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Author Topic: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites  (Read 31644 times)


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #210 on: 29 March 2019, 04:12:38 pm »
It would be reassuring for women (like myself) who were outed and punished. 

Currently, anyone can go straight to VIVA (any other advert sites) to see if they can ID a local whore.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #211 on: 29 March 2019, 06:12:59 pm »
Looks like it has been delayed past April 1st, according to an article I just read.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #212 on: 29 March 2019, 07:35:19 pm »
Looks like it has been delayed past April 1st, according to an article I just read.
According to an item on BBC Radio last week this law is being delayed, it is not coming into effect 1st April 2019.

And as posted here over a week ago :)

jasmines world

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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #213 on: 30 March 2019, 07:26:14 am »
Hi an update on the New Internet Porn Laws that were due to come into effect on the 1st April 2019.  For anyone that didnt read my previous posts the govenment are propising to introduce new age resriction bans on all Porn sites meaning that to access any porn site in the UK anyone over 18 must register personal information ID or go to a registerted  Newsagent outlet to purchase a "porn pass " at £4.99.
This  is of particular concern to me and to campaigners because as outlined by Open Rights Group and campaigners. The fears that by tying porn habits to internet identity  the govenment is is in effect creating a potential database of sexual prefrences.
If the database was hacked by hackers the information it contained could be used to shame and attack the person it idnetifies.  This could go horibly wrong exposing a person to blackmail, fraud and career damaging drain leaks.

 The people in charge of this censorship will be the British Board of Film Classification who have so far failed after repeated requests to give a public consultation on how this scheme will work .

Many  beleive this is a rushed through Conservative idea to apparently protect children from porn but many aruge there are already enough parental blocks in place and parents should take on the resposnability instead of subjecting porn watchers to this personal invasion.
Also  another point is why should someone be subjected to walking into there local Newsagents for a Porn Pass how embarrasing for them ! It is also open to the retailer spreadng gossip ! Sone Elderly people cannot drive out the area either ! What if the girlfriend/Wife finds the card all valid points and an invasion on privacy. Another point is where does this money go !
Is this another money making scheme for the govenment or spying !

Sorry this is long winded but the News is this law has been delayed, ( if you havent seen the above posts) The govenment are keeping it quiet why  ( I do hope they had some letters from you ladies influenced this decision  ) so I ask you aagain to write to your Mps.  If you want more  extra points to add to your letters  read the post below by  Braziliana   who      has given some good points for a message to your mp .  I previously asked that you also wrote to Margot Jones  and Jerremy Wright      who implimented this bill but I have had letter back saying they wont enter into any correspondance  which is disgusting as they implimented this Bill.  I have to write to my Mp so im wrting again and again to my Mp.
Thank you for reading this.
« Last Edit: 30 March 2019, 08:32:04 am by jasmines world »


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #214 on: 30 March 2019, 07:27:35 pm »
Who will be vetting this ID information, the porn sites themselves or the government or the BBFC? What evidence is there that this is or could be used to collect a database of people's pornography preferences? Genuine questions derived from confusion, but its hard to know how to feel about the concerns you have because some of them seem borne of rumour/conjecture?


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #215 on: 30 March 2019, 11:36:05 pm »
Yes, that's why it's best to get actual information from trustworthy legitimate sources rather than mishmashes of press speculation, and stick to discussion here. Despite the enthusiasm of some, nobody here can give solid, credible answers.

Since this has already been put back twice now and it's fair to say the government are fairly busy with other things, it's likely that solid answers regarding how any of the plan is supposed to work are going to be fairly tough to get from anyone at the moment. That said, since our right to privacy and many other things is largely entrenched in the European Convention for Human Rights, it'll likely soon become even easier to fuck it over without having to try at all.

Meanwhile, the VPN folks will flourish and the teenagers this is supposed to be protecting will all be over in the dark web rooting through the dodgier sites, because there won't be any filter to keep them out.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #216 on: 31 March 2019, 09:54:09 am »
I can just imagine going into my local shop
“Pint milk, 20 benson and hedges, and a porn card please  oh and I’ll have a lucky dip😂


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #217 on: 31 March 2019, 11:02:53 am »
Ah thanks Amy for clearing that up.

Its one of those things for me, I don't really mind the 'in theory' age identification for accessing adult entertainment, in the same way that it is de rigueur in RL contexts, alcohol purchase, 18+ cinema entry etc and I also don't think its entirely fair to blame parents for children accessing pornography - with the best will in the world that's a difficult thing to achieve, notwithstanding the myriad things parents often have to worry about anyway.

However I also appreciate that ID in the internet age is a slightly different ball game with potential privacy invasions/data collection and if there was some evidence that there was such nefarious intent or at least possibility in the way its structured that would worry me (well I wouldn't worry as I don't watch porn  but I would concede the worry was reasonable)  but it also feels very much like that cat is out of the bag in worse ways, in terms of what companies, government agencies etc 'know' or can know about us, effecting our ability to get jobs, rent houses, travel etc etc much more fundamental breadline issues than whether or not we can watch online free porn without having to identify ourselves.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #218 on: 31 March 2019, 11:11:07 am »
One quick look, this was all about protecting children accessing porn?
But, many some wiser or at least more cautious people naturally speculate that this would be a step towards banning these adult sites at some point (?). 

The more solid info is better than fear-driven speculation as commented earlier by other sensible, intelligent posters. I agree.

It would be nice to see a comment on these adult sites: "whore hounding" (whatever you phrase it) is an offence as women involved in this industry deserves the right to peace and privacy" just like anybody else.  My size has always been a giveaway.   I had a heart attack when I was outed.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #219 on: 31 March 2019, 12:05:01 pm »
It would be nice to see a comment on these adult sites: "whore hounding" (whatever you phrase it) is an offence as women involved in this industry deserves the right to peace and privacy" just like anybody else.  My size has always been a giveaway.   I had a heart attack when I was outed.

Regieeee with the best will in the world, harassment is already illegal and this proposed legislation is nothing to do with preventing harassment. If you want to discuss harassment and/or stigma and threats to sex workers then please do start a thread about it, but this is not the place to do so.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #220 on: 31 March 2019, 02:29:31 pm »
Thank you, Amy.   :)
I try to avoid the dark side of this industry as much as I could.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #221 on: 02 April 2019, 01:14:23 pm »
So far the guidelines for porn content are not clear (unless you market yourself as a porn provider).

I'm just thinking of a way to go around it, if you have your own website.
Can you have a bland and sanitised website so that it can be accessible to anyone without them having to jump through the loops of VPNs, porn passes and age verification?
And have a locked part of the website, like a membership part that would require age verification? With sexy stuff inside. Like a nipple.  ::)

The more I think about it, the more scary it looks.
You might think that a VPN is a simple solution, but what if they decide to ban them too? China already banned VPNs.


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #222 on: 02 April 2019, 04:14:13 pm »
So far the guidelines for porn content are not clear (unless you market yourself as a porn provider).

I'm just thinking of a way to go around it, if you have your own website...
When it comes in, age-verification will only be required of commercial websites.  I believe that this rules out websites where no commerce takes place (websites representing an individual escort tending to fall into this very category, as you know).  If so, thank fuck!

jasmines world

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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #223 on: 04 April 2019, 07:06:46 pm »
Hi All

I think I have been mis-understood.

The risk is real for our punters, not only Ashley Madison site had been hacked but many other major sites have been hacked over time.

Ashley Madison Hacked  -Wiki info
'In July 2015, a group calling itself "The Impact Team" stole the user data of Ashley Madison, a commercial website billed as enabling extramarital affairs. The group copied personal information about the site's user base and threatened to release users' names and personally identifying information if Ashley Madison would not immediately shut down. On 18th and 20th of August, the group leaked more than 25 gigabytes of company data, including user details.
Because of the site's policy of not deleting users' personal information – including real names, home addresses, search history and credit card transaction records – many users feared being publicly shamed.'

This is not about you personally  watching porn  but our punters. They will have to purchase proof of age which potensially puts them at risk from a data hack which as shown above exsists. Many punters do not want their personal infomation conected to porn. Risk of wifes, girlfriends and empolyment finding out what they do in their own personal time. They will have to use their credit card or go to a shop, either way its a risk they will not want to take.
The BBFC will monitor it ( British Board of Film Censors) not the govenment.

This is one of many steps for the goverment and do-gooders trying to stop or limit porn. In the U.S.A Donald Trump has banned cam girls altogether so is this the next step for the U.K. We have to protect our industry. The country is becoming more controling over what we can and can not do.

The Goverment has said in one of it's papers they have a concern that these new rules will push children and porn users into the dark web and VPN's. We may be not be involved in this side of things but the goverment has pointed out it will push children to this side of the web.  All the infomaton is there to read on the goverments web site but it is  very long winded; But all the formal papers are on under porn under age verification for porn online; if you care to go on to the govenment website it is fact I tried to stick to the main points my sources were from this and  the Open Rights group   and   had no intention of promoting rumour .  I was also asked a question about what should they put in a letter to their Mp? I simply voiced my concerns about the Internet Porn Identification Bill

Yes the bill has been put back and yes the goverment is busy but it is there and at some point will be pushed through. If no body objects then it will sail through and become law. 

Yes it is for commercial web sites but  is this the first step, whats next?

So All I am trying to do in the best will in the world is protect our jobs. The goverment is at some point going to bring in this bill. What is next? Look at America, they stopped cam girls over night. We all can say its speculation, rummers, press stories but the fact is to read on the goverments web site that an age verifiction scheme will be coming. Its not us you have to wory about its your customers. Men do not ike personal infomation about what they watch being out there. They have a lot to lose, and so do we if more restriction come.

I don't wont to sit back and do nothing then wake up one day and say shit, i didnt see that coming, wheres the nearest job centre?
« Last Edit: 05 April 2019, 07:38:35 am by jasmines world »


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Re: Government trying to outlaw prostitution sites
« Reply #224 on: 17 April 2019, 05:14:09 pm »
The law is being rolled out on July 15th now according to the media.

I wonder whether it will affect those who sell adult clips and do other stuff besides prostitution. After all people who want to buy digital content have to give some details about themselves.

And what about domination? That's huge, but is also a part of this industry.
« Last Edit: 17 April 2019, 11:09:08 pm by Gypsy »
These days there are no Prince Charmings. A girl just has to be her own hero