Well your post was about a daytime TV programme news story that your friend had sent, so I assumed that was what you were asking about

I wouldn't let any random bloke near me for anything other than cash, but in this instance bear in mind that if you don't kowtow to everything he wants (whatever you agree to begin with), you're going to be homeless. A landlord who knows you are working is also in a position to spy on you and your clients, go through your stuff when you aren't there and since contracts based on sex are not legally enforceable you could also find that you wonxt have a proper tenancy agreement either - these are designed to protect you and your rights. What ifnhe decides that a free hour once a week (or whatever was agreed) isn't enough and he wants a blowjob every day or something equally unpleasant and inconvenient?
There are people who are happy to swap their services for other services (photography and so on) but when it's far less complicated and more professional to just earn the money and pay your way, I don't think that many of the posters here are that likely to.
EDIT: There are threads related to this on the board, but I'm knackered so I'll.havd to find them in the morning