Ian I completely agree, but unfortunately this is the situation.
They're asking openly for people to help with the ticket costs of attending rather than sticking their hands in the till and using money needed for taking reports and sending alerts, and in terms of future funding and publicity it would be brilliant. We all know that despite all the work done gathering valuable intelligence on people who badly need to be got off the streets, as far as many charity-donating types are concerned sex workers are somewhere slightly further down the Most Deserving food chain than homeless budgies with diabetes. Plus it's a fancy works night out at a nice hotel, which I know as I've worked from it several times

There's no denying the Vivastreet ads are worth a few quid - it's an expensive site. Last I heard, four people work at National Ugly Mugs so if the fifteen winners bid their hourly rate that should get the tickets on its own, especially if others chip a bit in too (and that's really just an example - I'm sure they're not expecting all the cash to come just from this anyway and even half of it would be fab).
Even I might do a bid, even though I know if I win I'll wind up throwing the phone in the sea after the ad's been up for half a day

I had a look for this but couldn't find it!
If you Google rather than searching eBay I think I found it off the NUM facebook page; my phone won't show eBay so I can't get the item number
