Just to bring this up to date, especially as I've just read the "Unsettling News" thread (non-sticky) which worries that the Nordic system is to be imposed in Scotland in the next few months. There's nothing currently going through the Scottish Parliament, so that now looks unlikely.
The crackdown on Edinburgh saunas was as a result of the personal policing ideology of Sir Stephen House, heid bummer of the single authority Police Scotland, rather than any change of heart by the SNP Government. House has announced his resignation due to other fuck ups by the Force, including the M9 deaths (where two people were left in a crashed car for three days after an incorrrectly-handled 101 call, and both died where at least one might have survived) and the death in custody of a man in Kirkcaldy, so we won't have to worry about him for much longer.
Jean Uruqhart is an Independent MSP who has taken up the reins on the topic of decriminalising prostitution, where the late, great Margo MacDonald laid them down. Please take the time to read her consultation document, and respond if you can.
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