press whichever Home Office minister represents the government to follow America’s swift action. “UK legislation needs to be radically overhauled to keep pace with the changing face of prostitution,” Champion said. “We need to update our laws to make websites legally accountable for facilitating and profiting from sexual exploitation. The idea that commercial prostitution sites make it safer for women is not true.”

Diane Martin, who was awarded a CBE for services to vulnerable women and survived trafficking and prostitution in her late teens, now supports exploited women. “As a survivor, my perspective means firsthand experience of the realities of prostitution,” she said. “My years of supporting hundreds women to exit prostitution has also only strengthened my fervent belief that we are failing some of the most vulnerable women in society unless we address the demand of the buyers and the greed of the pimps.

“Currently, UK legislation is inadequate to deal with this. I want to call on MPs, and all with the power to make positive change, to see the reality of prostitution, to be on the side of the most vulnerable and to adopt an approach where pimps, brothel owners and third-party exploiters are not tolerated.”

"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #1 on: 01 July 2018, 12:40:37 am »
It's not 'the government', it's a few MPs and (without having checked, so just like them) probably peers. If I were an MP and could find a couple of others, I could have an 'All-party group on Sondheim', issue a report saying that Andrew Lloyd-Webber musicals should be banned and it'd get this sort of coverage.

In both cases, it's a group with an agenda - this bunch start from the position that they hate prostitution and their reports have been brutally taken apart by academics for being crap.

That doesn't mean that nothing will happen, just that it's very unlikely. To help, find the analysis of their latest one and send it to your MP.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #2 on: 01 July 2018, 02:35:13 am »
On Wednesday afternoon, Sarah Champion MP is bringing a debate to parliament with a view to outlaw prostitution platforms. This is akin to the recent FOSTA-SESTA package signed into US law by Donald Trump, which saw the removal of many online advertising platforms sex workers used to stay alive. Read the full SWARM statement on FOSTA-SESTA here:

This law will NOT decrease trafficking, but instead give abusers more power as workers are forced to lower rates, increase services, and work on the street to make up for earnings lost through the removal of these platforms.

Online platforms are a LIFELINE for us. Removing them removes a life-saving barrier between us and dangerous clients. This law is murder.

Please show your support for sex workers. Help defend against this. Meet at 1pm on Wednesday 4th July at Parliament Square. Bring placards, red umbrellas, masks for anonymity if you need, and most of all your energy and your anger!

I can send the Facebook link to anyone who wants it xx


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #3 on: 01 July 2018, 02:36:59 am »
This kind of article irritates me deeply. Almost every sentence is an insult to the women we are and every sentence is far from reality.

What is this terminology that systematically replaces the words "sex workers" with "victims of exploitation" and the word "client" with "abuser"?

It reminds me of what Winston Churchill said: "Using the language of the enemy is the beginning of defeat".

I hope XW5 is right but I have often noticed that Britain has the annoying habit of imitating the USA.
"Only good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don't have time." Tallulah Bankhead


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #4 on: 01 July 2018, 11:37:09 am »
I don't feel abused, to me prostitution is an art form. It can be quite enjoyable for all involved. Unfortunately, we are between a hammer and a hard place.

To conservatives, thrashing sex workers appeals to married women. To liberals, thrashing clients as abusers appeals to the men who can't afford it.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #5 on: 02 July 2018, 10:43:19 am »
Would us all writing to our local MP help?

I'm not political but I've heard this before. Us non-trafficked, happy hookers need to be heard.

Nora batty

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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #6 on: 02 July 2018, 12:50:34 pm »
There're are likely higher numbers of people being trafficked into slavery in hotels and the food industry, but there's no one screaming let's close all the hotels and restaurants.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #7 on: 02 July 2018, 01:12:11 pm »
I read this yesterday online and it's hard not to get upset and angry at the idea that adult work could be shut down. The feedback system is a lifesaver! This line gets me- “We need to update our laws to make websites legally accountable for facilitating and profiting from sexual exploitation. The idea that commercial prostitution sites make it safer for women is not true.”  NOT TRUE? It IS true actually  :FF :FF :FF :FF sex work and trafficking are not the same thing  :FF :FF

I really hope we do not follow the USA with this. I can't get to London on Wednesday but if i lived there I would go.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #8 on: 02 July 2018, 01:59:48 pm »
Would us all writing to our local MP help?

I'm not political but I've heard this before. Us non-trafficked, happy hookers need to be heard.

you can do this here.

This in't about happy hookers vs trafficked people. Most worker are somewhere in the middle. hating your job doesn't mean you don't deserve rights and the most marginalised will be harmed by this law.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #9 on: 03 July 2018, 10:51:22 am »
It's like blaming Gumtree for people getting scammed with dodgy goods or services

(Which is in no way to minimise the very real and very distressing problem of exploitation, but in general historically such measures only ever serve to impact and curtail legitimate interests, the dodgy stuff always (and quickly) finds another way)
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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #10 on: 03 July 2018, 04:58:34 pm »
Oh well... Drugs dealers are shipping drugs through fedex and people are dying from overdoses because of it, so why don't they shut down fedex for "enabling the deaths of young people"?

Apply this to escort sites.
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #11 on: 03 July 2018, 07:29:21 pm »
I just had news today that the MP Sarah Champion is trying to gain approval to ban advertising in the UK. First the USA, then France (last week) and will we be next and if so when??? This is FRIGHTENING!


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #12 on: 03 July 2018, 07:33:30 pm »


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #13 on: 03 July 2018, 09:16:35 pm »
I am sick to death of all the hate towards us now, FOSTA/SESTA in the US, some countries criminalizing clients, it fees like their wanting to put us all in danger, but making it sound to the public like their just trying to save us.  Its obvious all they will do if they succeed is drive independent sexworkers to the pimps/traffickers if they are no longer able to advertise on places like Adultwork.  Do they want more deaths and assaults on sex workers, because it feels like it to me, and they know that's what will happen 100%, any idiot with half a brain knows that, and its been proven that happens in countries who put these insane laws in.

Here in the Uk we have enough problems with Brexit which is proving to be a total cock up (whichever side your on), austerity, NHS and god knows how many other important issues and we have a bunch of idiot MP's focusing on this?  Where are their priorities.

Sorry if this is a rant, but I am so fed up of this now as a tax paying business woman who happens to be a sex worker.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #14 on: 03 July 2018, 09:22:07 pm »
Will AW not get round it by saying people don't advertise sex, they get paid for their time?
It is a likes list and not a services list, after all.  :angel: